Brahma Briefing
Week 3: August 23 - 28, 2021
Week 3: August 23 - 27, 2021
Good Evening Brahma Parents/Guardians, Students and Staff,
Welcome to Week Three!
Tomorrow, we begin our 11th day of class of the 2021 -2022 school year. A typical year consists of 180 days of instruction and with each day, we have a keen awareness of the scarcity of our time together. Some might be surprised by the brevity of our time in school thus far, while others may be consumed with the how fast the days seem to pass by. Mostly, I hear the amazement that it has only been two weeks of school, yet it seems like we have been here two months!
Recently, I came across an interview with Oliver Burkeman about time management and the importance of spending our limited time on we value most. In Burkeman's book, he points out the best time management technique is one that helps an individual to "neglect the right things." Each day our teachers hope to build that smart decision making and I am glad that we have 169 more days to do it! #Brahma Built!
Best Regards,
Reuben Jones
MONDAY - 8/23
- Spirit Week & Election Week- Historians for the Class of '23 and '22!
- Sophomores wear RED!
TUESDAY - 8/24
- LATE START - 1st Period Begins at 9:27 AM
- Juniors wear BLUE!
- V Volleyball @ Fullerton 6:15 PM
- JV Volleyball @ Fullerton 4:45 PM
- F/S Volleyball @ Fullerton 3:15 PM
- Seniors wear GREEN!
- V Volleyball @ Northview 5:30 PM
- JV Volleyball @ Northview 4:15 PM
- F/S Volleyball @ Northview 3:15 PM
- All school wear middle school gear for a #TBT!
- V Boys Water Polo vs Bonita Home 4:00 PM
- JV Boys Water Polo vs Bonita Home 5:00 PM
- F/S Boys Water Polo vs Bonita Home 3:15 PM
- V Girls Tennis @ Beckman, Arnold 3:00 PM
- JV Girls Tennis vs Beckman Home 3:00 PM
- JV Football vs Chino Home 3:15 PM
- F Football @ Chino 5:15 PM
- Fire Drill - Thursday, 8/26
- BACK-TO-SCHOOL NIGHT - Virtual - 6:45 PM - 8:07 PM
FRIDAY - 8/27
- Minimum Day
- All School wear PURPLE on FRIDAY!
- V Football @ Chino 7:00 PM
- F/S Boys Water Polo @ DBHS Tournament - TBD
- F/S Boys Water Polo @ DBHS Tournament - TBD
DBHS Athletics Calendar - Click HERE for all athletic contests!
Virtual Back-To-School Night @ 6:45 PM
Bell Schedule for BTSN
At 7:00 PM - Use Aeries to find your teachers!
Brahma Foundation PPE Donation!
#Brahma Built!
Late Start Schedule for 2021 - 2022 School Year
Late Start Schedule begins Tuesday, August 24.
*Staff Meeting time 7:31 - 9:14 AM
1st Period begins at 9:27 AM
DBHS Regular Bell Schedule
1:1 Chromebook Distribution Schedule!
Chromebook Distribution Schedule:
Sophomores: August 25
Juniors: August 27
Seniors: August 31
Academic Support Programs
(California Scholastic Federation-CSF-Students): No cost to student. CSF Peer Tutoring: Students can come to get extra help in any subject from other students. Monday and Tuesday: 3:00-4:30 Room 655 Wednesday and Thursday: 3:00-4:30 Room 719
The Math teachers have organized their own tutoring program that has a specific schedule. See your Math teacher or GLC for this schedule. Schedule also available at
http://help.dbhsmath.org No cost to student.
A peer tutoring list is available from your student’s GLC. The tutors are usually Honors and Advanced Placement level students. It may be arranged for tutoring to take place on or off campus. Costs vary.
DBHS teachers want their students to be successful and learn the material. Contact your student’s teacher by leaving phone messages through the school switchboard at 594-1405. Please leave your phone numbers and times you may be reached. Hearing directly from the teacher what the student specifically needs to work on will benefit all parties involved. Most teachers have a website with valuable information about their classes, and most are responsive to e-mail inquiries. Access them through the DBHS website at www.dbhs.org. and then go to the appropriate link. It is up to the student to approach the teacher and inquire about the hours that the teacher is available.
Mt. San Antonio College (High School Referral Program):
Call for information. Tutoring offered in Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry Call 909-274-4937 or stop by Bldg. 30, Room 115 at MTSAC. Call for details including hours of operation, locations etc.
One-on-One Tutoring via the internet. https://lacountylibrary.org/homework/
Aeries Portal-Log on to our DBHS system and view your student’s up-to-date progress in each class.
USB Leadership Opportunities....Get Involved!
- Attention United Student Body (Class of 2022) … Applications are now available in the USB office for the 2022 United Student Body. If you are interested in running for Executive Board or applying to be a Commissioner, stop by to get the paperwork. If you have questions see Mrs. Van Horn!
- Listen up Class of 2025! Do you want to get involved? Are you interested in being a leader? Applications are available to be a c/o 2025 Class Officer. Pick up your application now in the USB office. They are due August 25.
Spirit Week!
8/23 Sophomores wear red!
8/24 Juniors wear blue!
8/25 Seniors wear green!
8/26 All school wear middle school gear for a #TBT
8/27 All School- PURPLE FRIDAY!
NCAA Eligibility Center
NCAA Eligibility Center
Attention Senior Student-Athletes:
If you plan on participating in college-level athletics at the NCAA Division I or II levels and are in contact with college coaches, you must be certified as an eligible athlete by the NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER.
*Register online at www.eligibilitycenter.org.
Mr. Patterson, our NCAA GLC, will be notified by the Eligibility Center once you have registered. At that time, your transcript will be sent to the Eligibility Center by Mr. Patterson. Only students in the Class of 2022 should register at this time.
Free Food at Brunch & Lunch for all Brahmas!
Dear Parents,
All students enrolled at Diamond Bar High School will receive free Brunch and Lunch for the 2021 - 2022 School Year.
Brunch will be served from the main kitchen windows only, and lunch will be served from the main windows and the following campus food distribution locations:
- The shack by the main window (used to be BBQ)
- Downtown DB by the baseball field
- By the gym
- Upper quad
Students being served snack!
Good food makes for good learning!
Special thanks to our Nutrition Team!
Diamond Bar High School
Reuben Jones, Ed.D
"Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself."
John Dewey
Email: rjones@wvusd.org
Website: www.dbhs.org
Location: 21400 Pathfinder Road, Diamond Bar, CA, USA
Phone: (909) 594-1405
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dbhsorg/
Twitter: @dbhs_principal