CTE and CCMR News
A Publication of ESC Region 11 • June 2022
ESC Region 11 CTE
A Note from Lisa and Chelsea
Hello CTE Friends,
It's June, and you have successfully completed another school year! We hope you all take a moment to breathe in deep and let out the sigh that comes with a great accomplishment. As much of your staff go off contract, we realize there is still much work to be done to close out 2021-22 and prepare for 2022-23. Hopefully, that work happens in a more casual atmosphere with a bit of a summer vibe!
This time of year, many CTE-focused grants, TEA reports, and professional development opportunities are released. We have included much information on all these things below. We encourage you to organize necessary connections as your staff changes. Please include us, and have new additions to your CTE family connect to our listserv and our website! We are excited to roll out a new website this summer to better serve you.
For those going off-contract for the summer or just planning for a little summer vacation time, please engage in well-needed rest and relaxation! Soak in some sun, visit with family and friends, enjoy a vacation or staycation and recharge your batteries. We will be here to serve you this summer and look forward to seeing you at upcoming professional learning!
Best regards,
Lisa and Chelsea
June To-Do List
- Verify any CTE summer school programs are correct in PEIMS.
- Collect information on student industry certifications for IBC Reimbursement. (Earned before May 31. Submit now. Earned June 1 or after, submit in fall.)
- Perkins grant - Complete the annual Perkins Grant Application (In eGrants in TEAL). SSA Members will not have to answer all sections. The fiscal agent completes portions in their own submission.
- Finalize all end-of-fiscal year expenditure reports. Final Perkins Expenditure Report Due (Districts that apply as the fiscal agent for Perkins grant)
- Finalize all interviews and new hires for the following school year
- Finalize master schedule and all CTE teacher assignments
- Summer maintenance on computer labs, necessary software, and re-imaging computers in preparation for 2022-2023.
- Review Principal and Superintendent FTE reports for accuracy
- Meet with PEIMS Coordinator for changes/updates
2022 Pathways to Texas CCMR Summit Call for Presentation Proposals
Pathways to Texas College, Career, and Military Readiness Summit
October 26-27, 2022
9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
ESC Region 11
1451 S. Cherry Lane in White Settlement
Call for Proposals
We are seeking proposals that align with the strands of CCMR:
- Career and Technical Education
- College Dual Credit
- Counseling, P-16 Initiatives
- Transition
Submission Deadline
The deadline for submission is Monday, August 1, 2022, by 5:00 p.m. Accepted proposals will be announced no later than Monday, September 12, 2022. Please note that some fields are designated as required and marked with an asterisk. All required fields must be complete to submit your proposal. Any questions regarding proposals may be directed to Lindsay Lindeman at llindeman@esc11.net. Vendor presentations will not be accepted.
Submit your presentation proposals here.
2022-2023 CTE Teacher Professional Learning Network
Do you have questions about strengthening your CTE Programs of Study? Do you have wisdom and experience to share? Join us for the 2022-2023 Career and Technical Educators Professional Learning Network. These every other month convenings by unique CTE Career Clusters will:
Create a strengthened unit of professional educators in each CTE Career Cluster and CTE Programs of Study for enriched fellowship, professional learning, and networking.
Cultivate a place for all CTE teachers, no matter your years of service
Consult with business and industry partners
Capitalize on CTE resources through document and conversation sharing
Please complete this brief survey to remain in contact with the 22-23 CTE Teacher Professional Learning Network!
Practicum of Entrepreneurship Teacher Training: Call for Collaboration!
Please complete the following survey to communicate your interest in collaborating with other LEAs to create a Practicum of Entrepreneurship Teacher Training in accordance with the following TEA requirement: "CTE teachers who do not possess a SBEC Teacher Certification in Business, Marketing, or Finance shall be required to complete six hours of a LEA approved Entrepreneurship training, six hours of a LEA approved training for teachers of Entrepreneurship, and the TEA required training for all teachers of work-based learning programs" found here: https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/practicum-in-entrepreneurship-2021.pdf
Helpful Information Straight from TEA!
Reimbursement Reports Available in TEAL
The student-level reimbursement reports are now posted in TEAL for LEA record-keeping. LEAs can view the assessment and IBC exam for which they received reimbursement for a student. These reports are for LEA record-keeping purposes only. No action is requested from LEAs, and no appeals are allowed.
*Note- You must have LEA leadership approval to have the rights in TEAL to access these reports.
Instructional Materials Update (May 2022)
EMAT is Open for the 2022–23 School Year
EMAT is now open for districts to begin ordering instructional materials for the 2022–23 school year. Authorized users must complete the following three prerequisites before placing orders:
- Complete the 2022–2023 Allotment and TEKS Certification survey form. Information on the revised certification process can be found on the TEA website.
- From your district start page, enter at least three preferred delivery date ranges for 2022–23 orders shipped during the summer. These are dates someone is available at your district to receive the shipments.
- Review and verify or update district user contact information and delivery addresses.
Proclamation 2024: Science, Technology Applications, Career and Technical Education, and Personal Financial Literacy and Economics Materials
The State Board of Education (SBOE) issued Proclamation 2024 at its April 2022 meeting calling for instructional materials for science (K–12), technology applications (K–8), several career and technical education courses, and Personal Financial Literacy and Economics. Instructional materials from this proclamation will be available for use in schools beginning in the 2024–25 school year.2022-23 Texas Regional Pathways Network (TRPN) Cohort 4
The 2022-2023 Texas Regional Pathways Network (TRPN) Cohort 4, also known as the CTE Perkins Reserve grant, has been published on the TEA Grant Opportunities webpage. This grant aims to support regions in implementing high-quality career and education pathways aligned to an industry that meets regional labor market demand. The TRPN Grant Program has been designed to support collaboration through cross-sector teams to implement high-quality career and education pathways at the regional level. Regional teams are led by an intermediary organization prepared to convene cross-sector stakeholders, plan and implement work-based learning systems, and provide technical assistance to their regional partners.
The application submission date is July 1. Any questions may be sent to Lindsey Phillips and will be addressed in the applicant webinar or FAQ document. The date for this has not yet been posted.
Performance Reporting
A–F Accountability
The College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) Verifier will be available in the TEA Login (TEAL) Accountability application from Wednesday, May 25 to June 22. The CCMR Verifier provides districts an opportunity to verify the accuracy of their CCMR data and, if needed, submit official documentation to correct data. CCMR indicators determined by TSDS PEIMS submissions are not eligible for corrections and, therefore, will not be shown. The CCMR Verifier will contain data for 2020-21 annual graduates and non-graduating 12th graders.
Performance Reporting Calendar
May/June: TXschools.gov refreshed
May/June: CCMR Verifier released in TEAL
June 11: Campus comparison groups released in TEAL
June 18: Campus comparison groups released publicly
Late June: Part 2 of CCMR Tracker released in TEAL
July: Final 2022 CCMR Student Listing released in TEAL
August 15: Accountability ratings released publicly
Fall 2022: 2023 accountability system targets and cut points released
August 2023: Accountability ratings under the reset system released
* We are receiving questions about making corrections to IBCs through the verifier. This is not an option. They are reported through PEIMS and are not eligible for correction.
Career and Technical Education Teacher Professional Development Update
The Texas Education Agency will host four regional convenings to provide professional development for Career and Technical Education teachers. These trainings will prepare CTE teachers with enhanced classroom management skills, new instructional strategies, an exploration of different learning styles, and a deep dive into TEKS and program standards.
The CTE Teacher PD developers at ESC Region 20 recognize the effect that COVID-19 has had on each classroom - including the strain that the substitute shortage across the state has placed on school districts and charter schools. The regional design of these convenings reflects a concerted effort to shorten travel while still providing quality professional development. We hope you can join us as we partner with you in your region.
Please Register for the Convening Nearest You - Click the Link to Register
June 14 and 15, 2022
(Originally April 19 and 20, 2022, Now Rescheduled For June)
Southwest Quadrant – Serving Districts in ESC 1, 2, 3, 19 and 20
Registration open to the entire state of Texas
June 1 and 2, 2022
Northeast Quadrant – Serving Districts in ESC 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12
Postponed - materials are not yet ready. The August virtual training is open for registration.
August 16 and 17, 2022
Statewide Convening
Registration open to the entire state of Texas
September 7 and 8, 2022
Northwest Quadrant - Serving District in ESC 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18
September 27 and 28, 2022
Southeast Quadrant – Serving Districts in ESC 4, 5, 6, and 13
Each convening will be a day and a half in length; you may register for your region's convening or any regional convening.
Day One: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Day Two: 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Keynote Speakers: Ruthie Kneupper, Twila Johnson, and Dale Fowler
A–F Accountability
2022 Accountability Manual
The internal review period for the 2022 Accountability Manual has been extended, causing the public comment period to be pushed back. The proposed public comment period for the 2022 Accountability Manual is now scheduled for May 6–June 6.
PEIMS Updates
HB 1525 required changes to PEIMS
The following CTE FTE reports have been updated with the new CTE code requirement changes:
PDM3-120-013 Special Programs Attendance Data
PDM3-130-001 Superintendent's/Principal's Report of Student Attendance
PDM3-130-002 Superintendent's/Principal's Report of Career and Technical Education Eligible Days
PDM3-130-005 Comparison of Current Year and Prior Year Attendance
PDM3-130-006 Campus Attendance Diagnostic Messages
PDM3-130-008 Superintendent's/Principal's Summary Report of Student Attendance
PDM3-130-009 Attendance by District of Residence
These reflect the change to the new Tiered CTE Weighted Funding.
- Tier 1 - 1.1
- Tier 2 - 1.28
- Tier 3 - 1.47
News from the Grants Administration Division
Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century
TEA will release the consolidated applications for federal grant funding as follows:
- ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application – May 18, 2022
- Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal) – June 8, 2022
- Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century – June 15, 2022
- Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century-Institutions – June 15, 2022
The following Applicant Designation and Certification (ADC) forms will open on May 11, 2022:
- Perkins V and Perkins V Institutions
- SPED Federal
The ESSA ADC for LEAs will open on May 18, 2022.
The consolidated grant applications must be submitted to TEA by September 2, 2022, to be considered for funding.
Training Available – Register Below!
TEA staff will conduct the following application training sessions through video conference webinars. Register for each session in advance by clicking on the session titles below. The capacity is limited to 500 participants. These trainings will be recorded and posted on TEA’s Grants Administration Grant Resources webpage.
June 7, 2022
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
June 16, 2022
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
June 16, 2022
1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
FTC Coaches Training
Merged 2022: The workshop for Graphic Design Teachers
Petroleum Science & Technology Institute
The University of Texas at Austin is offering its Petroleum Science and Technology Institute for Texas high school STEM teachers in-person this summer (July 18-22, 2022). All expenses are covered, and teachers who fully complete the program receive a stipend of $900. They are currently taking applications on a rolling basis. More information and registration can be found here: https://www.pge.utexas.edu/about/strategic-plan/petroleum-science-and-technology-institute
Shake Hands With Your Future
CTE Counselor Trainings
TEA created two trainings for counselors that are all about CTE!
CTE Counselor Training: CTE Programs - An Infrastructure for College, Career, and Military Readiness.
- June 20, 2022
- 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- Register
CTE Counselor Training: Effective Advising for CTE Programs - Ensuring Access & Equity of College, Career, and Military Readiness.
- June 27, 2022
- 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- Register
Creating Inclusive Environments
Virtual Series
This virtual series will focus on four foundational practices that educators can employ to create an inclusive environment that honors every student in their classroom. You may choose to attend one session or all, so we encourage you to register as soon as possible!
Instruction in an Inclusive Classroom
June 27, 2022
9:00 a.m. - noon or 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
There is no cost to attend, but space is limited — three CPE Hours per session.
To register, visit https://registration.esc11.net/.
Community Health Worker Instructor Training
Region 10 ESC will be once again hosting a Community Health Worker Instructor Training.
During this training, participants will become certified Community Health Worker Instructors (CHWI) through DSHS. Certified instructors will then be able to certify their students as Community Health Workers (CHW) by adhering to the process set forth by Region 10. The CHW certification students will earn from their CHWI (their teacher) counts for A-F Accountability and reimbursement through HB3.
This course will include the TEA and DSHS-approved curriculum guide participants will need to provide the 160-hour training to their students and certify them as a CHW. Furthermore, the Region 10 ESC will serve as submission liaison for Student CHW Certificates of Completion and applications to TEA and DSHS for Certification as a Texas Community Health Worker. This training will begin with a kick-off session on August 22, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. - noon via Zoom.
Zoom details will be sent to registered participants before the kick-off date. Questions regarding this training should be directed to kristina.jones@region10.org or julie.anderson@region10.org.
Training Format:
- Kick-off Training Session (MANDATORY): August 22, 2022; 9:00 a.m. - noon
- Online Course: At the August 22 kick-off, participants will be granted access to the online course for the CHWI training. Participants will have until October 27 to complete the course materials REGARDLESS OF REGISTRATION DATE! Participants will NOT be granted additional time to complete coursework for any reason. If a participant does not attend on August 22, they will not be able to complete this training and will have to register for a future training.
- Wrap-up Training (MANDATORY): October 27, 2022; 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. via Zoom; NOTE: only participants that attend the kick-off training will be able to register for this wrap-up training.
Registration ends at midnight on Monday, August 15, 2022
2022-2023 Professional Learning Opportunities
Registration links coming soon!
2022-2023 CCMR/CTE Leadership Meetings
- August 25, 2022
- September 22, 2022
- October 26 and 27, 2022
- November 10, 2022
- December 1, 2022
- January 12, 2023
- February 23, 2023
- March 23, 2023
- April 18, 2023
- May 18, 2023
2022-2023 Summits
2022 Pathways to Texas CCMR Summit
2023 Expert to Expert CTE Summit
2023 Expert to Expert CTE Summit
April 18, 2023
9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Drones in the Classroom
SMU Summer PD
Date: June 28-June 30, 2022
Where: SMU Campus, Dallas TX: https://www.smu.edu/AboutSMU/Maps
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CST each day
Cost: Full training is $500 or $1,500 with a drone.
Contact: Please contact Dr. Kenneth Berry at DroneEd@smu.edu if interested. If you would like to register, please go to this website: https://smu.nbsstore.net/arise-drone-summer-professional-development.
Drone: You can bring your own drone or purchase one with registration (See attached flyer). The stock requirement is a PixHawk or compatible flight controller. 400 to 600 mm diagonally, GPS, and camera.
*Travel, food, and lodging not included. 20 hours of continuing education Credit upon request
ESC Region 11 CTE Website
ESC Region 11 Resources
Other Resources
- CTAT Resources
- Connect CTAT Online Forum
- Resource Google Doc by Pathway
- Texas CTE powered by TEA
ESC Region 11 CTE
Lisa Harrison, M.Ed.
Administrator Coach for CTE and CCMR
Email: lharrison@esc11.net
Website: https://www.esc11.net/CTE
Location: 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX 76108
Phone: (817) 740-7527
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ESC11CTE/
Twitter: @ESC11CTE
Chelsea Reeves, M.Ed.
CTE Coach
Email: creeves@esc11.nert
Website: esc11.net/CTE
Location: 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX, USA
Phone: 817-740-7654
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ESC11CTE/
Twitter: @ESC11CTE