Principal's Newsletter
September 26, 2022
Principal's Message
Dear Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion families,
We had a successful Back to School Night and it was great to see everyone in person at school. I know some of you arrived later so I want to share the slide deck we used as an introduction to the evening: Back to School Night Slide Deck. We had a wonderful in person assembly the students and staff enjoyed with 123 Andrés y Christina. They brought great energy and were able to engage the students and get them up and dancing! Andrés and Christina deliver a message about the importance of learning Spanish, about being proud of Latino culture, and they taught some geography of Latin America in a fun way. I particularly enjoyed the "Alebrije" chant they adlibbed on the spot. I would encourage TK-2nd parents to play their songs with your family as a fun way to learn Español: 123 Andrés YouTube channel. Here are a few quick videos from the assemblies(and some photos below):
Parents we need your help supporting students reading independently (and with you) at home. All students are expected to read 25-30 minutes nightly. You can help at home by monitoring and reading with your child daily for 25-30 minutes. Students have Take Home reading books in book bags in K-3rd grades, and 4th-5th graders have library books they should use for at home reading. Parents/Guardians can help student reading comprehension by asking questions during the reading:
- Predicting--"What do you think will happen next?": "I think___will happen next because____"
- Visualizing:"What are you seeing in your mind while reading?": " I was able to picture in my mind_____ while reading"
- Making Connections: "Are there any characters in the story that remind you of yourself?"
- Summarizing:"What is the story mostly about?": "The story was mostly about _____"
- Monitoring Comprehension: "What is the setting of the story?", What was the main problem of the story and how was it resolved?, "Who are the main characters of the story?"
- Critical Thinking: "Why do you think the author wrote the story?", "What's your favorite part of the story and why?"
Gail Boushey, who coauthored The Cafe Book on reading, gives practical advice for parents/guardians to establish a routine for students to read at home in this series/playlist of You Tube videos . She talks about the importance of students working on building stamina for reading independently at home in terms of finding a comfortable and quiet spot to read, getting started reading right away, reading silently, reading the whole time, ignoring distractions, and persevering. Hopefully, you can incorporate some of her suggestions for independent reading into a routine for your children at home.
School Picture Day October 4th and 5th
School Picture Day is coming up next week on October 4th/5th with LifeTouch. Students may come in Free Dress on their scheduled Picture Day. If you would like to order photos from LifeTouch go to and enter our Picture Day ID#: EVTGR3H42. Here is the Picture Day LifeTouch Flyer. We also need some approved Parent Volunteers to help out both days--please contact Jessenia Linares in the office if you can volunteer either day: (650) 492-2415 or email at
Adelante Selby Fall Garden Program for 5th graders
The enrollment period for the 5th Grade Fall Garden Club has been extended until Wednesday, September 28th. Garden Club is FREE and open to any student from the 5th grade who is excited to garden, learn, and play. Participants in the after-school program will get to plant, harvest, water, weed, eat salads, play games, do art, and explore! This after-school program will begin the week of October 3rd, and lasts until the end of the week of December 5th. The program will run from 2:30PM-4 PM on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, or from 1:30PM-3PM on Thursdays. There will be no Monday session for the 5th grade. Students will be able to participate one day a week throughout the length of the session. Please fill out the Garden Club permission slip, or email Maestra Ava ( by Wednesday, September 28th if your student is interested.
Adelante Selby Fall 2022 Garden Club
School Site Council informationThe School Site Council oversees our school's Site Plan for Student Achievement(SPSA), how we spend our Measure U (parcel tax) dollars and site discretionary funds, and helps make other decisions related to programs at our school. We meet the third Wednesday of each month from 3:00-5:00pm. The Site Council met last Wednesday, September 21, and voted and approved the following new Council Positions for this year:
- Chairperson: Yessica Gallagher(Parent)
- Vice Chairperson: Aracely Tamayo(Parent)
- Secretary:Jessica McCarthy(Parent)
- Parliamentarian: Lauren Berlin(Parent)
Additional voting Council members are : Parent: Michelle Smith; Teachers: Silvia Antonelli, Adriana Gomez, Kelly Hernandez, Classified: Jessenia Linares, and Principal/Director Warren
We had a great first meeting in person! We need your approval/vote for the new ELAC Board: 2022/2023 ELAC Ballot. The English Language Advisory Council meets monthly at 8:45AM by the Library for parents of students that are learning English as a Second Language. The meetings are conducted in Spanish. The council reviews the School Site Plan for Student Achievement and monitors progress of English Language Learners. We would like to invite more parents to attend. Our next ELAC meeting is Monday, October 18th at 8:45AM in the STEAM lab by the Library.
Unidos PTO: Direct Drive, Volunteers, Book Fair, and Spirit Wear
We need your financial support, please make a donation to Unidos PTO Direct Drive fundraiser. Through Unidos, every student at Adelante Selby receives valuable enrichment programs, including art, dance, and garden classes. We also fund social emotional help, literacy programs, field trips, classroom equipment, teacher appreciation, community events, and more. Most of the funding for these programs comes from direct donations. Employer matching may be available, and donations are tax deductible. During the 2022/23 school year, Unidos will spend approximately $350 per student which is the suggested donation amount. We understand these past two years have been challenging. No donation is too small or too big; every bit helps. Visit for more information and make sure to sign up via the Membership Toolkit. Thank you!!
Parent Volunteer Applications - Approved volunteers are now officially allowed to volunteer on campus and in classrooms. Reminder, all new volunteers must submit an application with RCSD.
Book Fair - Volunteers are needed for the annual Book Fair. Contact
Spirit Wear - Volunteers are needed to help with Spirit Wear. Contact
Lost and Found
We already have an overflowing Lost and Found large wooden box/clothing rack by the office. Please stop by and claim any lost item: sweaters, sweatshirts, lunch boxes, and water bottles. Parents this is another reminder that it is very helpful to label/put your child's name on your child's lunch box, water bottle, and sweaters/jackets as students sometimes forget and leave them outside. Parents please be aware that we will be recycling any items that are not labeled with the student's name in Lost and Found at the end of every month.
Child Nutrition Services: September Breakfast and Lunch Menus
A healthy body fosters a healthy and focused mind. Well-rounded meals served in RCSD school cafeterias are created using USDA nutrition guidelines as well as “kid-approved” recipes. Whole grains, milk, fresh produce, protein, and healthy fats containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are the stars of the breakfast and lunch menu items. Studies show that good eating habits and healthy behaviors are connected to academic achievement. Meals provided by Child Nutrition Services help to shape lifelong healthy habits. All students have the opportunity to eat breakfast and lunch for free again this year through our Child Nutrition Services.
Here are the menus for September(you can use the same links for the October Menu which is not available yet):
Familias Unidas Parent Workshops
Do you want your children to be successful in reading, math, and science this school year? Do you dream of your children graduating from college? You have the opportunity to learn how to help your children achieve academic success and join a community of lifelong learners. Registration for Familias Unidas, a free virtual parent engagement workshop in Spanish, is now open! If you have any questions, please call Mr. Zuno, 650-665-0122. Fill out the Google Form with this LINK
Sequoia Healthcare District and the Parent Venture Education Workshops
Parents/caregivers, educators, mental health professionals, and community members welcome! Free admission. Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be available.
How to Help Kids Develop Their Emotional Vocabulary
Deborah Farmer Kris, Educator, Author, Founder of Parenthood365
Thursday, September 29, 2022, 5:30pm – 6:30pm PT, Online Event (Live)
We all want to raise kind and thoughtful kids – children who can reach out with compassion and bounce back from challenges. That’s why we need to attend to their emotional development.
Join Deborah Farmer Kris – educator, child development expert, and author of “You Have Feelings All the Time” – to learn more about the science of emotion and how everyone benefits when we learn how to name, normalize, and navigate our feelings.
Parents/caregivers, educators, mental health professionals, and community members welcome!
Learning by Heart: Creating “Innovation-Ready” Students for the Future
Tony Wagner, PhD, Bestselling Author, Global Education Expert
Thursday, October 6, 2022, 5:30pm – 6:30pm PT, Online Event (Live)
In a world where knowledge has become a free commodity, students need the capacity to solve problems creatively—in a word, to innovate. Tony Wagner, PhD, global expert in education and bestselling author of The Global Achievement Gap and Creating Innovators, will discuss how we can prepare our students to bring the skills of innovation to whatever they do.
Parents/caregivers, students, educators, mental health professionals, and community members welcome!
2022-23 COVID Protocols in Our School
The Redwood City School District (RCSD) is following recommendations from the San Mateo County Office of Education’s (SMCOE) COVID-19 Safe Schools Framework, which was developed for 2022-23 in consultation with San Mateo County Health (SMCH), reflecting guidance for schools and districts including from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). You can find our District’s 2022-23 protocols on the RCSD website here.
Highlights from the District Protocols:
- Masking is now "personal preference" for both students and staff indoors.
- Use this LINK to report if your child(ren) tests positive
- There will be school wide general notification of positive case(s) via email/text message.
Here is the most recent update from the district: Covid Protocols
Office Hours
Our school office is now open and the office hours are 8:00-4:00pm. Entering the office, all visitors it is highly recommended that you:
- wear a mask
- use hand disinfectant when entering the office
Please visit our school website , Adelante Selby Facebook Page and our PTO/Unidos webpage and social media accounts:, Facebook and Instagram for more information.
Director Warren
Important September/October Dates
- Friday, September 30: Principal's Coffee: 8:30AM, Library/Amphitheater Area
- Friday, September 30: Free Dental Screening for TK and Kinder Classes
- Friday, September 30: Free Dress Day for Students(last Friday of the month)
- Tuesday/Wednesday October 4/5: School Picture Day with LifeTouch in Cafeteria: Schedule
- Tuesday, October 4: Unidos PTO Meeting (In Person), 5:30-7:30pm Library
- Monday, October 10: No School: Indigenous People's Day
- Thursday, October 13: Food Distribution 2:00-4:00: Free, high quality food--ALL WELCOME!
- Monday, October 17: ELAC Parent Meeting(In Person): Library/STEAM Lab: 8:45AM
- Wednesday, October 19: School Site Council Meeting(In Person), 3:00PM: Library
- Monday-Saturday, October 24-29th: Scholastic Book Fair
- Thursday, October 28: Food Distribution 2:00-4:00: Free, high quality food--ALL WELCOME!
- Saturday, October 29th: Día de los Muertos Celebration,11:00-2:00pm:Cafeteria/Playground
- Monday, October 31st: Early Dismissal at 1:25pm; Trunk or Treat Event 3:00-4:00pm Front Parking Lot closed all day. Students come in dress code during the school day.