Family Engagement Mini Series
2022-2023 Title I
Reading: How to support your child in becoming a reader
November 17, 2022
Reading: How to support your child in becoming a reader
Learning to read is not easy! In this session, you will learn what it takes to become a strong reader and writer. Plenty of easy literacy-building activities to do with your child at home will be shared.
Engaging your Student in Math at Home
January 25, 2023
Math: Engaging your student in math at home
Math can be fun! In this session, you will learn how to help your child build concepts and develop strategies to improve their math skills. Games and activities to use at home will be given.
Study Skills and Homework: Helping your child learn at home
March 27, 2023
Developing good study skills and completing homework can be a challenge. In this session, you will be given strategies to help your child develop into an effective learner. Also, ways to support your child in homework completion will be shared.
Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV
Location: 453 Maple Street, Grove City, PA, USA
Phone: (724) 458 - 6700
Twitter: @miuiv
For additional assistance please contact Amber Sambroak at or Nicky McCall at