Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Sip, Slip, Sliding Away
In January it's so nice
While slipping on the sliding ice
To sip hot chicken soup with rice ...
Maurice Sendak, illustrator, writer
January 24th - 55.6% Fully Vaccinated in Clay County
Tuesday, 6PM - Parks & Recreation Board
Thursday, 11AM - Housing Authority
Hospital Board of Trustee agenda includes financial reports, insurance summary renewals, audit, department annual reports, policy review & approval.
Planning & Zoning Commission agenda includes Special Use Permit for short-term vacation rental on Sunset Strip & renewal of SUP for retail garden center on N. Industrial Road. Study session for zoning code proposal review for non-conforming buildings, structures, & uses, SUPs, Height & Area Exceptions, RMP Mobile Home Park District, Mobile Homes & Recreational Vehicles, Parking Loading & Driveways, Landscaping & Screening, Accessory Uses.
To Enhance the Quality for All...
Key Project Updates
- Hall of Waters pre-bid walk-through attracted several contractors to hear about the scope of work proposed for the HOW. High level of interest expressed in restoring the foundation structure & support under the water bar. Bids are due February 1st.
- Parade of HeArts is confirming installation requirements to support selection of locations to receive the HeArts. Fingers crossed, ES is still in the running to be selected. It has been determined the most visible location, where people can walk up to the art installation is at Elms Blvd. & Hwy 10 near the fountain.
- Received proposals for the creation of Fishing River Watershed Masterplan. Currently working to secure funding to get started. The plan will define projects to lessen the impacts from flooding in downtown. Planning work would include review of past efforts, studies, records of damage & inventory of improvements needed to protect downtown buildings on Thompson, Elms & Hall of Waters. Development of 2D model to illustrate how project selections could change the impacts from flooding. Community Engagement to consider favorable alternatives to property owners & residents. Project values include cost to implement solutions, benefits & environmental attributes.
- Conversations with private developments progressed this week, working through details to confirm issues with traffic flow & access to properties, parking, stormwater requirements to protect property owners downstream from new construction. Meetings involve MoDOT, commercial developers, engineers, historic preservation professional, planning staff. Follow-up conversations with development attorney to discuss title work, adjacent property impacts & groundwork for community improvement district & tax credits.
Choose Your Attitude!
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752