Kelso Parent Press
Back 2 School Edition
From The Desk Of The Principal
Kelso Parents tomorrow approximately 370 students in Pre-K-5th grade are going to enter the halls of Anna B. Kelso Elementary School. They are going to be excited, and some scared. Some anxious and others confident. They will be expecting us to be ready to meet their needs and educating them at high levels and having high expectations for their performance.
We need you to assist us in ensuring our scholars are present and accounted for 180 days! That is the entire school year. We will never be able to push them to their fullest potential if they are not present!! ATTENDANCE MATTERS!!
Please read this newsletter for the latest information on upcoming events and happenings at Kelso!!!
Go Eagles!!!
Principal Shanda N. Walker
Welcome Our Newest Kelso Partners
Updated 2023-2024 District Calendar as of August 24, 2023
Pick Up/Drop Off Procedures
Use the following maps for drop off and pickup procedures. Enter in the south entrance. If you are picking up or dropping off your scholar, please follow the procedures. Do NOT pull in to park and drop your child. This puts your child in extra danger to walk across in front of traffic.
For Afternoon pick-up, all traffic will be diverted to the north. This is to assist in the safety of students and the ability to safely have our buses enter Southmund St. when they are dismissed. All traffic will flow to the right upon exiting the car rider line. Cars will not be allowed to turn left onto Southmund as the Pre-K parents will be driving north bound as well. Please listen to and adhere to the directives of our crossing guards.
Pre-K Parents will pick-up and drop off at the Pre-K Gate. Please do not stop you car in the middle of the street to bring your scholars to the gate as this will stop the flow of traffic. ALL traffic will travel northbound to reduce congestion.
Car Rider Pick-Up and Drop-Off
Cell Phone Policy
Phones and electronic devices including smart watches continue to create substantial disruptions to the learning environment in our district. These disruptions include cyberbullying, inappropriate videos and photos being taken and shared, sexting, the use of social media promoting negative behaviors and spreading misinformation, using phones or watches to cheat on assignments and assessments, and ongoing distractions from notifications on phones or smart watches. Because of the extent of the issues and the disruptions we have found a need to clarify expectations for cell phones and all electronic devices including smart watches to make our schools more positive and productive learning environments.
The school takes no responsibility for theft, damage or loss of personal items a student chooses to bring to school. Although students and adults have become dependent on cell phones and electronic devices including smart watches, these items are not necessary or required for a school day. Additionally, all students have access to a Chromebook for learning purposes. Classrooms are equipped with a phone to allow for communication and to make the delivery of messages to students efficient.
Parents at any time may call the building office and leave a message for their student, and if needed a student may come to the office to initiate a call between the school and parent. From bell to bell, the start of our school day to the end of our school day, cell phones and smart watches must NOT be on your person. Cell phones and smart watches are to be in scholar's backpacks or left at home.
***The only exceptions to this rule would be granted for special circumstances by school administration or for medical hardships for students with a personal medical plan on file with the office.
Students whose phones or electronic devices including smart watches are used inappropriately will be asked to hand them over to the STAFF MEMBER ASKING. Devices that are not given to the staff member will automatically start at the 3rd offense.
Anna B. Kelso 2023-2024 Parent- Student Handbook
Case for Kids Afterschool Program is now at Anna B. Kelso for the next 5 years
Come sign up for our FREE After-School Program that offers HIT Tutoring, Karate, Gymnastics, Art, Robotics, Fencing, and much, much, more!!!. No other school in our area has such an extensive after-school offerings. Your scholars will receive third meal and snacks as well. All of this provided free Monday-Friday from 3:00-6:00 P.M. We are so excited! For more information come to or call Anna B. Kelso at 713-845-7451. Please ask for Antoinette Hill-Bidden, After-School Program Specialist for more information.
PBIS is Coming to KELSO!!!! More Information is Forthcoming!!!
And Finally...
This year at Kelso Inc, our theme is "Cooking Up Global Experiences!". The teachers, staff and administration at Kelso Elementary have been preparing for another amazing year. We are excited about seeing all of our new and returning students. We cannot wait to see everyone at Meet the Teacher August 24, 2023 4:30-6:30 and Open House September 13, 2023, 5:00-7:00!
Upcoming Events
August 28th:
- First Day of School
September 4th
- Labor Day Holiday (No School)
September 8th
- Grandparents Day Luncheon
September 13th
- Open House