eLearning overview for parents during the school closure
Dear Hillsborough Schools Families,
I want you to know, parents, that we are here to work with you. You need to know that learning will continue to take place online. Set Up for Success week is March 23-27, where our teachers and parents can get comfortable with eLearning, finalize lesson plans and get access to devices and computers. Classwork during Set Up for Success week will not be graded. Graded work and full eLearning will begin statewide on Monday, March 30.
While we are transitioning from the classroom to online eLearning, it is not to a point where parents are expected to take on a full homeschool initiative. Homeschooling is where you, as a parent, would have to develop lesson plans and assignments for your child. This is not the case in Hillsborough Schools. Our excellent, professional teachers will continue to develop all engaging assignments and lessons, as well as provide feedback and support to every student using the online learning tools Edsby and Clever.
Please read the entire message below. It provides an overview of what to expect in the days ahead, tips for making eLearning most successful for your student and ways to access food and computers or devices if you are in need.
We will address every equity issue that we can. We know that there are going to be gaps in the first week, but our staff stands ready to work to make certain that every child has the resources he or she needs in order to be successful. Thank you for working with us during these trying times.
Addison Davis
Superintendent of Schools
Edsby and Clever will remain powerful tools in helping teachers provide assignments and eLearning to our students.
The best thing you can do right now to prepare your student for eLearning is to make sure you can easily login to Edsby and Clever.
Edsby - For student assignments, grades and parent-teacher communication
- Go to sdhc.edsby.com
- Click the "login" button in the top right corner
- Your student's username is their student number (lunch number)
- Your student's password is their usual Windows/District/Clever password
- In case of a forgotten password, 4th grade students and older can reset using Student Connection at students.sdhc.k12.fl.us and answering the "Challenge Questions". Younger students, or those who cannot remember their "Challenge Questions," please contact the front office of your child's school.
Clever - For online textbooks and learning software
- Go to clever.com/in/hcps
- Click the "Log in with Active Directory" button
- Your student's username is their student number (lunch number)
- Your student's password is their usual Windows/District/Clever password
- In case of a forgotten password, 4th grade students and older can reset using Student Connection at students.sdhc.k12.fl.us and answering the "Challenge Questions". Younger students, or those who cannot remember their "Challenge Questions," please contact the front office of your child's school.
We know you have a lot of questions about what's expected of your student—please see these answers to Frequently Asked Questions
What should students do starting March 23 to continue their education?
Thank you for working together with your child's teacher to continue our students' learning online. Hillsborough County Public Schools has created an eLearning Contingency Plan. Teachers will provide assignments for students on Edsby. This is also the best way to keep the lines of communication between student and teacher open during the school closure. Many tools are also located on Clever, one of our district’s online learning centers. You can find clear instructions on how to login and use Edsby and Clever on our website at HillsboroughSchools.org and earlier in this message.
What is expected of my student during eLearning?
Your student is expected to follow along with the assignments provided by their teachers on Edsby. Your student is expected to continue their normal amount of coursework every day, which will be provided by their teacher on Edsby or—if a teacher is not able to maintain assignments for any reason—the lessons will be provided by our district using Clever. There is flexibility during eLearning when it comes to the time of day a student does their assignments. We understand a family may be sharing a computer or device. There are not set hours for a student to complete their eLearning as long as the assignments are completed daily. Students will be held accountable to complete all assignments given by their teacher in a timely manner. Detailed procedures for attendance and submitting completed assignments are being developed.
How should students or their parents communicate with teachers during eLearning?
Teachers will be setting up specific hours when they will be available during the day to answer questions via Edsby. This information will be sent to all students by the end of the day on Monday, March 25. While student hours are not defined, student questions should be sent to teachers using Edsby. Teachers will answer questions from students or parents within 24 hours through Edsby to ensure proper support. They also will be available to schedule phone conferences when necessary.
How will a student be graded on their course work?
Starting March 30, teachers will continue to grade student work completed over Edsby just as they would if this were a typical classroom situation.
How will students take important statewide testing?
The state has canceled all statewide testing for the rest of the year. We know this is concerning, especially for 3rd grade students and 12th grade students who rely on these statewide tests for promotion or graduation. The 3rd grade ELA FSA will not be counted against students for promotion this year and 12th grade students, who are projected to graduate, will no longer need FSA or EOCs assessment scores. The state will continue to provide more guidance in the future about promotional requirements.
What if my student wants additional assignments or learning opportunities during the school closure?
After the student completes their teacher-assigned Edsby assignments, our district has also provided additional grade-specific assignments and learning tools on Clever. Please use this instructional platform to identify enrichment activities.
What if my student does not have access to a device?
Our district sent out a survey to all stakeholders to better understand families in need of mobile devices for eLearning. We are currently developing our plan to loan existing devices to students, and we are also purchasing new devices for this purpose. As this plan is finalized, details will be sent to families by phone call, text message and email and also posted online at HillsboroughSchools.org. Our projected plan is to have mobile devices available at schools, allowing families to check them out after completing the necessary paperwork starting on March 25. More information will be forthcoming as we finalize our efforts.
How is our school district going to support a student with an IEP?
To support students with Individual Education Plans, school districts have been given flexibility in how services and supports may be provided. This may include delivering special education and related services through instructional telephone calls, homework packets, internet-based or virtual lessons and/or therapies and other available distance-based learning approaches—this also may identify which special education and related services, if any, could be provided at the child’s home.
Our district’s goal is to provide continuity of Exceptional Student Education services and supports in alternative ways during school closures while promoting continued progress and inclusion in the general education curriculum or through access points. In some exceptional circumstances, services may be delayed. The decision will be made in coordination with parents and the IEP team. The ESE department will work closely with school staff and families to provide services and supports to students with IEPs through distance learning. The ESE department will develop resources, tools and professional development to support ESE teachers and other providers in the provision of services and supports through distance learning. Detailed plans are forthcoming so that implementation can begin.
What if my student does not have access to the internet?
For more details on how to sign up:
Comcast Communications is offering a two month free promotion for internet access.
You must live in an area where Comcast Internet Service is available.
For more details on how to sign up:
You can find much more information about these free offers at HillsboroughSchools.org/coronavirus
We have a lot of information available on hillsboroughschools.org/coronavirus. Please check that site first before calling the hotlines.
- Set a regular daily schedule to complete assigned work and study.
- The schedule should be divided into 15-20 minute sessions in order to give students consistent breaks. Set specific goals to accomplish assigned tasks during each session.
- Take a mental and physical break between sessions. Movement will help with refocus your efforts and improve concentration.
- Avoid distractions by turning off the television and staying away from the smartphone.
- Keep a notebook, journal or electronic copy of your work, if possible. This isn’t just valuable to you but will also help your teacher see how you’re progressing.
Children 18 and under can receive food one time each day, covering breakfast and lunch. Federal rules require students be present at the time of pickup to receive the meals.
The drive-through locations run from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. each weekday of the school closure.
Our Student Nutrition Team has been at schools as crews deliver the food and they are now prepping it for students to receive starting on Monday. THANK YOU for all your hard work!
School Board Member Dr. Stacy Hahn is reading a story live on her Facebook page every weekday at 11 a.m. Join her for Storytime Online
The Florida Aquarium may be closed... But is offering SEA-SPAN daily live videos to further educate young learners
Highlights magazine is offering free printable workbook pages for preschoolers-2nd grade students
Email: newsletter@sdhc.k12.fl.us
Website: HillsboroughSchools.org
Location: 901 East Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa, FL, USA
Phone: 813-272-4000
Facebook: facebook.com/HillsboroughSch
Twitter: @HillsboroughSch