Smithfield Elementary
February 2023
Message from the Principal
Hello Smithfield Families!
Welcome to a new year! We have many exciting things being planned for your children during 2023 and look forward to getting started!
Congratulations to Gianna S. for making it to the second round of the Spelling Bee.
Thanks to all for the Penny Wars contributions, We raised $720 for SWPBS.
Congratulations to Kindergarten for having the most points they will receive an Ice Cream party, All grades were extremely close in points!
As always, if you have any questions, please call our office at (570) 421-2841. Wishing you a safe and healthy winter season...
Eric Kerstetter - Principal
phone # 570-421-2841
Calendar of Events at Smithfield Elementary
10th: 2 Hour delay
13th: PTO meeting 6-8pm
13-27th: PTO Believe Kids Fundraiser - Online
17th: SWPBS Fundraiser - Red Carpet Photos $1
20th: Presidents Day - No School
28th: South Inst. Music Concert
Event Information
PTO Meeting
Look for more details at the start of the new school year.
When?: Tuesday, February 13, 6:30-8pm
February is Dental Health Month
Weather Issues
In the case of weather-related cancellations, early dismissal, and delayed openings there are many methods you can use to stay informed. The district communicates in the following ways:
District Website
News Channels WBRE; WFMZ; WNEP; WYOU; BRC-13
Blackboard Connect Ed. (Sapphire Community Portal account)
Recess During the Winter Months
- Students will have outdoor recess if the outside air temperature or wind chill is 32 degrees or warmer.
- We like children to wear warm coats when they go outside during the winter months. If you do not require your child to wear a coat outside please let their teacher know.
Counselor Corner - Newsletter and resources!
Photo of Mrs. Rovi and Mrs. Osmun
ESASD Attendance and Truancy Procedures
Email for Attendance Notes
Birthday Celebrations
Any items sent from home must be prepackaged to share with others.
Order forms are located on the District web page under Food Services for The Birthday Basket package that parents/guardians will be able to purchase to celebrate their child's special day.
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