Hall's Corner
March 4, 2022
Dear BHS Families and Students
BHS Building-Wide FOOD DRIVE March 8, 9, and 10!
- We need your help and participation! This year we will be having a major building FOOD DRIVE for Brighton Believes Day 2022!
- If you as an individual, family, department, club, sports team, musical group, or activity are willing to join the food collection efforts, please bring in FOOD on March 8, 9, 10!
- Rising food prices are having a major impact on many of our Brighton families! They need your help. All donations will go to the Brighton Food Cupboard.
Food can be dropped off at door #1 or #20.
To start planning, here is what the Food Cupboard needs…
- breakfast Cereal
- canned vegetables
- canned tomatoes
- boxes/bags of rice
- peanut butter
- soup
- jelly
- pasta
- pasta sauce
Thank you so much!
AP Exams Fees are Due 3/15
PTSA Meeting with the Principal, Special Education Presentations March 24 & April 27
Students in The News - So Much to Applaud, Check It Out!
Attention Seniors: Class of 2022 Timeline
Mountain Bound Program
Spring Drivers' Education Registration 3/8, Space is Very Limited
Ham Jam Talent Show - Cancelled
In Counseling
Athletic News
Calendar of Future Events – Check this out!
- New Entrance/Exit Procedures & Open Campus Reminders
- Driving to School Reminders for Student Drivers
SAT Prep Classes
Rochester Peer Tutoring
- Junior Prom
FEV Tutoring Support
Safe Schools Helpline
AP Exam fees are due March 15
To pay online go to: https://brightonschools.revtrak.net/bhs-ap-exams/
Payment can also be made by check payable to BCSD.
For more information on AP Exams go to: https://www.bcsd.org/Domain/259
SPED & Autism - Up PTSA Presents Real Talk, Life After High School & Transitioning out of High School.
about the college search and transition for atypical students. Please click this link, March PTSA Poster, for more information.
The PTSA will host a SpEd and Autism Up Zoom meeting, Real Talk, discussing supportive services during the college years, Wednesday, April 27 at noon. Please click this link, April PTSA Poster, for more information.
Get ready or stay ready for the next official SAT by leveraging the irrefutable benefits of full proctored practice exams. Attendees will take a full SAT under the guidance of an expert proctor from Chariot Learning, who will then help everyone score their tests. Bring a calculator, pencils, snacks, water, and a commitment to score your best!
Participation is free, but you MUST register ASAP by calling 784-5300 or emailing bmlcurbsidepickup@gmail.com.
Comeau Wins State Giant Slalom Championship, Girls Alpine Finishes Second
The Brighton alpine skiing team competed in the New York State Championships on Feb. 28 and March 1 at Gore Mountain.
Senior Ben Comeau won the giant slalom state championship and placed second in the slalom.
The girls team placed second in the team competition. Madeline Stodgell finished third in the giant slalom and 15th in the slalom, Beenie Lucas finished 24th in the giant slalom, and Ava Millard finished 33rd in the slalom.
The alpine skiing team is coached by John Feltes.
Brighton Girls Nordic Wins Third-Consecutive State Championship, Anzellotti Wins Individual Championship
The Brighton girls Nordic skiing team won a third-consecutive State Championship at Gore Mountain on March 1. The girls finished with 89 points to hold off Old Forge.
In the individual race, Cate Anzellotti placed first to win the overall state championship, teammate Emelia Jordan finished second, Bridget Mousaw finished 21st, and Elizabeth Norris finished 26th. In the relay race, the team of Anzellotti, Jordan, and Mousaw took first place.
In the boys race, Miles Mattern finished sixth and Filip Stefankovic finished 25th. Mattern also helped the Section V relay team take first place. The Section V boys and girls teams finished as the top sections.
The Nordic skiing team is coached by Craig Mattern and Rachel Mattern.
BHS Math Team participants rank in Monroe County's top 100!
Congratulations to BHS's 6 Mathletes who ranked in the top 100 of the Monroe County: Clinton Smith, Marlena Berger, Miranda Wei, Kirin Mohile, Jack Hannagan, and Tyler Goerlich. Extra congratulations, go out to Clinton Smith for making the Monroe County A team going to the state competition. He is the 5th top Senior in the County! Marlena Berger also did Brighton proud by making the Monroe County B team also going to the state competition. She scored a perfect 18 the last meet and is the 6th top Junior in the County!
Howard Hanson Certificate of Merit Awarded to BHS Student.
Sara will perform in a recital given by recipients on Sunday, March 13, 2022. The presentation will take place at 7:30 p.m. in Wilmot Recital Hall at Nazareth College and is open to BHS students. Proof of vaccination is required.
Registration for Spring Drivers Education will be March 8 at 8:00 p.m.!
Attention Class of 2022
Check out the updated Timeline of Senior Events,
Class of 2022 Upcoming EventsMountain Bound
The Brighton High School Mountain Bound program will be traveling up to the Adirondacks this summer for its annual five-day adventure, from July 8th to July 22nd. This year’s program involves white water rafting, canoeing, hiking, swimming, stargazing, and some very exciting team building games. No prior camping experience in necessary, there are multiple levels of difficulty within each activity to challenge the first-time camper and the experienced hiker. If you are interested, would like more information, or have questions please contact Mr. Porta (jamie_porta@bcsd.org) for an information packet.
Counseling Groups are Back
March: Counseling Corner
Check out this website for the most up to date athletic schedules
Follow Brighton Sports on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/BCSDSports
Calendar of Events
New Procedures for Students/Visitor Entering BHS after 7:40 AM
Starting on Monday, February 7, 2022, DOOR 20 (near tennis courts) will be accessible by students and visitors from 7:00 AM to 7:40 AM. After 7:40 AM, students and visitors will need to enter & exit through Door 1 ONLY (Winton Road entrance).
Students/visitors with mobility and accessibility needs will continue to enter through door 20.
Students will be required to sign out of the building at DOOR 1 (not DOOR 20) during free periods and for all appointments taking place during the school day. Students with appointments will be given a pass at the attendance office to show security at DOOR 1. After 2:47 PM, DOOR 20 will be accessible to all students and visitors.
Students are NOT allowed to leave campus during FLEX unless they have an approved appointment. A TENT will constructed behind BHS in April.
Open Campus Reminders & Updates
BHS has had an open campus policy for over 50 years, due to its unique location in Brighton and for being so close to 12 Corners businesses. OPEN CAMPUS is available to ALL students periods 5-7. Students with free periods during this time are welcome to leave campus and walk to 12 Corners businesses for lunch. Our 12 Corners businesses love seeing our students, but they do not want to deal with issues or misbehaviors on a daily basis. OPEN CAMPUS is a privilege and not a right. Students needing additional academic supports and/or having behavioral issues may have their open campus privileges revoked.
Students will be required to sign out of the building at DOOR 1 (not DOOR 20) during free periods and for all appointments taking place during the school day. They will also be required to sign back in at DOOR 1.
As of February 7, 2022, OPEN CAMPUS for SENIORS ONLY will be extended to periods 1-3, in addition to 5-7 as a test pilot. Student drivers are not allowed to transport other students in cars during the school day (7:40 AM to 2:47 PM) and students are NOT allowed to ride in other student’s cars off campus during the school day. Students found violating this policy, drivers or passengers, will lose open campus privileges and may also lose driving privileges. We do NOT permit student drivers to transport other students during the school day. Students with appointments during the school day must sign out in the attendance office first, and then provide a pass to security at Door 1.
During periods 4, FLEX, and 8, the campus is closed and students should remain on the high school campus. The campus borders extend to the creek, the back fields, and Winton Road.
IMPORTANT – Families not wanting their students to sign out of the building for OPEN CAMPUS, may contact their child’s assistant principal to eliminate their ability to sign out.
- Students with last names A-G, Mr. Comeau at matt_comeau@bcsd.org or 242-5000 ext. 0
- Students with last names H-O, Ms. Mosher at Teresa_mosher@bcsd.org or 242-5000 ext. 0
- Students with last names P-Z, Ms. Edwards at Ashley_edwards@bcsd.org or 242-5000 ext. 0
Driving to School Reminders – please review with your students
SAT Prep Classes
Are you taking the SAT exam in March? The SAT Prep class will help you become comfortable with the exam format and style and provide tips for achieving your most successful outcome. You will practice the three sections of the exam, Reading, Writing & Language, and Math, and complete at least one practice exam in class. Each class session meets via Zoom for a total of twelve hours.The fee for the class is $99. Financial assistance is available through the BHS Counseling Office. Complete class details and registration are available at https://brightonschools.revtrak.net/rw-online-classes.
Rochester Peer Tutoring is looking for more tutors
Rochester Peer Tutoring's mission is to connect students to peers who can help guide them throughout their learning journey.
Rochester Peer Tutoring is an organization created last year with the intent to provide struggling students with extra support. With the pandemic hitting, many students may feel overwhelmed by challenging courses and heavy workloads. While our mission does extend beyond the COVID situation, we know that students need, now more than ever, easily accessible resources and support.
If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to email us at rocpeertutor@gmail.com.
Co-founders, Delia Zhangfeng and Bhuvana Chimmiri.
Class of 2023's Junior Prom
Due to many circumstances beyond our control and the ever changing guidelines with COVID-19, JUNIOR PROM 2022 is being moved from April to Saturday, June 11th from 8-11 PM. June will allow for much warmer weather.
More information to follow from your Class Council.
We are planning for an incredible night of music, dancing, FOOD, and FUN!
FEV Tutoring Support for 3-12 grade students
This school year, Brighton has chosen to partner with FEV Tutor to provide you with free, school-sponsored, 1:1 online tutoring as a support. This virtual service will be available to students from 3pm-10pm daily and also on weekends as needed. By logging in to student accounts through Class Link, students will be able to request to work with a tutor in minutes for an On-Demand session. On the FEV platform, students will be able to upload and share files directly with their tutors so that they can provide support with specific assignments or projects.
If you have any questions about this free virtual tutoring program, please contact FEV Tutor directly at: support@fevtutor.com or call 855-763-2607. FEV's Support Team is happy to answer any questions and work with you to create a personalized tutoring experience that best suits your learner!
Are you wondering how to help your child get started? Click this link to learn more: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CQd96eSEuYLIhdszrn4AM18mpz4GKxCq/view
SAFESCHOOLS HELPLINE 1-800-418-6423 ext. 359
Examples of safety concerns that you may want to report anonymously include:
- potential acts or threats of violence
- weapons
- sexual harassment/abuse/assault
- bullying/cyber bullying
- concern for someone’s mental or emotional health and well-being
- concerns about suicide/students making concerning comments about hurting themselves
- drug or alcohol use/abuse
- theft
You may also submit an anonymous report through the Safe School website at www.safeschoolhelpline.com or via text by messaging 66746 and
then typing “TIPS” to begin the reporting process.