College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Graduate Newsletter
Reasons to Be Thankful
Despite *all of this,* I have many reasons to be thankful this year.
To our graduate students, you continue to impress me with your intellect and resiliency as you produce outstanding scholarship during this pandemic. In this issue of GRAD CLAS NOTES, you can learn about our engaging virtual Graduate Research Symposium, which highlighted the work of our Summer Research Fellowship recipients; watch our excellent entry from a doctoral Philosophy student into the regional 3MT competition; and learn some tips about volunteering safely during the pandemic from an MPA grad who is using the skills he learned in our program to make an impact in his community. These stories only touch on the important work being done across all of our graduate programs in the College. For your dedication and persistence, I am thankful.
With less than two weeks to go before we break for finals and winter recess, we are at a critical point in this ongoing pandemic. Let's keep it going! Mask up. Maintain social distancing. We can do this. Throughout this semester, I have been impressed with your ability and willingness to do the right things to keep our community safe. For that, I am thankful.
Finally, to our faculty and staff, I struggle to find the words to express my appreciation. You balance teaching, research, mentoring, administrative duties and family commitments to be present for our students. Much of your work goes unseen, but please know, for all that you do, I am thankful.
Wishing you a productive end to fall classes, good luck with finals, and have a happy but safe Thanksgiving. Go Nova.
- Emory Woodard, PhD, Dean of Graduate Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Virtual Graduate Research Symposium Highlights Summer Fellowship Work
Last month's Graduate Research Symposium featured short, three-minute recorded presentations and a live Q&A with the students after each presentation. Read more and watch the videos.
Philosophy Doctoral Student Wins "People's Choice" 3MT Competition
PhD student Katherine Kurtz will represent Villanova at the Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools 3MT Research Presentation Competition next month. Read more and watch the videos.
MPA Grad Shares Tips for Helping Your Community (Safely) During COVID
President's Report 2019-2020
The 2019-2020 President's Report highlights how the University came together during the pandemic and lived our Augustinian values, while continuing to move forward in our academic pursuits. It serves as a powerful reminder that, even in challenging times, Villanova is still Villanova, and our bond to one another—and to our mission—is stronger than ever. From an MPA alumna using the skills she learned to help her community during COVID-19, to a new graduate certificate that prepares HR leaders to implement inclusion and diversity strategies, to an abundance of significant grants won by our faculty, the Grad CLAS community is well represented in this issue. The web edition contains expanded content from the print version, so there is even more to explore online.
Events, Reminders and Information
Nova Network November
Nova Network November is a series of events dedicated to enhancing the professional development of Villanova alumni, parents, graduate students and students in the College of Professional Studies. All programs and events take place online throughout the month of November. Take advantage of these unique opportunities geared towards experienced professionals by registering for an event today!
Graduate Student Mental Health and Wellness Series: Emotional Challenges for Adult Learners - November 17
Join Dr. Joan Whitney, Associate Vice President and Executive Director of University Counseling Center, at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, November 17 for a virtual discussion about the unique emotional challenges facing adult learners. Register for the event.
Spring 2021 Calendar Revised
For the Spring 2021 semester, the first day of classes will be on Monday, January 25 for all graduate students (excluding MPA online and HRD). The first day of class for MPA online and HRD will be Monday, January 11. There will be no spring break and Easter Recess is limited to Friday, April 2. The last day of classes will be on Monday, May 3, and Commencement Weekend will be on May 14 and 15. Spring course registration is now open; the add/drop deadline is Feb. 2; and the last day for authorized withdrawal (WX) without academic penalty is April 7. Please check the academic calendar for updates.
Upcoming Important Dates and Deadlines
- Spring Course Registration is now open.
- Nov. 23 - Final Day of Classes
- Dec. 4 - Thesis/Dissertation due
- Nov. 30 - Dec. 5 - Final Examinations
- For a complete list of dates and deadlines please refer to the on-campus and online academic calendars.
Remote Learning Accommodation Requests for Spring Semester - Due December 1
As with the Fall 2020 semester, we encourage any student who wishes to request a remote learning accommodation for the Spring 2021 semester to first view the master schedule and, if possible, select distance learning classes for the semester. If you are unable to find suitable online or simulcast alternatives, you may request an accommodation to complete your classes 100% online. Should you have a personal, documented medical reason for your concerns, you may submit your request to Learning Support Services. If you received a medical learning accommodation for the Fall 2020 semester, you do not need to reapply for Spring 2021. If you wish to adjust your schedule to learn remotely based on a non-medical request, you must submit a Spring 2021 Non-Medical Remote Learning Accommodation Form. We ask that you please submit your Non-Medical Remote Learning Accommodation request by December 1.
Advent Virtual Retreat - December 11
Joy in a Time of Sorrow: Confronting the Legacies of Racism and COVID-19 from the Presence of Christ
Graduate students, faculty and staff are invited to attend this virtual retreat sponsored by Villanova Campus Ministry from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Friday, December 11 with Julia Moore, PhD, associate professor of Religious Studies at UNC Charlotte, where she teaches courses in African American Religion, Religions of the African Diaspora, and Racial Violence in America. She has served as an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church for over 25 years and is the co-founder of Moore Grace Ministries, which seeks to foster racial reconciliation and healing for individuals and communities, including Christian churches. She is the author of Race, Religion, and the Pulpit: Rev. Robert L. Brady and the Making of Urban Detroit. Learn more and register.
Graduating this Spring? Application Deadline - January 31
If you plan to graduate in May 2020, you must apply by January 31. Please visit the Applying for Graduation page to review the graduation application requirements and procedures.
Summer Research Fellowships - Applications Due February 1
Graduate students in CLAS are encouraged to apply for a summer fellowship to support their research. For details regarding eligibility requirements, criteria, how to apply, deadline for proposals and review process, faculty evaluation of the project, and award recipients, please visit the Graduate Summer Research Fellowship page.
Publish Your Work in CONCEPT - Submissions Due February 1
CONCEPT is the interdisciplinary journal of CLAS Graduate Studies at Villanova University. The journal is now accepting article submissions through February 1. In addition, students are encouraged to apply to be editors and peer-reviewers. Visit the CONCEPT website to learn more.
CLAS Graduate Studies
Location: Villanova University, Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA, United States
Phone: 610-519-7090
Twitter: @VUGradStudies