Dealey Montessori -Newsletter
December 14, 2022
Dealey Parents,
Beginning Thursday, December 15th, 3rd-8th grade students will take ACP exams. For 3rd-5th grades, ACP exams count for 5% of the student’s final semester grade, and for 6th-8th, they are worth 10% of the student’s final semester grade.
These are timed tests (2 hours each), so please make sure your child is at school before 8:30 as all testing will begin immediately after announcements. It is important that students get plenty of rest and bring a snack to eat between tests. Students may not take exams early. They must take the test during the scheduled window. Students with an unexcused absence will receive a score of 0 for their final exam which could impact their semester grade. Students with an excused absence will be able to make-up the exam in January (exact dates TBD). We encourage students to bring lunch.
Exam Schedule
Thursday, 12/15 Grades 5-6: Science Middle School: 1st and 2nd period Friday, 12/16 Grades 3-6: Reading Middle School: 3rd and 4th period Monday 12/19 Grades 3-6: Math Middle School: 5th and 6th period Tuesday 12/20 Grade 6: World Cultures Middle School: 7th and 8th period
DISMISSAL TIME: 6th - 8th grade students will have early release days 12/16 through 12/21. Lunch will be provided before dismissal, and buses will depart campus at 1:35 pm. The elementary dismissal plan and bus schedule will run as usual.
BUS SERVICE: Normal dismissal on 12/15 at 3:50 pm. We will have separate elementary & middle school buses 12/16-12/21. Elementary buses will pick up ONLY elementary students at 3:50 pm. All 6th - 8th grade students should take the 1:35 pm buses or be picked up. Students who leave campus may not re-enter the building without a parent.
Volunteers and visitors will not have access to students and classrooms until after 1:15 each day.
Please contact Leah Chandler, leachandler@dallasisd.org or Jill Emery, jemery@dallasisd.org if you have any questions.Caroling at Dealey
Weather Reminder
DISD Secondary Esports Tournament
Attendance Matters
The highest percentage of attendance among the grade levels will have the opportunity to wear jeans with a Dealey or College shirt on Thursday. Congratulations 4th grade with 99.37%! You may wear jeans this Thursday with a Dealey spirit or college shirt.
Follow Us On Social Media
About Us -
Email: cribarra@dallasisd.org
Website: https://www.dallasisd.org/dealey
Location: 6501 Royal Lane, Dallas, TX, USA
Phone: (972) 794-8400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gbdealeyPTA/