Used Laptops for Needy UGrads CSR
Request for UNIVERSITIES to Join Used Laptop-iPad CSR 2023
"Support Youth Education" is the most meaningful gift you can give to our youth and students
“Give a youth a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach him HOW TO FISH and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Contact us at TeamA[at]ChangeU.co
Attention Purple Youth CSR Supporters
Tis The Season To Be GIVING .
It’s TIME for our Annual “SUPPORT YOUTH EDUCATION” Used Laptop & Cash Donation CSR 2023.
How Universities can participate (1 Step Only):
Step 1: Put this flyer in your Student Affairs section of your university website - for your student to apply DIRECTLY.
NOTE: The Committee will make the final decision the list of successful applicants - depending on the number of laptops given by corporations or individuals.
Laptop Donation by Etika
iPad Donation by Xylem Water
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About Purple Youth CSR
The Solution: Purple Youth has set up a Laptop Bank, to receive used laptop bulk donations (not more than 5 years old) from companies and individuals, for our deserving needy students, identified by key Universities.
Read the Official Press Release to the Mainstream Media: http://www.changeu.co/pr-release-for-laptop-csr.html
● Jointly Sponsored by: ChangeU Learning Group (http://www.changeu.co/changeu.html), Hotelfinity Hospitality (https://tinyurl.com/Hotelfinity), Leaderfinity Interviews (https://tinyurl.com/LeaderfinityInterview), Spiri Ethical Entrepreneurship Group (https://tinyurl.com/SpiriExpo), Heritage Metaverse Group (https://tinyurl.com/NFTHeritage), and The Robren Show.
● Collaborators: Key Universities
SUMMARY: Our deserving needy students need YOUR HELP. Give today.
#CSR #UsedLaptop #YouthEducation #PurpleYouth #ngo #donation #youth #university #career
Email: TeamA@ChangeU.co
Website: http://www.changeu.co/used-laptop-donation.html
Phone: 603-7733 8128
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PurpleYouth