Principal's Weekly Update
A Message from Dr. Nadjarian
Parking Lot Prayers are back! This week we reflected on the virtue of "temperance." We discussed how the virtue of temperance is about practicing self-control. It helps you control your actions, thoughts, and feelings.
On Monday, we will have a school-wide Mass (K2-8)and then come back to the parking lot (Prek-8) for the Crowning of Mary. All parents are invited to attend!
Thank you visiting families for joining us for Discovery Day at St. Mary's! We are delighted and honored by your interest in joining our community. Special thank you to our student ambassadors in the 3rd grade and Adira Jones, our student speaker, and our parent panelists, Taz, Elizabeth, Chen, and Ithwa. As always, we are grateful to our parent volunteers for their time and wisdom. Thank you to our teachers, staff, and students for representing St. Mary's so well.
Please keep our First Communicants in your prayers as they make their First Communion tomorrow!
Have a beautiful weekend!
Parent Panelists at Discovery Day
Adira presenting at Discovery Day
Thank you to Paloma and Maddie for leading the school in morning announcements and prayers!
Looking Ahead
April 29th
- First Communion
- Teacher Appreciation Week
May 1st
- School-wide Mass and Crowning of Mary at 8a.m
May 3rd
- Parent Volunteer Council
- Dress Down Day- Dress like your teacher or school nurse
- Nurses day
May 9th
- Coffee with the Principal
- Middle School New York Trip
May 12th
- Grade 1 Aquarium Field Trip
- MAP Testing
May 19th
- PreK and K1 Zoo Field Trip
May 24th
- Grades 2+3 Freedom Trail Field Trip
May 31st
- Spring Concert at 8:45 a.m
- International Family Festival
- Field Day
- Grade 8 Graduation and Convocation Mass
- Band Concert at 8:30 a.m
- Last Day of School
A Message from Nurse Catherine
I am happy to report 0 cases of Covid 19 this week.
If your student has not had a well health visit with their pediatrician or a dental exam in over a year now is a good time to schedule an appointment. Well visits will include eye, hearing and scoliosis screenings and make sure your student is up to date with immunizations. Dental care is important to your child's overall health and well being. Early detection of decay in teeth helps to promote proper oral function and prevents unnecessary pain or loss of teeth. If you need assistance finding a pediatrician or dentist please let me know.
Enjoy your weekend
St. Mary's Website
A Message from Renalyn Te, Director of Admissions
We are still considering applications for all grades for the 2023-2024 school year. If you are interested in enrolling the siblings of your currently enrolled children, please submit an application through the admissions portal: Application – St Marys of the Assumption (stmarys-brookline.org).
First Communion Retreat
Early Childhood Spanish
Students learned new vocabulary about spring by matching pictures. They learned more about numbers in Spanish!
Internet Safety Presentation by Brookline Police
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Ms. DeLuca led her class on a detailed scientific seed observations. Students were given a dry bean and were asked to observe the texture, color, patterns, and shape. After recording their observations, they were tasked in generating observations for a soaked bean. Lastly, students planted their seeds and some began to sprout today!
Grade 5
Grade 5 had a guest speaker this week! Adira's mom, Ithwa, came in and shared all about Ramadan. She explained how Muslims pray and fast for 30 days as well as how they celebrate the feast (Eid). She also brought in treats for the class. Thank you, Ithwa!
Grade 6 Science
The 6th grade is hard at work on the Solar System models. The sixth graders are using different mediums to create solar systems. Featured are grade 6 students, Cate and Hailie using foam while other students are using clay and balloons!
Grade 8
Coding Club
3D Model, Sculpt, Architecture Club
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryschoolbrooklinema