August 7, 2017
Billy Madison Back to School Song
Vanguard 2017-2018
With the start of a new year, we need to gather everyone's information again. If you have not filled it out, please do it now.
IMPORTANT - August Checklist
One piece of feedback we received last year was the need for more guidance during the year. We've created a checklist for August with due dates, important events, and tips.
Feel free to save a copy to your computer, download and print, or whatever you might need to do in order to stay on track!
Vanguard Kick-Off Event
RSVP to Attend
Whether you can make it or not, please RSVP for our Vanguard Kick-Off. We have to provide Microsoft with a list of attendees.
Making the Switch: VanCon 2017
Thank You, Rob Foster!
Vanguard member and sketchnoting extraordinaire, Rob Foster, created this incredible masterpiece at VanCon in June. We will have it available for viewing and pictures at our Vanguard kick-off later this month! Come and check it out in person!
Vanguard Meets Apple Clips
Vanguard members met at the Apple Avalon store to learn more about Apple Clips, a great new app that everyone should check out!
VanCon 2017
Abbotts Hill Vanguard members at VanCon 2017 in June!
Vanguard at ISTE
VanLeadership members met at ISTE to continue learning throughout the summer.
Roving Reporter
This year we are looking for new and interesting folks to interview and showcase with Roving Reporter. Dates and times can be worked out later, but we'd love for you to be sure and sign up for a topic!
Share who you are and what you can do with the Fulton community!
GaETC 2017
As always, Vanguard will send all of our members to GaETC and provide substitutes. The dates are Wednesday, November 8-Friday, November 10.
Here are your next steps:
1. Discuss this with your principal. Let him/her know that the cost of your registration and substitute will be paid for by the Instructional Technology Department.
2. Secure a substitute for all of the days that your principal will allow you to miss.
3. Wait until you hear more from us regarding registration. All information will be shared as soon as it's available.
About Us
Our mission as a Vanguard team is to build the capacity of FCS educators and leaders to personalize learning through coaching and instructional technology.
Twitter: @FCSVanguard