Message from the Principal
Students & Parents,
We hope you had a great weekend!
In addition to many news updates and reminders about upcoming events and activities at GLOW, we have added a "Who to Contact" list at the top of this week's newsletter to help you get a more timely response when you have questions or concerns. You can click on that image to open it as a larger print file. This list has also been added to the Parent/Student Handbook.
Also, we have included a final reminder for 7th & 12th grade families about immunizations. We need proof of vaccination by Thursday of this week or unfortunately these students will be unable to attend school beginning on Friday of this week. Please get those records to us ASAP!
Wishing you all a great week ahead!
Kate B. Tayloe
7th & 12th Grade Required Immunizations
7th & 12th Grade Parents, this is a FINAL reminder that proof of immunizations is required by Thursday, September 15.
- 7th graders are required to have one dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccine and one dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine.
- 12th graders are required to have a booster (second) dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine if they have not already received one.
If proof of immunization is not provided by Thursday, September 15, students may not return to school until proof of immunization can be provided.
Updated immunization records can be dropped off at school or scanned/emailed to If you have questions about required immunizations, please contact me or our school nurse, Valerie Mustamaa (
Reminder: No Lunch Deliveries
Parents, we want to remind you that lunch deliveries from delivery services or from restaurants by parents are NOT allowed. If a student who packs her lunch forgets it at home a parent may drop off that lunch (in a lunch box/bag) to the front office. No other deliveries are permissible.
LUNCH (from Student Parent Handbook p. 9)
Just as students must be prepared daily with all instructional materials needed for school, they must also prepare in advance for lunch. GLOW Academy participates in the National School Lunch Program and offers all students FREE lunch daily. Students may choose to eat school lunch or bring lunch from home. Students may NOT have food delivered to school during the day, and students may not order lunch from a delivery service to be delivered to campus. Please note that food delivery orders delivered to students at school will NOT be given to the student; a school lunch will be offered instead.College Admission Workshop
Sign up for a workshop aimed at parents in their support of their student in the senior year from helping them navigate the application process to enrollment.
Monday, September 26 @ 6 pm Central/7 pm Eastern (Virtual) - Register here
Clarification: 1/2 Days
We have 1/2 days scheduled at the end of each grading period. October 12, December 16, March 10, and our last day, May 26 are all 1/2 days with 1:00 PM dismissal for students.
Afternoon Car Riders
We will be making a small adjustment to ensure the safety of our students and provide a more efficient system during afternoon dismissal. Students will enter their car at the front of Founders Hall in loading zones. Students may no longer walk up the sidewalk to meet their car. This will allow teachers and staff to safely load more than one car at a time, and decrease the wait time. Please pull all the way forward so we can meet our goal of loading 4 to 5 cars at a time. Thank you for your help in this manner.
Coffee with the Principal
GLOW Live Calendar Now Available
PRO TIP: You can add this calendar to your own digital calendar by clicking on the +GoogleCalendar link at the bottom right corner of the calendar.
Beginning of Year Forms
Please ensure that your GLOW student's Beginning of Year forms are completed and returned to Leadership Advisory Teachers, as soon as possible! Once we receive 100% of our Beginning of Year Forms from ALL students returned with parent signature, we will designate the next Friday as a Dress Down Day for students. More information about Dress Down Day expectations will be coming soon.
COVID Testing Available
Middle School Phoenix Jam
WILMA Magazine’s Future Leaders Initiative for 11th Graders
The program is open to current 11th graders (2022-23 school year) in New Hanover, Brunswick and Pender counties. Twelve girls will be selected for the inaugural class. To apply, click HERE.
Senior Retreat
Info Mtgs for Juniors & Seniors
Opportunities in Our Community...
New Hanover County Community Remembrance Project Essay Contest
The New Hanover County Community Remembrance Project, in conjunction with the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI), based in Montgomery, Alabama, is sponsoring an essay contest for all 9th-12th grade public high school students in New Hanover County. At least $5,000 prize money will be awarded to the winner(s) of this contest. We would like you to make your students aware of this contest. The contest launches September 1, and the final date for entry of an essay is December 15, 2022.
We have attached a flyer which describes the purpose of the contest. More information about the contest is available at our Facebook page ( and at a website which has all the specifics about this project (
If you have questions you can contact us via the Facebook page or at
Please encourage your students to enter this contest.
Money Matters - Finance Education Program
GLOW Academy
Location: 4100 Sunglow Drive, Wilmington, NC, USA
Phone: 910.338.5258
Twitter: @Glowacademy1