Fredericktown High School Update
October 6th, 2023
Upcoming Events
October 11th
- Choir Concert- 7 PM in the Elementary Commons: The 6th-12th grade choirs will perform music from the Beatles, the Jackson 5, Disney, and more. Concerts are less than an hour and free to attend.
October 12th
- Volleyball Senior Night starting at 4:30 F/JV/V
FHS Band - New Albany High School: New Albany Band Festival
No Classes
- High School Parent-Teacher Conferences - 3-6 PM
October 27th
- No Classes
NHS Induction Ceremony
Congratulations to our New National Honor Society Inductees!
Isaac Anderson, Kara Fields, Cassie Fisher, Eliana Kershner, Bella Kraus, Mathew Lewis Lightle, Lauren Neighbarger, Maya VanHouten, Fiona Walsh
Congratulations to Will Streby, District Champion!
Will Streby will be moving on to State next Friday and Saturday
PBIS Students of the Month
Congratulations to the following PBIS middle and high school students of the month!
High School Students: Trinity Garretson, Raena Overholt, Kaitlyn Reed, Bailee Wynn, Korbin Rogers, Braxton Horlacher, Kaleb Hobbs, Kooper Auker, Elizabeth Hoeksema, Cole Hamilton, Nolan Bender
Middle School Students: Reid Overholt, Cora Frye, Laken Hunter, Emily Breeze, Levi Platt, Reese Canterbury, Maliki Snelling
School Counselors
Please look over the following information:
- Early Action deadline to apply to some colleges begins November 1st. Be sure to check with each of your colleges that you wish to apply to. Regular action for some colleges is December 1st. If your son/daughter needs any help with applying to colleges, please let Mrs. Barta know. She is more than willing to help! Many colleges are waiving the application fee from October 1st to November 1st.
- Resources for scholarships: https://studentscholarships.org/ and https://www.goingmerry.com/
Schedule of Events:
- Wednesday, October 11- PSAT/NMSQT test for Sophomores and Juniors
- Friday, October 13- End of first nine weeks
- Friday, October 20- KCCC visit Sophomore US History classes
- Tuesday, October 24- Mandatory meeting for parents and students for taking College Credit Plus classes for next school year in the Commons
- Thursday, November 2- ASVAB Career Exploration Test at FHS 8-11am
- Tuesday, November 14- Sophomore visit to KCCC
- Wednesday, November 15- 8th grade visit to KCCC
- Thursday, November 16- Applications open for students interested in attending KCCC 4:30-midnight then it closes
- Thursday, November 16- KCCC Open House 4:30-6:30
Nurses Notes
Lice Information
Attention parents/guardians. We are seeing head lice at several different grade levels within the school. Please help us out by checking your student's hair, and doing the appropriate treatment measures if lice or nits are found. The video link is from the American Academy of Dermatology. It is a YouTube video that provides direction/instruction on how to assess and treat lice.
Some of the biggest takeaways*
Only use ONE product at a time
Don't wash your hair for 2 days after applying the lice shampoo
Vacuuming furniture, beds, carpet, vehicle upholstery. Throw the vacuum bag away in the outside trash or empty the vacuum canister outside in the trash and clean particles out of the canister.
We thank you for providing assistance with this matter.
If you choose to not have your child vaccinated, an exemption form needs to be filled out and turned in as soon as possible. For those needing immunizations, appointments are available Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm at the Knox County Community Health Center, 11660 Upper Gilchrist Rd., Mount Vernon OH 43050
Call 740.399.8008
- Tdap/Td: Grade 7-12 One dose of Tdap vaccine must be administered on or after the tenth birthday
- MCV4 (Meningococcal): Grade 7 One dose of meningococcal vaccine must be administered on or after the tenth birthday. Grade 12 Two doses of MCV4. Second dose on or after age 16 years. If the first dose was given on or after the 16th birthday, only one dose is required.
Our Career Center Students Involved in Fall Extracurriculars
Our Busy Classrooms!
Students working on their figurative language presentations
Learning how to create value scale with sketch and wash
Amendment Presentations
Project Lead the Way Carnival
Supporting our Freddies
Our priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. We encourage everyone to actively participate in creating a nurturing environment that promotes open communication, empathy, and understanding. If you know a student who may need support, or if you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our social workers or school counselors. Working together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of our students.
Hannah Art, Social Worker
740-694-2781 ext. 3412
Cindy Truex, Social Worker
740-694-2781 ext. 3412
Karen Barta, HS/MS School Counselor
740-694-2726 ext 3411
Melissa White, Elementary School Counselor
740-694-2781 ext. 3410
Fall Sports Schedule
Click on the link below to view Fredericktown Local School District's Fall Sports Schedule: