Hall's Corner
October 22, 2021
Dear BHS Families:
Hope you had a wonderful week. We are heading into week 8 already! The marking period ends on November 16th. Please talk to your students about how they are doing and contact your student’s teachers if you have any questions. Quarter averages will be updated in SchoolTool again by November 1st.
Picture Retakes date has changed!!! Now Monday, October 25, 2021
NOTE: You must have your picture taken during retakes if you did not receive your ID already!!!
Monday, Oct 25, 2021, 10:15 AM
In front of the gym!
Mandated by the Brighton Board of Education, NYS Department of Health, and the NYS Education Department.
Masks are required to be worn over the nose and mouth when walking or standing inside any Brighton School Building or on a BUS.
Masks may be removed for eating/drinking ONLY, when seated, in the upper GYM, cafeteria, or lower gym.
When walking around for any reason, masks must be put back on. When students are finished eating/drinking, masks must be put back on over the nose and mouth.
While eating/drinking inside, students must distance themselves from other students as much as possible.
If staff members remind you to pull up your mask or to put on a mask inside the building, you must do so. They are just helping to enforce District and NYS Policy for everyone’s health and safety.
Students may remove their masks completely once they go outside to eat or take masks breaks under the tent or outside on campus when they are free and do not have class.
Replacement masks are available that will fit you better. If you need one, I can provide one to you or you can pick one up in the main office, security desks, or health office.
Military and Higher Education OPT Out Forms must be in by 10/29
Topics covered in today’s Hall’s Corner – READ ONLY WHAT YOU WANT!
Elevator Use at BHS
Halloween Dress Up Guidelines – October 29, 2021
Teen Dating Violence: What Parents Should Know. View presentation
In Counseling
Course Offerings
Students in the News
Athletic News
Brighton - Israeli Exchange Newsletter
American Dairy Association Contest
"Bruinterview", a new student podcast
BHS Ski Club has returned
PTSA Flyer
Calendar of Future Events – Check this out!
Please note that the elevator at school is for students with medical or physical needs. We also have contractors/custodians using the elevator for transporting larger materials during non-passing period times. Please talk to your student about NOT using the elevator unless they have a medical or physical condition. We need to ensure that the kids/staff who NEED it, can access it, when they need it. THANK YOU!
First, students DO NOT need to dress up for Halloween. However, Halloween costumes may be worn at BHS on Friday, October 29th.
- Make sure your costume allows for safe and full participation in all learning activities during the day including physical education.
Please follow the same guidelines for appropriate dress for school when evaluating your student’s costume along with these more specific guidelines:
- Hats/head coverings may be worn, but faces must be visible and recognizable. MASKS and full face make up are NOT allowed.
- All “weapon-like” accessories for costumes must stay home and are NOT allowed on campus.
- Costumes must appropriately cover all under garments and should not be considered “revealing.”
- Costumes may not be offensive or promote the use of illegal substances.
- Students are NOT allowed to wear costumes or make up depicting blood or gore.
View the special parent session on Teen Dating Violence: What Parents Should Know
Willow’s Lisa Nolan, Director of Prevention Education, offers insight into teen dating violence.
Youth ages 16-24 experience the highest rates of intimate partner violence and sexual violence in the United States. Parents and families will learn more about the spectrum of abusive behavior and how to recognize red flags in youth/teen relationships.
Walk away with skills and tools on how to talk to your youth/teens about relationships and violence.
This special parent session was taped on October 20 . Follow this link https://youtu.be/Ck7LJRFz7nI to view. This is sponsored and presented by Willow Domestic Violence Center.
24/7 Hotline 222-SAFE
In Counseling
Class of 2022
College Application Process and so much more!
Click on the link below to learn about Senior Seminars, Instant Decision Days, Senior Office Hours to get help with the application process, College Rep Visits,
Registration Deadlines, Financial Aid, College Fairs, Parent Brag Sheets, and so much more!
SAT Exam Prep Class Info
Are you taking the SAT exam this school year? Walk into the exam with confidence — sign up for a BHS college exam prep class! This class will help you become comfortable with the exam format and style and provide tips for achieving your most successful outcome. You will practice the three sections of the exam, Reading, Writing and Language, and Math, and complete at least one practice exam in class. Classes begin Oct. 19 and 23. There are also three sessions in November. The class fee is $99. Register at brightonschools.revtrak.net. View the flyer for more information.
Writing Your College Application Essay
Get your college application essay done in one week! This enrichment class is designed to help students write a college essay, generate ideas for short answer questions, and provide an overview of the college application. The class meets from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 25 to Friday, Oct. 29 in Room 320 at Brighton High School. The class fee is $99. Register at brightonschools.revtrak.net. View the flyer for more information.
Five Brighton High School students received commendation form the National Merit Scholarship Corporation! These students placed in the top 50,000 students that entered the 2022 competition by taking the 2020 PSAT/NMSQT.
Congratulations to Chan H. Nam, Esma Okutan, Atharva Shaligram, Maggie Smith, and Itmar D. Zahavi.
Check out this website for the most up to date athletic schedules
Follow Brighton Sports on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/BCSDSports
Brighton - Israeli Exchange
BHS-Israeli Exchange Information
Brighton High School is once again excited to participate in the BHS-Israeli Exchange. Marla Taplinger and John Clements are the advisors for this exchange program. Even though the program is jointly sponsored by the Brighton Central School District and the Jewish Federation of Rochester, this is intended to be a strictly cultural and non-religious exchange. As such, any BHS student can participate.
Once again, we are offering the opportunity to all BHS students to participate in the BHS-chaperoned student exchange trip to Israel. Our trip to Israel will take place during our 2022 February Break. Click here for more information.
Learn About Local Farms and Help Your School Win
The American Dairy Association North East is encouraging students to eat healthy school lunches. They have a video at milkvids.com to help students learn that so much of their food is locally sourced from New York State farms and dairies. After the video plays, it will ask you to enter what school you’re from. If a school reaches 50-100 views by Nov. 18, the school will be entered into a sweepstakes with prizes for the school’s students. Help your school win prizes!