The Ram Roundup
August 12, 2023
Dear Parents and Students,
This week kicks off the 2023-2024 school year at Longs Peak and we could not be more excited! Whether you're a returning face or a brand-new addition to our school community, we can't wait to see the incredible things you'll achieve this year!
Students, we hope you are excited to learn, grow and create life-long memories as a Longs Peak Ram. Parents, it is a privilege to partner with you on this educational journey! Your support and encouragement makes all the difference. Together, we will create a nurturing environment where your child will thrive, learn, and achieve their dreams. Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education!
Mark your calendars for Back to School Night on Monday, August 14th from 5-7PM! We have some great prizes for students who enter their completed Longs Peak Passport in our drawing. See more information below about Back to School Night!
Set your alarms for the first day of school 5th and 6th graders on Wednesday, August 16th! On August 17th, we will welcome all of our students back. The first bell rings at 7:55AM, don't be late! We can't wait to see your smiling faces in the hallways once again!
Let's make the 2023-2024 school year the best one yet. Here's to a year of growth, achievement, and making memories that will last a lifetime! Please reach out to me or any staff member if you have any questions or concerns.
Karin Blough
Back to School Night *** Monday, August 14th: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
To kickstart the school year and encourage meaningful connections, we have planned a back-to-school night on Monday, August 14th from 5:00 - 7:00 PM. This evening will provide an excellent opportunity for you to meet our staff, ask questions and tour the school.
We have a variety of stations set up with important information to share with you and will have pizza available if that makes your evening easier! Our stations include:
- Updating your contact information - We share a lot of information throughout the year and want to ensure that we have your most up to date email and phone number to keep you informed!
- Purchase iPad Insurance - Unfortunately, accidents sometimes happen even with the most careful student, so we strongly encourage you to purchase iPad insurance for each child at the beginning of the year. Even a down payment of $1 can get you started. With insurance, a broken iPad can be replaced immediately and without additional cost.
- Nutrition Services - We ask that every parent complete this paperwork.
- Clubs & Athletics - Middle School is the perfect time for students to explore their interests and at Longs Peak we have a wide variety of clubs, activities and athletics offered. We encourage every student to try at least one activity or sport during the school year. Research shows that students engaged in an extracurricular activity have increased academic achievement, attendance, and a positive attitude about school.
- Immunizations, Health Information and Medication Forms - Incoming 6th graders often receive a variety of immunizations over summer, please bring a copy of these so we can update our records or if your child needs to take medication during the school day, we will have forms available for you to complete.
- Meet your Teachers - Grade level and elective teachers will be available to meet you and your child.
- Sign-up for Fall Parent Teacher Conferences - bring your calendars and sign-up for Fall conferences
- Schedule Pick-Up - Students will receive their schedule at this time. If a student has an issue with their schedule, we will have a form available for them to request a schedule change. We will do our best to make needed changes, but please know that sometimes it won't be possible.
- Backpacks - If your child would like backpack filled with school supplies, these will be available.
- Purchase RAMS Gear - We will have a variety of Longs Peak school gear available for purchase for parents and students. We love our students to show their school spirit at games and throughout the school year.
Transition Day for 5th & 6th Grade ONLY - August 16th: 7:55 - 3:15
All Students August 17th: 7:55 - 3:15
Teachers will lay our classroom routines and schedule, help students find their classes, while making sure that your students feel comfortable and safe.
How to prepare:
1. Lay our clothes and supplies so that they are ready to go the evening before.
2. Make sure your student knows how and who will be transporting them to and from school.
3. Give yourself plenty of time to get ready in the morning without feeling rushed.
4. Go to bed early the night before, turn off your phone and unwind 30 minutes before bed.
Drop Off Locations
- 5th Grade will enter through the East Doors at the bus loop
- 6th - 8th Grade will enter through the main entrance on the South Side of the building.
Buses: All buses will unload students in the morning to the designated bus zone an the east side of the building. We will have a campus supervisor at the doors to greet students. The doors will open at 7:50.
Car Riders: Please make sure that you are dropping your students off at the curb at their designated entrance. Students should unload quickly from the side of the car that is adjacent to the curb. Please do not block traffic from entering and exiting the main parking lot at any time. If your student is not prepared to exit the vehicle as you reach the curb please park your vehicle in the front parking lot and walk with your student to ensure their safety.
2023 - 2024 Bell Schedule
We have made some exciting adjustments to this year's bell schedule. These changes include the following:
- A/B Day Schedule - Students will attend Language Arts and Math each day and alternate Science and Social Studies on either A Day or B Day. This allows more time for students to access Language Arts and Math curriculum each day. The calendar on our website indicates which days are A Days and which days are B Days.
- Elective Schedule - Students will be enrolled in a different elective on A Days and B Days. The longer elective class period will allow the students to dig into their projects, music performances, and physical education skill building. The electives will also be scheduled for a quarter versus a semester, allowing students to try out more options throughout the school year.
- Ram Ready - Ram Ready is our advisory class where students participate in Social/Emotional learning using 7 Mindsets curriculum, practice academic skills on iReady, participate in team building activities as a grade level and weekly check-ins regarding grades, homework and attendance. For 8th graders, they will receive information and support on transitioning to high school.
Our doors will open each day at 7:50 and our first class begins at 7:55.
Please make sure your child arrives on time and ready to learn each day.
Student Behavior Expectations
During the first week, administration will be in classroom reviewing Student Behavior Expectations and parents are asked to log into Parent Portal and sign off on the Code of Conduct. Parents, please make sure that you have completed your sign off no later than September 30th. Here are directions on how to complete it online.
Students will be required to adhere to the following expectations throughout the entire school day, without exception:
- No cell phones or bluetooth headphones/earbuds during class time. Cell phones are a distraction to the learning environment and are required to be put away at all times. If you need to reach your student or they need to reach a family member, the are always welcome to use the phone in the front office.
- Students are not allowed to wear hats or hoods inside the building, this includes in the cafeteria, hallways and the classrooms.
- Students must use public language at all times in the building, at recess and school related events.
- Bathrooms are technology free zones.
In St. Vrain and at Longs Peak Middle School, you are part of a championship team, where everyone is working together to ensure your student's success, and the success of their fellow teammates. The expectations are that we all go above and beyond what is stated in the Code of Conduct, as well as in our academic coursework and co-curricular activities, in order to ensure that all of us - ourselves and our teammates - reach our full potential.
The following behaviors are unacceptable on a championship team. These include behaviors that:
- Threaten or cause harm to the school or individual staff members or students
- Demonstrate discrimination
- Involve weapons or physical violence
- Use social media or other written communication to harass other students or staff members.
It is important to know that school staff will take appropriate action if certain detrimental behaviors occur, even if the behaviors are off of school grounds.
Behind every championship team is a community of supporters to celebrate and champion your success. In St. Vrain and at Longs Peak this includes our teachers, counselors, nurses, school staff, administrators, parents, families, and many others.
We ask that our entire Longs Peak community:
- Treat others with kindness and respect
- If you need help, reach out to others for support.
- Get involved in school programs, clubs and activities.
- If you see something, say something.
Thank you for supporting your student, their peers and our entire school community! Our staff is always available to support you in anyway. Please reach out to us!
Our District is very excited to participate in the program. Here is some additional information and a few important reminders about what this means for our schools and families.
- Please continue to fill out the Free and Reduced Price Lunch form. While meals will be provided for free to all St Vrain students through Healthy School Meals for All, it’s important for us to continue gathering this information to receive full access to available federal funds that support nutritional programs at our school. We ask all St Vrain families to please complete the form during registration for the 2023-24 school year. By providing this information, you will help our district access all available funds to cover the cost of meals, and other nutritional programs for students. Plus, families who fill out the form may qualify to receive discounted school fees, class materials, bus passes, utilities support and more!
- All household income information provided through this form is strictly confidential and protected by law. Only one form is required for all children in the household. Immigration, migrant, citizenship or refugee status is not required when completing the form.
Family Benefits to Submitting a Free & Reduced Price Lunch Form:
● School program fees are waived.
● After-school program fees are waived.
● Preschool programs fees are waived.
● SAT and ACT tests and college application fees are reduced.
● Access to community food banks services are available.
● Discounts on utilities and internet service are available.
● Discounts for participation in community groups like sports or YMCA programs are available.
I-PAD Insurance
Beginning July 2023, the integration between IC and RevTrak will no longer be supported by IC. As a result, all fees assigned in IC, including course, materials, and iPad fees will no longer show up in Revtrak and will need to be paid directly in IC through Campus Payments. RevTrak may still be used for clubs, field trips, athletics, and other payments of fees not assigned in IC. Please visit this link for instructions on how to pay outstanding fees in Infinite Campus. https://ic.svvsd.org/campus/portal/parents/stvrain.jsp.
Even a down payment of $1 will get you insurance for this year with the balance due later on. Insurance costs $10/$15/$25 (free lunch/ reduced lunch/ regular price). We want every single student to have iPad insurance because accidents happen each and every day. With insurance, a broken iPad can be replaced immediately and without additional cost. Without iPad insurance, there is a $236 fee for a broken iPad.
Does your child need a new iPad charger? Replacements can be purchased for $36/set from Mrs. Adams in room 300. We need each of our students to come to school each day with a fully charged iPad.
We are strongly encouraging all families to take advantage of iPad insurance. Click the link here for more information. LTP Student iPad Insurance Program
Click the link below for more information about the Learning Technology Program.
These informal gatherings will focus on topics that are relevant to parents, such as supporting your child's academic success, navigating the school system, promoting mental health and well-being, and fostering positive parent-child relationships. Our aim is to provide valuable information and facilitate discussions that will benefit our students and families. We have scheduled the following dates for the first semester and hope you can attend. Food, childcare and translation services will be available.
Please plan on joining us on the following dates:
Friday, August 25th at 8:15AM - We will be discussing how to get involved in our school, how to check your child's grades and attendance on Campus Portal and how to use iReady to monitor your child's progress.
Tuesday, September 26th at 5:00PM
Friday, October 27th at 8:15AM
Tuesday, November 28th at 3:30 PM
If you have a particular topic that you would like us to cover, please feel free to reach out to our Parent Liaison, Maria Perez at 3030-776-5611 or perez_maria@svvsd.org.
How sick is too sick?
How Sick is Too Sick?
When Children and Staff Should Stay Home from School or Child Care
Evaluation of a sick child must consider which diseases are currently circulating
among students, staff, and the community. Known exposure to cases or an outbreak
of a contagious disease (including but not limited to those listed here), even without
a confirmed diagnosis, may necessitate more stringent return to school
During Colorado's ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, children and staff
who have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should receive testing, and follow the
COVID-19 isolation guidance until testing is completed or if they test positive. If the
individual tests negative for COVID-19, the individual should then follow the
recommendations for their disease or symptoms using the below guidance.
There are four main reasons to keep children and adults at home:
1. The child or staff is at risk of infecting others with COVID-19 or another
contagious illness, either because of symptoms or recent close contact.
2. The child or staff member does not feel well enough to take part in usual
activities. For example, a child is overly tired, fussy or will not stop crying.
3. A child needs more care than teachers and staff can give while still caring for the other
4. The child or staff member has symptoms or an illness is on this list, and staying home is
Get Involved!!!!
We will have several opportunities for parents/guardians to get involved with their student's learning and we strongly encourage parents to volunteer for various school activities and consider serving on committees. Your involvement allows us to create a vibrant and inclusive learning community that supports every child's growth and success.
Keep an eye out for more information on upcoming opportunities or reach out to our Parent Liaison, Maria Perez at 303-776-5611 or perez_maria@svvsd.org.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
September 28th: 3:30 pm - 7:00 pm
October 3rd: 3:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Ram Ready, Set, Go!!
Save the Date
Back to School Night
- August 14th from 5:00 - 7:00
First Semester Sports Parent Night
- August 17th from 5:00-6:00
Girls Volleyball
- Registration August 14th - 18th
- Practice Starts on August 21st
iReady Assessments
- Math - August 23rd
- Reading - August 24th
Parent Cafecito/Coffee Chat
- Friday, August 25th at 8:15AM
- Tuesday, September 26th at 5:00PM (during conferences while teachers have dinner)
- Friday, October 27th at 8:15AM
- Tuesday, November 28th at 3:30PM
Picture Day
- Friday, September 1st
- Retakes October 18th
Late Starts - Students arrive at 10:20, classes start at 10:25
- September 6th
- November 1st
- December 6th
Music Concerts
- Orchestra: 10/18 @ 7:00, 10/24 @ LHS 6:00, 12/12 @ LHS 6:00, 3/12 @ 6:00, 5/16 @ LHS 6:00
- Choir: 10/11 @ 6:30, 11/15 @ LHS 7:00, 12/19 @ LHS 6:30, 3/13 @ LHS 6:30, 5/14 @ LHS 6:30
- Band: 10/12 @ LHS 7:00, 12/15 @ LHS 7:00, 5/10 @ LHS 7:00
Parent Teacher Conferences
- September 26th, 28th and October 3rd beginning at 3:30
How to Reach Us
Email: blough_karin@svvsd.org
Website: http://lpms.svvsd.org/
Location: 1500 14th Avenue, Longmont, CO, USA
Phone: 303-776-5611
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LongsPeakSVVSD/
Twitter: @longs_peakms