GUMC Preschool
December 2023 Newsletter
Christmas Blessings to All!
We Love Because He First Loved Us ~ 1 John 4:19
Dear GUMC Families,
This newsletter comes out as we have returned from our Thanksgiving holiday and are moving into the season of Advent, a time of preparation for the birth of Baby Jesus. Christmas is always such a joyful and festive time in the building! So, while we will all be caught up in the hustle and bustle that began on Black Friday, GUMC classes will also be taking time to reflect on the the true meaning of Christmas. And while we are busy baking and singing and making some very special Christmas presents, children will also be learning that we give because God first loved us - and gave us the gift of His only son Jesus, who is our forever friend. Please read below to see our December calendar and mark important dates on your personal calendars!
GUMC Preschool sends you our best wishes for a relaxing and meaningful Christmas and wish you Christ's hope, love, joy and peace throughout the New Year!
Miss Kim
What's Happening?!
December Calendar
12/3 GUMC Advent Gathering at 4:00pm
12/6 Music with Ms. Amy
12/7 Music with Ms. Amy
12/13 Music with Ms. Amy
12/14 Music with Ms. Amy
12/17 Christmas Cantata "Winter Rose", at 9:30am in Church Sanctuary
Children & Youth Christmas Musical at 11:am in Eyre Hall
12/18 Ms. Emily's MWF 3's Christmas Sing-along at 11:15am in the Music Room
Ms. Maureen's MWF 3's Christmas Sing-along 12:15pm in the Music Room
12/19 Ms. Emily's TuTh Older 2's Christmas Sing-along at 11:15am in the Music Room
Ms. Angie's TuTh 3's Christmas Sing-along at 12:15pm in the Music Room
12/20 Pre-K Classes Program at noon in the Church Sanctuary (Ms. Colleen's, Ms. Angie's and Ms Cindy's)
12/21 Ms. Maureen's TuTh 2's/3's Class Sing-along at 12:15pm in the Music Room
The Longest Night Church Service at 7:00pm
12/24 Church Service at 9:30am
Christmas Eve Family Service at 4:00pm
Candlelight Church Service at 7:00pm
Note: All classes will be celebrating with birthday parties for Jesus. Please watch your inboxes for opportunities to volunteer and to bring in party supplies.
12/22 through 1/2 GUMC CLOSED for Christmas Break (1/2 Teacher Work Day)
1/3 Classes Resume, Music with Ms. Amy
Advent Gathering
Dear Preschool Families,
I hope that your family will join us Sunday evening, December 3rd at 4:00 pm, as we gather to kick off the advent season together. We will have soup, hot chocolate, caroling and weather permitting a fire pit with smore’s. We will celebrate by turning on the outdoor lights at 5:00 pm. Several family activities (a few for a fee) and lots of wonderful fellowship! Please RSVP via text or email
443-375-6463 or
Wishing you a blessed and meaningful advent.
Ms. Denise Martin
Director of Youth and Family Ministry, Glenelg UMC
Christmas Programs
2's and 3's Christmas Sing-alongs
MWF 3's and TuTh 2's and 3's will be enjoying their own class Christmas sing-alongs. Parents will arrive at school 15 minutes before the scheduled sing-along and gather in the Music Room for an informal, fun time of singing with Ms. Amy, after which there will be cookies and milk in the classroom. We ask that guests be limited to 2 adults and infant siblings in carriers. This is due to our very limited space in both the Music Room and classrooms. Please note program times and that children are dismissed to go home after their program.
Monday 12/18
11:15am Ms. Emily's MWF 3's
12:15pm Ms. Maureen's MWF 3's
Tuesday 12/19
11:15am Ms. Emily's TuTh Older 2's
12:15pm Ms. Angie's TuTh 3's
12:15pm Ms. Maureen's TuTh 2's/3's Class
Pre-K Class Christmas Program
On Wednesday 12/20, Ms. Colleen's, Ms Angie's and Ms Cindy's Pre-K Classes will present their Christmas program! Family and friends of Pre-K Classes should arrive at 11:45am and proceed upstairs to the Church sanctuary. Teachers will escort the children upstairs at 12 noon for singing.
After the program we will come together in the Rainy Day Room (Eyre Hall) for cookies and milk, after which the children are dismissed to go home with their families.
Thank you!
GUMC Families are so very generous! THANK YOU for supporting our school fundraisers and our Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Shop mission!
Together we...
...Raised $593 and 28 books through our PaperPie Book Fair!
...AND packed 101 shoe boxes for Samaritan's Purse!
THANK YOU from Glenelg United Methodist Women to everyone who supported the Samaritan’s Purse mission project this year. We collected 169 shoeboxes, overflowing with toys, clothing, toiletries, and school supplies, including 101 boxes from the Preschool and 14 boxes filled online. In addition, we received $127 for Samaritan’s Purse to help pay for postage. Your generous gifts are on their way to children around the world as a tangible expression of Christian love. Thank you for your support!
Church Advent and Christmas Activities: All Are Welcome!
Education Station
The holidays can be hectic — and tense. Between buying presents (expensive and nerve-racking), holiday events (how many holiday concerts can there be?), entertaining (so much cooking), traveling, and family gatherings (which are not always as pleasant as we might like), what should theoretically be fun has a way of becoming stressful. It can be stressful for kids, too.
Read more on how to prevent stress in this article by Claire McCarthy, MD.