From the FSD
December 2022

Superintendent Update
Important Upcoming School Events
12/20 - Board of Education Meeting 5 pm Truman Auditorium
12/22 - Winter Break Begins
December Celebrations and Recognitions
12/4 - Pallister-Killian Mosaic Syndrome (PKS) Day
12/7 - Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
12/15 - Bill of Rights Day
12/25 - Christmas Day
FSD Principals Share State Testing Data
At the November Board of Education Meeting building principals shared how their students performed on State testing that was conducted last spring. Pictured below you will find building data from the subjects tested as compared with the State averages. We are proud of the achievements of our students and staff!
Hall of Fame Ceremony December 4, 2022 at 2 pm
2022/2023 Farmington School District Climate and Culture Surveys
Our annual Climate and Culture Surveys were sent out one last time this week via Remind. We hope that each family will take the time to complete the short survey.
We appreciate the previous survey information from the 2021-2022 culture climate form. Your feedback, along with student and staff feedback, was used to begin our structured goals within the FSD Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.
As in the past, the purpose of this survey is to understand your student's school experience to identify areas for continuous improvement. Your candid responses on the survey items will lead to school improvement and will contribute to the final structure of our Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.
Retired FSD Staff Attend Annual Luncheon
On November 18th the Farmington School District welcomed back retired staff members for a Thanksgiving luncheon. Approximately 75 former staff members attended the event along with current members of the Administrative Team.
Thank you to FCCLA, JROTC & the FHS Choraliers for providing food, service & entertainment for our annual Retired Staff Luncheon. A special shout out to Mrs. Amanda Buchanan for her work on this event as well!
Farmington Chamber of Commerce Honors FSD Staff Members and Student
Congratulations to Mrs. Christy Pierce, Miss Anna Sikes and Mrs. Gae Reid on their recognition by the Farmington Chamber of Commerce! View the awards ceremony here: youtu.be/IIe63zcuPUw
CTA Spotlight
CTA stands for Community Teacher Association and is a representative teachers association. CTA began in the state of Missouri in the 1800s. The FSD CTA has been around for over 50 years and is well-respected by our administration and the members of our school board.
CTA November Classroom Grant Winner Announced
The $100 classroom grant was awarded to CTA member, Mrs. Birmingham from Roosevelt Elementary! Rebecca is receiving her check here from our Roosevelt CTA rep, Mrs. Jenkerson.
CTA Vice President Honored
Mrs. Casey Burch was recently honored by the Missouri State Teachers Association. Mrs. Burch received the Unsung Hero award for 2022. Congratulations Mrs. Burch!
New Bus Safety Technology For Farmington Schools
The Farmington School District is committed to the safety of our students and staff. This fall we began piloting a transportation program called Traversa which is designed to improve efficiency of our bus routing system, help drivers safely navigate routes, take attendance of students riding the bus and much more! We currently have 7 bus routes that are utilizing this program. Our goal is to have all bus routes utilizing Traversa in the coming months.
You will be notified when your student's bus route enters the program. Students receive a badge and a lanyard. Badges contain non-sensitive student data such as name, building an bus route. Students are trained during the school day on how to use the badge. If you have any questions or feedback to offer about this program, please contact us via this form.
Vaping Prevention Team Formed At FHS
School Emergency Safety Summit Hosted By The Farmington School District
The FSD hosted training for area school nurses and safety officials on evidence-based strategies and tools utilized during a medical emergency at school. The training was presented by Sandra Moritz, a nationally known presenter specializing in school nurse emergency training.