Holy Family HSA Newsletter
November 19, 2023
A Time for Thanks!
As Thanksgiving approaches, we would like to take a moment to thank the wonderful teachers, staff and families of Holy Family for their unending support, enthusiasm and dedication to our school. Without those attributes, we are just a building with children. With them, we are a community rooted in faith reaching towards educational excellence. Thank you for all you do for our school.
As always, contact HSA with any questions or comments via email at hsa@holyfamilyaston.org - and follow Holy Family on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HolyFamilyRegionalSchool).
Want to Get Involved?
We love having new helpers, people who have helped for years, people with new ideas, crafty people and those that are just plan do-ers. All are always welcome to help make our events fun and exciting for the students and their families. Here's what is on the horizon:
- Santa's Secret Shop
- Jingle Mingle
- Winter Ball Committee (run by the Board of Limited Jurisdiction)
- Catholic Schools Week
Poinsettia Sale
- 3 Sizes in Red or White available.
- Order by Sunday, 12/3 with pick up on Thursday, 12/14.
- Purchase here.
Festival of Lessons and Carols
- Sunday December 10th at 7:00 pm at St. Joseph's Church
- An Advent Prayer Service with Scripture and Music
- Featuring singers from our 6th, 7th and 8th Grades.
Santa's Secret Shop
Santa's Secret Shop is coming!!
- Thursday, December 14th during between 9 am and 2 pm.
- Students will shop with their prayer partners.
- Look for the flyer coming in home in folders this week about how to load your student's voucher for gift purchase.
Jingle Mingle is BACK!!
- Thursday December 14th from at 6:30 - 8:00 pm in Degnan Hall
- Toys for Tots collection
- Pictures with Santa
- Gingerbread house decorating. Click here to purchase your Gingerbread House to decorate. LIMITED QUANTITY AVAILABLE.
Classroom Christmas Parties!
Watch your emails for the Christmas Party signups coming from your homeroom helper.
Please remember that your clearances must be up to date if you wish to help.
If you are not sure if your clearances are up to date, please contact Mrs. Regotti who can confirm.
Thank you!
Dine Out Nights
We had 2 Dine Out Nights this fall:
Chick Fil A in September - $190.00
Iron Hill Dinner in October - $145.00
Mrs. Field's Fundraiser
Our Mrs. Field's fundraiser was a great success and raised $2,562.36! Thank you for your participation!
Jumbo Jackpot Success!!
We appreciate everyone's support as we transitioned into an online platform this year. We beat our goal and raised more than in the last 3 years. Total raised for our school was $18,031.00.
We ❤️ Volunteers!
- Full list of clearance requirements can be found at the Holy Family website.
- Click HERE for the VIRTUS class. ZOOM classes available!!
- Volunteer Criminal Background check online request HERE.
- Child Abuse clearance online check can be found HERE.
- Online Mandated Reporter class link HERE.
Once complete, send your clearances to aregotti@holyfamilyaston.org and you will be able to join in the classroom fun for the next 5 years.
About Us
Email: hsa@holyfamilyaston.org
Website: https://holyfamilyaston.org/
Location: 3265 Concord Road, Aston, PA, USA
Phone: 610-494-0147
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HolyFamilyRegionalSchool