The WHS Times

Issue 14, January, 2024
The Importance of Good Attendance
STEAM Fair 2024
What Our Students are Thinking
What's Happening in Our Classrooms!
Knuschke's "Korner"
Important Dates
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The Importance of Good Attendance
Below are portions of an attendance letter that Mr. Pascale and I sent home last summer. We cannot stress enough the need for our students to attend school consistently. Please take the time to re-read this information.
Every day a student is absent is a lost opportunity for learning. Too many absences not only directly affect achievement for the absent student, but it can also disrupt learning for the entire class. Research shows that students who consistently miss school are at risk of lower academic achievement, failure/retention, and even dropping out of school altogether.
Bringing awareness to the issue of chronic absenteeism, and providing information and resources to parents can help improve student attendance and, consequently, student achievement. We saw during the pandemic how important it is for all students to be learning in-person from their teachers and alongside their classmates. The bottom line is this: If your child is healthy, they should be in school.
Most children miss a few days of school each year without long-term consequences. However, when they miss many days, the effects are always negative. The New York State Education Department classifies a student as being “chronically absent” when they miss 10 percent of school days, and it is different from truancy, which counts only unexcused absences.
We have 180 days of school each year. Thus, students who miss 18 or more days are now classified as chronically absent by the State Department of Education. That works out to less than 2 days per month over the course of a 10 month school year. Over the course of a student’s school career, missing 10 percent of school days would equate to missing one and one half YEARS of instructional time.
Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves. Start building this habit in preschool so they learn right away that going to school on time, every day is important. Good attendance will help children do well at all levels, from high school to college and, ultimately, in their careers.
STEAM Fair 2024
Save the date for the 10th annual Webutuck STEAM Fair! The STEAM Fair will be held on Saturday, February 24 from 8:30am-11:30am in the EBIS gymnasium (Snow Date 3/9/24). All students in Grades K-12 are eligible to present. Winning individual projects in grades 5th to 12th are eligible to compete at the Dutchess County Science Fair.
Registration to present at the STEAM Fair is due by Monday Jan 29. Students can register to participate using the following link or scan the attached QR code.
Ask your science teacher for more details. We can't wait to see what you have discovered!"
What Our Students are Thinking
The American Legion Auxiliary: Empire Girls State
ALA Empire Girls State is an educational program of the American Legion Auxiliary, developed from the concept that youth should be offered a better perspective of the practical operation of government; that the individual is an integral part and commensurably responsible for the character and success of her government. It is an activity of high educational value, born of a need for youth training in Americanism and practical good citizenship. The entire program is a non-partisan, apolitical attempt to teach and instill pride in our youth of America a love of God and Country.
ALA Empire Girls State is easily classified as an Action Program. Qualified high school juniors interview for a chance to take part in a practical government course designed to develop in the young citizen a working knowledge of the structure of government and to impress upon them the fact that their government is just what they make it. For a week in July, the program will instruct the young women attending about the privileges of the vote, how political parties are formed and how leaders are chosen and elected to fill the various offices – it serves to instill in them the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of the American Citizenship as they actually participate in the process.
Zoey Armstrong, Senior: "I didn't know anything about the Empire Girls State until I went there. Being away from home on a college campus, in an academic setting was a new experience for me, and it 100% has helped me to prepare for college.
"I learned about how our government works and about how voting works. I didn't know that much about either until I went there. I also had the opportunity to meet other high school students from all over New York State. It was an amazing experience, and I would definitely recommend it for other students."
What's Happening in Our Classrooms!
January Regents Review: Mr. Lubbers has taken the lead with our Algebra 1 Regents Review crash course. He has several periods a day where he and other Math teachers pull students from study halls or different math classes to work on their specific needs. By differentiating the material covered, Mr. Lubbers and the Math Department are helping to prepare the students that are retaking the Algebra Regents in January. If successful, they may look at using this model for the upcoming June Regents exam as well.
Math and Physics in Action: Mr. Monteverde of the Science Department and Mr. Brannen have again planned a Physics Day at Lake Compounce for any student enrolled in Physics and/or Calculus. This outing provides an opportunity for those students to see Physics and Math principles in action, and it appears to have increased student interest in taking Physics and Calculus. This event will take place in the Spring.
Knuschke's "Korner"
If you are interested and qualified, we are in search of substitute teachers for the Webutuck Central School District. Below is a link to the personnel page on our district website.
Important January Calendar Events
Tuesday, January 23-Friday, January 26: January Regents Exams
- Friday, January 26: 2nd Marking Period Ends
- Friday, February 2: Early Release Day
- Friday, February 2: WHS Winter Sport Pep Rally
- Saturday, February 24: WCSD STEAM Fair
Webutuck High School
Email: robert.knuschke@webutuck.org
Website: Webutuck High School
Location: 194 Haight Road, Amenia, NY 12501, USA
Phone: (845) 373-4100