Tonasket School District
Weekly Update ~ 8/31/2018
"Focused on Learning and Linking Learning to Life"
One School
One Team
One Purpose - Student Success
School District Goals:
Powerful Teaching and Learning
Student Records and Confidentiality
- Michele Fancher, Emily Bjelland, and Cari Haug presented this August at the NCESD 2nd annual STEM Summit in Wenatchee. The Summit is focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math instruction and resources. There were over 300 attendees, including 9 Tonasket School District teachers, they spent four days learning how to improve STEM instruction.
- I appreciate the feedback I’ve received on the all staff day’s active shooter training. As I mentioned before, the goal was to empower us all to act in a case of an active shooter, give you some practical strategies, and to challenge the perception that we need to be passive in these situations.
These events are very rare, but if it does happen, I wanted those of you who choose to react in a more aggressive manner to have some tools and strategies, and I wanted to get this information before we revise our Emergency Operations Plan.
The district is in the process of developing our Emergency Operations Plan. We will be taking this training (as well as others), your feedback, input from law enforcement, etc. into account as we develop this plan. If you want to be on the committee to develop the plan, please let me know. - The bus parking lot paving project has recently been completed.
- The TEA and PSE negotiations are complete and the school board has ratified both CBAs.
- It is vital that every purchase we make goes through the appropriate approval process. This can take some time so please plan for this delay.
- We had a good start of a new school year this week. Thanks to all district staff and volunteers who helped make the first days enjoyable and smooth. It’s going to be a great year!
- Last week our district received a Certificate of Achievement for recognition of successful completion of NWESD’s Safety Incentive Program. This also came with a small check. This recognition is based on the safety work, led by Mike Larson, that we did last year.
- The MS/HS counselors have moved back to their respective buildings. Kristy Hutchins has also moved to the counseling office to help in her role as counseling secretary.
- The open house held on August 23 had a good turnout. This date was changed from when we’ve typically held the open house which was the evening before the first day of school. Moving the date, allowed the teaching staff a more restful evening before and gave students and parents the opportunity to meet their teacher and see their classrooms. Students usually look forward to that, so having it early may have been beneficial to them.
- Mark Milner has been hired part-time as the athletic and activities director for this school year. We’d like to welcome him in this capacity. Mark has been with this district as our head tennis coach.
- Jolene Gayle has been hired as our ES Resource Room teacher. She previously taught in Moses Lake. We are happy to have Jolene join our SPED staff.
- Before school started, we held a substitute teacher training day where we had 24 subs attend.
- If you haven’t had a chance to visit the new portables for the Choice High School and the Outreach Program, I’d like to invite you to do so. The buildings are nice and will meet the needs of the two programs quite well.
Student Records and Confidentiality
- Employees must protect all student information and should not engage in any discussions concerning a student with any person within or outside of the school district, other than the student’s teacher(s), administrators or other designated district officials, or the student’s parents. There are no appropriate circumstances for a non-certificated employee to discuss a student with a parent without the active involvement of the teacher and/or administrator. Protected information includes, but is not limited to, the student’s academic performance, special needs, and discipline record.
- Educational records are student records kept or maintained by schools.
- FERPA (the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) governs the information in records.
- Personally identifiable student information is confidential – no sharing of student information without parental permission unless a specific FERPA exception applies.
- Student records are available to both parents, even if divorced, unless there is a court order to the contrary.
- Student records are available to staff with legitimate need to know.
- Link to What Every Employee Must Know on TSD website: