Landmark Dragonfly Update-Next Year
Updated School Hours: 2022-2023
School hours update for next school year 2022-2023
Dear Landmark Families, below is an update for next school year. We will be starting school 15 later each day. Our New start time will be 8:00am and new end time will be 2:30pm. Restructured day continues to be on Wednesday's 8am to 12:30pm. Many thanks, please call the office if you have any questions at 831-761-7940.
Mr. Torres :)
Grades 1st-5th M,T,Th, F
8:00am Start
2:30pm End
Kinder -5th Grade-Wednesday-Restructured day
8:00am Start
12:30pm End
AM-Kinder M,T,TH,F 8:00am-11:30am
PM-Kinder 11:00am-2:30pm
Landmark Elementary
Email: Roberto_Torres@pvusd.net
Website: https://www.landmark.pvusd.net/
Location: 235 Ohlone Parkway, Watsonville, CA, USA
Phone: 8317617940
Twitter: @LMK_Dragonflies