Crestwood Intermediate Newsletter
MAY 31st, 2022
End of the Year Information
- If parents would like a printed out copy of the final report card, please let your homeroom teacher or the front office know. This will come home with the student on the last day of school.
- Next year's supply list will also come home with students on the last day of school.
- Students will not receive their 2022-23 classroom and teacher assignments until August 2022.
- STUDENT CHROMEBOOK COLLECTION - we will be collecting all student chromebooks, cases, and chargers by Friday June 3rd. After June 3rd no chromebooks will be taken home. If you have any of these items at home please return these by Friday as you monetary responsibile for any items not returned.
Important Dates
- June 1, 2022: Mrs. Morrison, 7-9 Counselor will meet with 6th graders.
- June 6, 2022 or June 7, 2022: 6th grade visit to 7-12 campus with homeroom.
- June 6, 2022: 6th grade Clap Out at 2:45 p.m. (Letters were sent home this past week.)
- June 7, 2022: Talent Show
June 8th: Field Day: Click here for info! We are in need of parent volunteers to help. Please check for paperwork from your child or click on the link above to print out and send back. Field day will be outside from 9:15am - 2:30pm.
June 8th: End of 4th Quarter, Student’s Last Day
Water Bottles: Please remind your child to bring a water bottle to school. We are handing cups out like crazy and are running low!
Please make sure your student is dressing appropriate for school. We understand the weather is changing every day but please dress appropriate for the weather and for school.
Cell Phone Use: Please speak with your child about using their cell phone during school - this includes calling home if they feel sick. If your student feels sick they are to report to the nurse's office. We are having parents showing up and we do not know why because students are not following the proper protocols. Please tell your student to follow the rules and procedures.
Grades: Have you checked your child’s grades recently? Remember: You and your child each have your own login information and can check at any time!
Crestwood Intermediate School - School Wide Dojo School 2022-2023 School Year
We have some excting news for the 2022-2023 school year!!! We have listened to parents, students, and teachers about improving our communication with all groups. We are streamlining how teachers and staff will communicate with our families. Instead of multiple modes of class communication, we are becoming a school wide Dojo school. All present 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade parents and families will be getting notification in the next two weeks to join our Dojo 22-23 platform.
What does this entail? This means all CIS staff members will be using Dojo to communicate about classroom activities. The school will be using this service to let specific grade levels know about items and communicate school wide any important news.
We are excited that we have streamlined our communication and we hope this makes it easer to keep track on how to communicate. We are still using district wide communication methods (i.e., mass emails and texts) and hard copies in homerooms but as a building we will be using Dojo to help communicate with parents.
CLS MISSION: To help students identify, nurture, and maximize their unique talents, abilities, and skills as they prepare to become successful and productive members of society in the 21st century.
CRESTWOOD INTERMEDIATE INSTRUCTIONAL PHILOSOPHY: To create an engaging learning environment that will inspire and enable students to develop and strengthen 21st century skills to empower the CIS student to become a productive citizen within our community.