Duke News
November 20-21
Week at a Glance:
M: Report Cards Issued
W-F: Thanksgiving Break
M: WES shed ribbon cutting ceremony
T: Workkeys Writing Test
W: BETA Induction 6:00
F: No School for students/ Conference Day
S: Winter Bazaar
Athletics Schedule for the Week:
Monday, Nov 20
Wrestling Practice: 3:00 pm-6:00 pm (GTMS)
Boys Basketball Practice: 3:00 pm -4:30 pm (WHS)
Girls Basketball Scrimmage vs Smithfield at Home- 5:30 pm
Tuesday, Nov 21
Wrestling Practice: 3:00 pm-6:00 pm (GTMS)
Girls Basketball Practice: 3:00 pm-5:00 pm (WHS)
Boys Basketball Practice: 5:00 pm -7:00 pm (WHS)
Wednesday, Nov 22
Wrestling Practice: 9:00 am-10:30 am (WHS Weight Room)
Girls Basketball Practice: 3:00 pm-5:00 pm (WHS)
Athletic Updates:
- IWCS has implemented a clear bag procedure for all high school athletic games hosted on Isle of Wight County Schools property during the 2023-2024 school year.
- There is NO ReEntry to all home athletic events. If spectators leave the event, they will need to pay to gain entry back into the event.
- Tickets for home games are now available to purchase online via gofan. There is an additional $1.00 service fee: https://gofan.co/app/school/VA12858 Tickets will be available to purchase online the DAY of the event.
12-Week Benchmark Window:
The 12-week benchmark window is December 4-December 8th.
Nov. 29th 6pm in the auditorium-Beta induction. New & Current Members should arrive by 5:45.
Nov. 29th-Jan 10th Beta Candy Sales $1 Chocolate Bars
Dec. 13th during Win Beta Cocoa & Cookies Soc
2024 Virginia School Survey of Climate & Working Conditions:
The 2024 Virginia School Survey of Climate and Working Conditions will be administered starting in January to all students in grades nine, ten, eleven, and twelve and all classroom instructors and licensed staff in your building, regardless of the grades served by the individual. To opt out, please read through the attached letter and contact Shantell Basking.
Sophomore & Administrative Fund Raiser:
Winter Spirit Week:
Monday, Dec 11 - Clash of the Colors
Green (underclassmen) vs Red (upperclassmen), Staffulty- match your grade level or do a mix of both.
Tuesday, Dec 12 - Deck the Halls: holiday apparel & ugly sweater
Wednesday, Dec 13 - Windsor White Out
Thursday, Dec 14 - Holiday Character Day
Friday, Dec 15 - Twas the day before break (pajama day)
Click the links below to view pictures of the events:
Dear Parents,
It is imperative that parents understand the importance of regular, on-time attendance to school. As demonstrated by the recent COVID-19 closures, absences from school have a tremendous impact on student learning and achievement. In an effort to help every student meet with success, we want to take a moment to remind parents of the attendance policies and regulations for Isle of Wight County Schools. It is especially important to note the expectations for student attendance as it relates to student retention and course credit.
High school students may not be granted credit for a course if unexcused absences from class total more than five (5) class periods for a semester course, or ten (10) class periods for year-long courses.
The entire policy JED and regulation JED-R may be found on the division's website by clicking: Board → Policy → J. Students → JED and/or JED-R. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s school if you have questions or concerns regarding student attendance.
Students with more than five unexcused absences during a semester will need to apply for an attendance appeal with administration.
Attendance & Tardies
When a note is not submitted, the absence will be considered unexcused. We accept 5 parent notes per semester. Please submit doctor's notes or other professional notes to excuse a student if the absence is due to an appointment. School personnel will implement the following steps to improve attendance:
· 1st and 2nd - AUTOMATED CALL home is made
· 3rd - CALL home is made
· 4th - LETTER is sent home
· 6th and 7th - ADMIN schedules a meeting to take place no later than 10 days after the 7th absence
· 8th and 9th - ADMIN calls home to discuss the additional absences following the ATTENDANCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN and the CONSEQUENCES if absences continue to accrue
· 10th - AUTOMATED CALL home is made
· 11th - TRUANCY REFERRAL of the student and family to the Attendance Officer
Tardies: The tardy policy applies to each block. Students are allowed to provide notes for tardies to school ONLY on the same day as the tardy and with reasonable and appropriate excuses.
Tardy Consequences:
3 Unexcused = AUTOMATED CALL home
possible suspension of parking privileges for 5 days
possible suspension of parking privileges for 10 days
College Board Information:
See this link for information about SATS
This is another link. It has features for students starting as early as middle school for parents and students. https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/
Bell Schedules:
See all the events at WHS:
Menus and Meal Prices:
2023-2024 IWCS Calendar:
The calendar is available on the IWCS website at https://www.iwcs.k12.va.us/apps/pages/school_calendar
WHS Student Handbook 2023-2024:
Please clink this link to access the WHS Student Handbook: WHS Student Handbook 2023-2024
Castle's Closet:
The Castle's Closet has the gear you need to kick off a new school year! View some of our items by scanning the QR code or clicking here. For now, orders must be placed in Room 300 or by emailing kwhite@iwcs.k12.va.us
Don't forget to follow us on instagram @shop_whs
Isle Awards:
In conjunction with the Isle of Wight County Schools Strategic Plan, the division supports a recognition program that is open to any member of the Windsor High School community. Staff, teachers, students, volunteers, parents, and community members can all be nominated for a monthly WHS ISLE award.
The award focuses on the four broad areas of the Strategic Plan: Inspire, Succeed, Lead, Empower. The first letter of each word spells ISLE. When read together, the sound you hear is “I’ll Inspire” or “I’ll Succeed”, giving everyone ownership of the key actions throughout the plan.
Across WHS, people are demonstrating acts of inspiration, success, leadership, and empowerment. The ISLE award welcomes nominations that demonstrate how someone in the WHS community has embodied one of these areas.
From October through June, four nominees will be selected for recognition--one in each category-- and will be highlighted on our social media pages, website, and newsletters for our school and for IWCS.
Thank you for taking time to nominate someone for a Windsor High ISLE Award.
Nurse Notes:
Duke Families and Students,
As we approach the new school year I wanted to take a moment to share with you pertinent information that I will need to have on hand in the clinic for your student. If your child will need medication administered during the 2023/2024 school year, a new order must be obtained from your physician before you bring medication to school in September. You can find the Request for Medication Administration on the IWCS website or copy and paste following link into your browser. https://1.cdn.edl.io/iUl7Q4O1j18bo5Q6pSbDFrMLy7VUmeWsQlJLBZwZjFbjd3ev.pdf
Each school year new emergency action plans are required for those students that require emergency medications at school , Seizure Action Plans, Asthma Action Plans, Allergy Action Plans (Lamp Forms) Diabetes Medical Management Plans on file for your child are only effective until the end of each school year.
Please contact your student's health care provider in order to obtain a new Action Plan. Most Dr’s offices have copies but just in case they don’t please see the links below.:
Asthma Action Plan- https://www.doe.virginia.gov/support/health_medical/office/va-asthma-action-plan-2020.pdf
Seizure Action Plan - https://www.epilepsy.com/sites/default/files/atoms/files/GENERAL%20Seizure%20Action%20Plan%202020-April7_FILLABLE_0.pdf
Diabetes Medical Management Plan - Diabetic Medical Management Plan
Allergy Action Plan (LAMP form) - https://p19cdn4static.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_78010/File/Students/Health%20and%20Guidance%20Services/Health%20Forms/Life-Threatening%20Allergy%20Management%20Plan%20(LAMP)/LAMPform.pdf
All rising 12th grade students for the 2023/2024 school year MUST have at least one dose of Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MenACWY, MCV4, quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate, Menactra or Menveo) on file in the clinic prior to the first day of school.
All rising 9th grade students for the 2023/2024 school year MUST have one dose of Tdap, one dose of Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MenACWY, MCV4, quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate, Menactra or Menveo) and one HPV (unless parent opted out) on file with the clinic prior to the first day of school.
Students will be excluded from school unless these immunizations are on file. If you have any further questions or concerns please reach out to me.
Shea Pugh RN, BSN
Clinic # 757-242-3672
Please click this link for information about medication, action plans, and more.
Link to Clinic Page
Community Info:
Follow us on Facebook: Windsor High School
Follow us on Twitter @dukeswhs
Meet the WHS Administrators
Dawn Carroll, Principal
Dr. Chelsea Kulp, Assistant Principal
About Us
Website: http://whs.iwcs.k12.va.us/
Location: 24 Church Street, Windsor, VA, USA
Phone: (757)242-6172
Twitter: @dukeswhs