The Lancer News
The Lancer News - September 18
Important Dates
The Week Ahead:
- Volleyball vs. chardon (Home), 4:30 PM
- 7th grade team plays first
- 7th grade Football vs. Madison (Away), 4:30 PM at Madison Middle School
- Cross Country at Willoughby Middle School, 4:30 PM
- Willowick Spirit Wednesday
- 8th grade Football vs. Madison, (Away), 4:30 PM at Madison Middle School
- Volleyball vs. LaMuth (Away), 4:30 PM at LaMuth Middle School
- 8th grade team plays first
- Parent-Teacher Conferences, 4-8 PM
- 7th Grade Vision Screenings
- Last Day WE Foundation Car Raffle
Upcoming Events:
- Free & Reduced-Price Meal Carryover Deadline - Saturday, September 30
- Last Day to Order LaVera PTSO Fundraiser - Sunday, October 1
- LaVera Fundraiser Meal Pickups - Monday, October 2, 3-5 PM at LaVera
- PTSO World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Begins - Wednesday, October 4
- Car Raffle Drawing - Friday, October 6
- NEOEA Day - No School - Friday, October 13
- First Quarter Ends - Wednesday, October 18
- Picture Re-take Day - Tuesday, October 24
- Report Cards Viewable on PowerSchool - Wednesday, October 25
- Fall Dance - Friday, October 27, 6-9 PM
Parent-Teacher Conferences - September 28
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, September 28 from 4:00-8:00 PM at Willowick Middle School.
Please use the link below to sign-up for 10-minute conference timeslots. Select the teacher you wish to meet with, include your name and your child's name no later than 3:00 PM on September 27. Any conferences entered after this time are not guaranteed.
You must indicate if you prefer the conference to be virtual by typing the word "yes" after entering your child's name if requesting a virtual conference or type "no" if you prefer an in-person conference. It will be expected that a conference will be in-person if this is not indicated on the sign-up.
In-person conferences will take place in teachers' classrooms.
Links to join teachers' virtual conferences will be posted on our school website on Thursday, September 28.
Click HERE to sign-up for Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Thursday, Sep 28, 2023, 04:00 PM
Willowick Middle School, Royalview Drive, Willowick, OH, USA
Vision & Hearing Screenings - Friday
All seventh-grade students will have their general distance vision screened during school this Friday morning including students who are new to Willoughby-Eastlake. Students who wear glasses should bring them to the screening.
Students who are new to Willoughby-Eastlake will have their hearing screened.
Parents are notified of exam failures only. If your child passes school screenings, no notification will be sent. If a student fails a screening, a Referral Form will be sent home.
Mrs. Piks' Class I Am Activity
Students in Mrs. Piks' class completed an I Am activity where they had to create a collage using words that matched their values, characteristics and personality.
Fall Dance
Friday, October 27, 6-9 PM
All students at Willowick Middle School are invited to attend the Fall Halloween Dance that is being organized by our PTSO on Friday, October 27 from 6-9 PM. The dance will be held at Willowick Middle School.
The cost per ticket is $10. There will be no refunds.
Students may wear costumes to the dance but they cannot wear masks that cover their faces (they must be identifiable for security purposes) and cannot display any blood or weapons.
Behavior expectations to attend were announced and posted for all students to hear and see beginning September 18 and are as follows:
- No suspensions
- No ADP (no more than half a day of ADP)
- No Saturday Schools
- No more than two detentions
The Lancer Spotlight
Each week, staff members and students from each grade will be featured in The Lancer Spotlight. Each student will have his/her picture showcased in the lobby, as well as broadcasted on the cafeteria TV. In our first few weeks, we will showcase students that are new to our school district.
Please take the time to learn about our students, new and old by checking out The Lancer Spotlight.
Serpentini Raffle Tickets
PTSO LaVera Fundraiser - October 2
The last day to order online is 10 PM Sunday, October 1.
Pickups will be Monday, October 2 at LaVera
Food Drive October 9-13
Lost & Found
Our lost and found has begun to overflow with items. Most items include hoodies, shoes, jackets and supplies. Please help us by reminding your child to check out the lost and found if they are missing items. It is located in our cafeteria beneath the American flag.
We will also have items in our lobby for parents to claim on Thursday evening during Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Dismissal Parking Lot Procedures
Parents who are picking up their children after school, please be sure to pull all the way up to the main doorway entrance of our building along the sidewalk curb near the bike racks.
Do not have your child meet you or walk into in the parking lot as this can create unsafe conditions for students walking into moving traffic.
Our parking lot traffic is usually less busy about ten minutes after dismissal. Please note that the majority of our parking lot is one-way-only traffic flow.
Due to Royalview Elementary School's dismissal time being so close to ours, we are asking parents not to arrive any earlier than 2:55 PM to prevent overlap and back-up of traffic. If you must arrive earlier than 2:55 PM, please park in the WWMS lot and then wait until Royalview's dismissal traffic has cleared. Our dismissal bell rings at 3:10 PM.
Parent/Guardian Contact Information
One parent from each family should have received a SnapCode via email from Willoughby-Eastlake Schools in early August that will allow you to update all of your child’s contact, medical and other essential information. This information is your way to notify us as to who has your permission to pick your child up from school if needed, your child’s medical conditions, allergies, required medications and emergency contact information.
Additionally, there are several online forms to review in regards to photo consent, internet usage and Student Code of Conduct.
Please complete this information promptly—help us keep your child safe while at school! If you do not receive an email with your code, please contact our main office at 440-943-2950.
It is important that this information is updated annually.
For all indoor WWMS sports, student spectators may only watch a game for the same grade level that they are in unless they have a sibling in another grade level or are with a parent/guardian. For example, a seventh grade student may only watch an indoor seventh grade game. High school students may not attend.
School fees must be current for students to participate in the athletic season. Athletic fees must be paid by the start of the season for students to participate in the season.
Please make sure that you and your child are signed up on final forms before the first practice.
Student Code of Conduct applies at all school-sponsored events and on transportation.
If you have any questions related to athletics, please email Athletic Director, Mike Bubonics:
Student Meals
Meal Prices
- Full pay: $2.25
- Free/reduced: $0.00
- Full pay: $3.50
- Free/reduced: $0.00
Do not drop off fast food/takeout meals to your child during lunchtime. This creates disruptions to lunchtime for other students.
School Clinic Information
Please view any of the following medical forms as they may pertain to your child.
Seventh grade immunization forms were due on August 21. If not provided, we must be made aware in writing, email or fax of an appointment that is scheduled with your child's doctor or be subjected to exclusion from school.
Prescription medications require a doctor’s order and must be supplied in labeled pharmacy containers and must be delivered to the school by an adult.
Non-prescription medications (Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, cough syrup, etc.) require only written permission from a parent/guardian, must also come in original containers and be dropped off by an adult.
Do not send medication to school with students.
PTSO meetings are located at Willowick Middle School in room 111 during the regular school year. If it is a holiday or a snow day, then meetings will be held on the following Tuesday. Please note the start times can vary at each meeting.
Upcoming PTSO meetings:
Tuesday, October 10 at 5 PM
Upcoming PTSO events:
- LaVera Fundraiser, October 2
- World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser, October 5 through October 20
Makerspace & Media Center
Students can visit our School Store located in the Media Center for basic school supplies, snacks and other school merchandise. Additionally, out Makerspace is also housed in our Media Center. Check our information and school store prices using the buttons below.
Community Activities
Are you looking for activities for your children? Interested in family programs in the community? There are so many options for Willoughby-Eastlake families, such as city departments of recreation, sports teams, scouting, camps and special events in all of our surrounding communities, plus so much more!
Information from approved organizations who host activities for Willoughby-Eastlake youth and the community are posted electronically. Paper flyers from organizations are not sent home with students. To access the flyers, visit the COMMUNITY link on the district and building website pages Community Activities Flyers
For specific information about the events, you need to contact the sponsoring organization. Flyers are updated periodically during the month so remember to visit often to check for new postings.
Enjoy what our community has to offer!
Dress Code Policy
Student Code of Conduct
Student Code of Conduct is enforced on all school grounds, at all school related-activities including athletic events and on transportation.
Attendance Procedures
Please contact our attendance line at 440-283-2183 so that we may update our records and notify staff of your child's absence. Any student returning to school from an illness-related absence must report to the office attendance window upon his or her return. Doctors notes can also be submitted at this time.
Students should email their teacher for assignments that are posted on Schoology if absent.
Remote learning is not an option for this school year as classes are not live-streamed.
Absences for Appointments: Please send a doctor's note to the school office for each doctor's visit so that we can properly code the absence as a medical absence. If picking your child up for an appointment, a parent or guardian must enter the school to sign their child out.
Family Vacations: Please contact our school office if you are planning to have your child absent from school due to a family vacation. A vacation form must be signed by a parent or guardian prior to the start of absence. Please alert our school as soon as you are aware of the approaching vacation so that teachers can be prepared to assign work in-advance; preferably at least one week. We kindly ask that families try their best to schedule vacations during school breaks.
Homework Requests: Requests for homework can be made for a student that has missed three or more days of school. Please allow at least one full school day for teachers and staff to arrange assignments. Please contact our main office to place nay homework requests. Homework can be picked up at our main office window.
Student Mental Well Being
If you believe your child is experiencing challenges in terms of their mental well-being, it is important to reach out to your principal. To meet your child’s needs, it’s essential to collaborate with the principal and school personnel to explore resources and services available at school. In addition to Crossroads Counselors, the District also has family liaisons and guidance counselors who can provide needed interventions and support.
Our Crossroads Health providers may be embedded in the classroom providing support and intervention on a large-scale for all students in the room. For students who may need more personalized care, we offer the opportunity for them to meet with the Crossroads Health counselor individually or in a small group.
If you do NOT want your child to be considered for individual, small group, or whole classroom support and intervention, please complete the Opt-Out Form below and return this form to your student’s guidance counselor or principal.
PowerSchool Access
You can view your child's current grades and class schedules in PowerSchool by downloading the PowerSchool app through the Apple App Store or Google Play on a mobile device. You may also log-in on a desktop or laptop by viewing the Student Portal webpage.
Once logged-in, simply click on any of the following options:
My Schedule to view the current quarter's class schedule.
Report Card to view this current school year's report cards by quarter
Grades & Attendance to view your child's recent attendance and current course grades.
Click HERE for instructions on how parents can sign-up to receive Weekly Grade Reports that display current grades and attendance that will automatically be generated and sent to your email address on a weekly basis. You must be logged-in to your parent account to access settings.
Please contact our main office if you need access to your parent login information.
Bell Schedule
School Contact Information
Willowick Middle School
31500 Royalview Drive
Willowick, Ohio 44095
Main Office: 440-943-2950
Attendance: 440-283-2183
Fax: 440-943-9964
Scott Stasa, Principal
Kaylee Flynt, Assistant Principal
Debbie Robb, Special Education Supervisor
Emilie Alesnik, Guidance Counselor (last names A-L)
Wendy McNeill, Guidance Counselor (last names M-Z)
Jill Golnick, Family Liaison
Amanda Szabo, School Psychologist
Vera Schwarten, School Nurse