Fairview Falcon Family Newsletter
From the Principal
Dear families:
It's hard to fathom the fact that we've reached the final month of the school year, but here we are! I just want to take a moment to let you know how grateful and appreciative our staff is for all of your support during the 2022-2023 school year. As a school, we have accomplished a great deal this school year; none of it would have been possible without the support and encouragement that we receive from you. Please accept our most heartfelt thanks for helping to make Fairview a special place!
I always tell people that there are fewer happier places on planet Earth than an elementary building at the end of the school year-- there are so many fun things happening as we aim to create memories that we hope will last a lifetime! Please read below for all of the latest.
Reminder: our building will be closed for the entire Summer due to construction. If you need to contact us between May 30- June 28th, you can reach us at Mill Creek Elementary' s main office: 573-214-3280. We'll break for Summer vacation, but our Office team will be back on campus on July 20th.
Have an amazing Summer!
Dr. Simmons, Principal
Fairview Students and Teacher Shine at National Place-Based Education Conference
Our place based student advisory group had the opportunity to share about the PBE experiences that they’ve had at Fairview over the last 6 years. These students spent weeks preparing and they did a dynamic job presenting to other students and educators. We are so proud of them!
Mrs. Jennifer Frank, 3rd grade teacher, presented how her class researched the science behind snow days, collected and analyzed data, and partnered with community experts to connect her students further to their place. Mrs. Frank’s love and passion for teaching was evident to the entire audience. Well done!
In the words of one Fairview 5th grader: “When children are allowed to learn and make discoveries of their own, the likelihood of them remembering what they've learned, expanding on that, and caring about how we treat our place is higher.”
MAP Testing
Our MAP testing efforts have continued into the month of May! Most 3rd graders have completed testing, 4th graders will finish on May 3rd, and 5th graders will test through Monday, May 8th.
We will schedule make-up tests with students who have incomplete test sessions. Please help your child who may be testing by ensuring they get plenty of sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and arrive to school on time.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation
Frozen Pizza Fundraiser
Our pickup day for the frozen Shakespeare's pizzas will commence tomorrow, May 3rd, beginning at 3:20 p.m. The Shakespeare's Pizza truck will be stationed in the south parking lot (near the Fairview Park pavilion). Please be sure to swing by to pick up your orders!
5th Grade Families-- Save the Dates!
- May 6th: 5th Welcome for Students Attending Gentry Middle School, 6:00 p.m.
- May 17th: 5th Grade vs. Staff Kickball game
- May 18th: 5th Grade Graduation, 6:00 p.m.
- May 22nd: 5th Grade Party, 10:30 a.m.
Early Release: Teacher Work Day
On Wednesday, May 10th, we will dismiss at 12:50 PM.
Please contact the office by 10:00 if your child's dismissal will change on that day. 573-214-3590
Fairview Elementary 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
When: Saturday , May 13th
Where: Fairview Elementary
Check in: 8:00 a.m.
5K Race begins: 8:30 a.m.
1-mile Fun Run/Walk begins: 9:00 a.m.
May 17th : Cardinals and Royals Dress Up Day!
Two beloved Fairview teachers, Mrs. McMenamy and Mrs. Wilcoxson, will be retiring at the end of the school year. Both of them are devout baseball fans, so on May 17th, we will have a baseball-themed spirit day in their honor!
Please have your child wear their favorite Cardinals, Royals, or baseball themed shirt on 5/17. Wearing red or blue is fine, too.
Congratulations to Mrs. McMenamy and Mrs. Wilcoxson!
Attention, 5th Grade Families!
The 5th grade party is on Monday, May 22, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Fairview. If you would like to donate food items for the party, click here.
If you are able and willing to volunteer during the party, click this link.
Important Note: Only parent volunteers are allowed to attend the party, so if you want to celebrate with your child, please sign up for a volunteer slot. Volunteers will need to bring their own lunches if they are volunteering during lunch time. Thank you!
Last Day of School 5/23/23
On Tuesday, May 23rd , we will dismiss at 12:50 PM. Please contact the office by 10:00 if your child's dismissal will change on that day. 573-214-3590
We are in the midst of our planning for the 2023-24 school year. A key piece of this is to know who is coming back to Fairview Elementary. If you will be moving, please take a few moments to call our office at 573-214-3590 or email our registrar, Carolyn Hagar, at chagar@cpsk12.org to let us know where you will be relocating.
We appreciate your cooperation!
PTA Fairview Family Directory
The first launch of PTA's Fairview Family Directory is live! To all who participated-- thank you so much!
Creating this resource was a huge learning opportunity for our PTA. Their plan is to re-launch a newer, better version of the directory this upcoming Fall. That way, participating families will have contact information for their child's friends and classmates for the entirety of the 23-24 school year!
Specialist Updates
Hello Fairview Families 😊
3rd, 4th and 5th grade are working hard on the Spring portion of Fitness Measurements. We did these in the Fall as well. We’ll be looking forward to comparing results and hoping for some improvement! All classes have taken advantage of the beautiful weather. We’ve been on the track, walked the neighborhood/Bonnieview area, in the woods and had stations set up outside. Ask your kids what’s going on! Please continue to email or send in photos of your kiddos in action! I’ve received a few and put them up on the bulletin board. Finally, PLEASE help your kiddos remember their tennis shoes. There have been some situations where kids must sit out of some activities because of unsafe footwear. Might as well wear them every day, I do!!
As always, thank you for your continued support!
Mr. Wright
From the Art Room:
In art class students are finishing up our Architecture Unit. Ask your student what they have been working on in art class! This week was the start of our Celebrating Art. We have had amazing presenters so far, and I look forward to the next several weeks as it continues. I am happy to announce we have presenters for all 22 classes! Special THANKS to everyone that reached out and signed up. Please reach out with any questions lrobb@cpsk12.org
Lindsay Robb
From the Media Center
For the last month during checkouts, we have celebrated poetry, cats and dogs, historical fiction, new books and more! Students are checking out their last books and I hope that they have all found books that they LOVE this year. All books need to be returned to the library by May 12, so start the deep search for missing books. I appreciate your help! If a book has been lost or damaged, the fee is $10 to help with replacement costs. If a book is found within one year, the money will be refunded.
Throughout this year, I have offered a Project Lead the Way experience at every grade level and almost all classes were able to participate. Project Lead the Way modules are usually based on science standards (and integrate with other subjects). The students learned about concepts, performed a scientific investigation and solved a problem using the engineering design model. The activities are engaging and empowering for students, and I hope they enjoyed them as well!
Be on the lookout for Summer Reading experiences for your child to help prevent a loss in their skills. The public library and Barnes and Noble usually have fun programs to encourage reading over the summer.
Valerie Harre
Media Specialist
Fairview Elementary School
Technology Specials
In technology all grades have been getting better with coding using Minecraft. We are learning so many amazing tools and features of the program that can be used in our creations. The creativity in these kids amazes me. We have also been using an app called Sketchers School. Kindergarten and First grade are learning the basics of the app, while Second and Third grades are using shapes to create. Fourth and Fifth grades are doing observational sketching. We are looking forward to the next few weeks where we will be making videos using Stop Motion, Clips, and iMovie. I hope you are all enjoying your spring!
Annette Kemble
Media Instructional Aide
From the Music Room
April has flown by in the music room. We have been singing new songs, playing a lot of music games, and of course, dancing and playing instruments. Our 4th and 5th grade choir students presented an outstanding concert based around the book Happy Dreamer by Peter H. Reynolds. As a highlight, all of our Fairview students learned one of the choir songs and performed during our April assembly. Click Here to watch a quick video of the performance. We wrapped up April with our classroom variety shows. We’ve had a really fun time celebrating all our individual talents!
www.fvemusic.com /FVEFalconsMusic @FVEFalconsMusic 420 7838 788
Counselor News:
In the month of May, all grades will talk about careers and do lessons on transitions/using our coping strategies to deal with change.
On the last day of school, we will be doing our annual Falcon Fly Up! All classes will spend approximately 30 minutes visiting a classroom in the next grade level up (Kindergarten will visit 1st grade, 1st grade will visit 2nd grade, etc.). Our 5th graders will go back to kindergarten to see how much they have learned in elementary school! Although they do not necessarily visit the teacher they will have in the fall, this event helps our kids feel more comfortable about the transition to the next grade level by giving them the opportunity to see a classroom, meet a teacher, and ask questions about the grade they are going to. As always, if there are ways our counseling team can support your student or family, please let us know!
Mrs. Hoell
School Lunch
This year, meals at Fairview will only be free or reduced for families who qualify. Please know that this is a change since the onset of Covid-19. If you believe that you will qualify for subsidized meals, you must apply. For everyone else, meal prices are as follows:
Breakfast- $2.00
Lunch- $2.95
This Fall, Fairview will allow parents into the building who would like to eat lunch with their child. If you desire to join your child for lunch, you must ring the front door bell and check-in at the main office. You’ll be escorted to the cafeteria where you’ll be seated with your child and their classmates for lunch. You are welcome to purchase a school meal for yourself or you may bring a meal of your own. Please only bring food for your child and yourself.
Garden Bar Promotion Thursday, May 4th
Did you know that all CPS school cafeterias have a salad/garden bar? Students can select from a variety of colorful fresh fruit and vegetables to add to their tray.
Research shows that salad bars decrease food waste and increase fruit and vegetable intake.
CPS Garden bar choices may include mixed salad greens, broccoli, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, fresh fruit, and more.
On May 4, your school will be participating in our Garden Bar Promotion Day. On this day, students will be offered more colorful options. Please encourage your child to try new and colorful fruits and vegetables!
Upcoming Dates in May
- May 3rd- May 8th: MAP Testing
- May 3rd: Shakespeare's Frozen Pizza pick up @3:20
- May 8th-12th: Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
- May 10th: Early Release
- May 11th: Field Day during Specials (dress prepared to play outside!)
- May 23rd: Falcon Fly Up Day (students will have the opportunity to get a 30 minute preview of next year's grade level!); Last Day of School, early release
- May 30th: Summer School Open House @ Mill Creek Elementary, 4:30-6:00
- June 1st: Summer School begins @ MCE
If your child will be absent for the day, please call and report their absence or email jhouston@cpsk12.org. If we do not hear from you, we will call to check on their wellbeing.
Contact or follow us
Email: jhouston@cpsk12.org
Website: https://www.cpsk12.org/Domain/16
Location: 909 South Fairview Road, Columbia, MO, USA
Phone: 573-214-3590
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FVEFalcons/
Twitter: @FVEFalcons