Family Newsletter
February 9, 2022
Dear St. Anne Parents,
Everyone was sent the information and date for this year's Casino Royale Night - April 9. The committee are working hard to come up with great auction items and baskets that will appeal to everyone. Corporations can be a generous source of funding or gifting for auctions. Apple, Google, Bank of America, Charles Schwab, and others set aside money to donate to non-profits such as our school. Could I ask you to please see if you can ask the company (large or small) or corporation that you work for to consider making a cash donation, sponsoring a game table ($250.00 / table), or donating an item to our Casino Royale? Their donation can be totally written off since our school is a 501 (c) 3 corporation. Our tax id # is 94-1156680. Receipts will be give to all donors. It would be much appreciated if you could approach your company's finance office by the end of NEXT WEEK about donating to our event.
If you or they have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call or email me with their question. Thanks so much.
Tickets are on sale now! Be sure to go to this website to purchase your tickets and find out more about this fun evening.
2/1-11 STAR RENAISSANCE Testing Period
2/9 First Reconciliation Parent Mtg. TONIGHT (7:00 p.m.)
2/14 Happy Valentine's Day...students can come dressed in red, white, pink Valentine colors.
2/18 Movie Day (Fundraiser for 7th & 8th Gr. D.C. trip)
2/21 Presidents' Day (School Closed)
2/23 Parent Tour (Zoom @ 9:00 a.m.)
2/28 12:30 Dismissal; SAPTO Mtg. (7:00 p.m.)