Armstrong Parent Newsletter
Welcome Back Students, Parents, and Families!
We hope you all had a fantastic summer filled with fun and relaxation. It's with great excitement that we welcome you all back to another school year full of learning, growth, and new adventures! Please see our Welcome Back Letter below.
Important Dates
September 2023
Sept. 1st - NO SCHOOL
Sept. 4th - Labor Day/NO SCHOOL
Sept. 13th - ½ day for students, PM Professional Development for teachers
Sept. 20th - 7th & 8th Grade Open House
Sept. 21th - 6th Grade Open House
Sept. 15th-17th - Rosh Hashanah
Sept. 25th - Yom Kippur/NO SCHOOL
Sept. 26th - Picture Day
September Holidays
Sept. 15th-17th - Rosh Hashanah
Sept. 25th - Yom Kippur/NO SCHOOL
BTSD 2023-2024 Calendar
Upcoming Events
Sport Physicals on Wednesday September 13, 2023
Sports Physicals
Sport Physicals can be performed by the doctor who comes to our school each season or by an outside doctor. Physicals completed after June 1st are valid for the entire school year.
- Sports Physicals will be held on Wednesday, September 13th at Armstrong. Students having a sports physical done at school only need to bring $10 cash on the day of physicals.
- If you take your child to an outside doctor to have their physical completed, they must complete this PIAA CIPPE Form. No other paperwork can be accepted.
***Students who had a physical completed at school on 6/7/23 do NOT need a new physical***
Family ID Registration
The Family ID registration must be completed by a parent/guardian, using his or her email address (not the student’s). A completed registration is required for each season and only one season will be open at a time. The last four sections require a student to agree/sign where it says “Student”. Incomplete registration forms will not be approved and will be marked as “Correction Required”.
Armstrong Middle School Fall 2023-2024 Family ID Registration Link:
***Family ID Registrations for the Fall 2023-2024 teams are due by Monday, September 11th. Students must have a completed sports physical and an approved Family ID registration to try out.***
Open House on Wednesday September 20, 2023 & Thursday September 21, 2023
7th & 8th Grade Open House
We invite you to Neil A. Armstrong Middle School on Wednesday evening, September 20, 2023, to participate in our Open House. The festivities will begin promptly at 6:30 P.M. Please see the 7th & 8th Grade Parent Open House Letter for all the details!
6th Grade Open House
We invite you to Neil A. Armstrong Middle School on Thursday evening, September 21, 2023, to participate in our Open House. The festivities will begin promptly at 6:30 P.M. Please see the 6th Grade Parent Open House Letter for all the details!
Picture Day on Tuesday September 26, 2023!
Armstrong's Picture Day will take place on Tuesday September 26, 2023.
Autumn at Armstrong Community Day on October 7, 2023!
Save the date! More info to come!
Transportation to School
The transportation (busing) information for the 2023-2024 school year is now uploaded on the Parent Portal. If you have any questions regarding transportation, please contact our Transportation Office at 267-599-2370.
Armstrong Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures
Walkers: will enter and exit through the front of the building. There will be no vehicular traffic permitted in the main parking lot.
All buses and vans: will drop-off and dismiss through the main parking lot.
Car Riders (Arrival): During arrival, car riders will drop-off on the left-hand side at the end of the main drive. In the morning, cars should drop off students at the end of the long drive by the walkway that leads to the building near the softball field. Please do not park and/or exit the vehicles in the main parking lot. Students are not permitted in the main parking lot during arrival and dismissal times.
Car Riders (Dismissal): At afternoon dismissal, cars will need to loop around at the end of the drive to wait for the student(s). Cars should park on the softball field side of the driveway. Cars can then proceed out one row at a time. Please do not park in the driveway or on the fields. Students are not permitted in the main parking lot during arrival and dismissal times.
Important Information for Parents and Guardians:
- When possible, please avoid scheduling appointments for your child during the school day or at a time requiring an early dismissal for your child. A note from the appropriate doctor confirming medical appointments requiring your child to miss school time should be sent to the homeroom teacher after the visit.
- If an early dismissal is unavoidable, please come to the school and your child will be called down for dismissal. Reminder: You must provide proper ID to take your child from school. Due to bus parking, any student that needs early dismissal must be picked up by 2:15 p.m. If there is an emergency, please contact the Main Office.
- Early dismissals requested for the convenience of parents/guardians are not considered "Excused" and will be counted as "Unexcused" according to District policy.
- Any student arriving to school after 8:10 a.m. is considered late. Students can sign themselves into school. Parents do not have to escort their student into the building.
Armstrong Breakfast & Lunch
No Charge for Breakfast and Lunch Continues!
All Bristol Township School District students will continue to receive Breakfast and Lunch at no charge. Please see the attached letter below to learn more.
Armstrong Students and Staff ROCK!
ROCKS Training is a part of Armstrong's SWPBIS
What is SWPBIS?
The School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) is a universal, school-wide prevention program that aims to establish a social culture within schools in which students expect and support appropriate behavior from one another— and thereby create school environments that are socially predictable, consistent, safe, and positive. The primary goals of SWPBIS are to reduce problem behaviors within schools that lead to office discipline referrals and suspensions and to change perceptions of school safety.
Students learn the expected behaviors through our ROCKS Training. Students in all grades participate in lessons in several rotations throughout Armstrong, to learn the ROCKS matrix.
ROCKS Mission & Vision
ROCKS Mission and Vision Statements
Our Armstrong ROCKS mission is to cultivate a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture of lifelong learning and continual growth where students are invested in their future, are inspired by rigorous and meaningful learning experiences, and encouraged to think, innovate, and create.
Our Armstrong ROCKS vision is to be an exemplary, student-centered learning community where students develop knowledge and skills to positively influence a diverse, interconnected, and changing world.
District Shared Value
In the Bristol Township School District, excellence is our goal; therefore, we believe:
- all students have the capacity to learn based on their individual skills, passions, and interests.
- everyone has worth and must be treated with dignity and respect.
- meaningful learning of high standards can occur at any time and in any place.
- intellectual growth occurs when learners are empowered and engaged in their learning.
- learners will do challenging work when failure is embraced as a valuable part of the learning process and they feel safe and valued.
- parents and community members are valuable partners and must be involved in their schools.
- that every member of the school community contributes to student learning and should be a continuous learner.
- all of our employees must function as a team, advocate for students, create capacity, and build community.
- moral values of responsibility, reliability, self-control, and integrity are critical for individual and collective success.
ROCKS Tickets for Rocking the Matrix!
Teachers have been handing out ROCKS tickets to students for demonstrating being respectful, organized, cooperative, kind, and safe. On Tuesdays during lunch, students can turn in their tickets for prizes like sunglasses, headbands, and Tech Decks.
ROCKS Groups for Armstrong Students
Hello, Parents/Guardians!
Do you have any questions about ROCKS Groups? Please see the Q&A below!
What are ROCKS Groups?
ROCKS Groups provide social/emotional lessons to students who were identified to benefit from this intervention.
Who is going to be participating in the ROCKS Groups?
We have approximately 98 identified students for this program! We are so happy that we are going to be able to help out so many students.
How were these students identified?
Students were chosen based on quite a few measures, including ROCKS Referrals, LinkIt Data, guidance data, behavioral referrals, and a few other mediums of data.
What will students work on in the groups?
In this group, students will have the opportunity to work with their peers on various skills and topics, such as social skills, organization, emotional regulation, and much more.
Who will my student be working with?
Students will work with counselors, teachers, and/or the SAP counselor in these groups.
How will the groups work?
For groups that are adapting the Peer Mentor model: older students will have the opportunity to mentor a younger student and younger students will have the opportunity to have a mentor to work with! It will definitely be a fun and educational experience for both mentors and mentees.
All groups will receive similar education in these above listed skills; however, each group was formed based on specific needs that each student is presenting.
Are students required to participate?
A letter will be sent home with each student. Parents/guardians have the option to opt out of this program. Some students may have their group during their lunch period. They are welcome to bring their lunch to the group.
How much class time will my students miss?
These groups will run bi-weekly, for approximately 20-30 minutes, so students will not miss a full class each week.
I have some more questions!
Please feel free to reach out to Miss. G with any questions at 267-599-2274 or
Armstrong Canvas & iCampus
Keeping Track of Your Child's Progress
Are you a parent observer on your child's Canvas account? Follow these instructions.
Having Technology Issues?
If your child is having technical issues please use the following information.
iCampus Portals
The Campus Portal Links have been updated. Please use the links below and replace any old bookmarks with the new URL below. If you are having issues with the Parent Portal App, please delete and re-install the app.
Student Portal Link -
Parent Portal Link -
If you are having issues with your username or password please email
Armstrong students with Canvas password issues can be resolved by emailing Mrs. Sabatini at
Armstrong Chromebook Corner
All students need to purchase Chromebook Insurance!
Sometimes accidents happen! Please make sure you protect your Chromebook! Please see the flyer below to learn how to purchase Chromebook insurance.
Students please remember to charge your Chromebook nightly, and it may be helpful to bring your charger to school just in case! Please keep in mind that having a Chromebook is a responsibility and it is your job to keep it in good working condition. Chromebooks should not be carried by the screen and should be closed when moving from place to place. If something happens, please be sure to fill out a Chromebook Issue Form found in your Canvas Grade Level Classroom.
Armstrong Cell Phone Policy
Cell Phones!!!
If a cell phone is confiscated, it will only be returned to a parent/guardian between the hours of:
7:45am to 9:00am and 2:00pm to 3:30 pm.
No exceptions will be made.
Armstrong Attendance & Documentation
Attendance Notes and Documentation!
Just a reminder, a parent/guardian may excuse the first 10 absences each school year. Any student absence after 10 days must be accompanied with a medical note. Anything else is considered unexcused.
Armstrong Social Emotional Learning
Mr. Dayton's SEL Tip of The Week
Dear Armstrong Families,
Keep the first days of school very positive. Allow time for routines to kick in. Make it clear that you understand and expect by the end of the first week of school, routines will be set and work well. Ask your child for suggestions about ways to modify the routines that are not going well. After school, ask your child to share the best parts of the school day. Later, ask your child what they are looking forward to most the next day. In that way, you keep the focus positive.
Thank you,
Mr. Dayton
Armstrong Sports & Fitness
Armstrong Athletics Parent Letter September 2023
Please see the Armstrong Athletics Parent Letter for important information regarding sport physicals, Family ID registration, student-athlete eligibility requirements, spectators, and coaches.
FREE Planet Fitness Pass
From the Armstrong Guidance Department
Welcome Back!
Dear Parents & Guardians,
It’s hard to believe, but the new school year has arrived. We’re looking forward to working with our Armstrong families this year as we meet once again some familiar faces as well as some new ones. Please see the link below for some helpful tips for students and parents entering the academic year, and do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s counselor with questions or concerns regarding your child, our school, or if we can be of any assistance to you. We look forward to a great start to the 2023-24 school year!
2023-2024 School Counselor Assignments
Please review the information below to determine the school counselor assignments for 2023-2024.
Mr. Benson - All grades last names A-L
Phone - 267-599-2272
Ms. Guinta - All grades last names M-Z
Phone - 267-599-2274
From the Armstrong School Nurse
Private Physical form
- BTSD Physical letter and form
Private Dental form
-BTSD Private Dentist Letter & Dental Form
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In accordance with Pennsylvania School Law, dental exams are required in kindergarten or first grade, third grade, seventh grade as well as for any student that does not have a dental exam in his/her health record. These grades have been chosen as they normally mark an important period of growth and development in your child’s life. Dr. Ravin, the school dentist, will be at Neil Armstrong Middle School on Wednesday, September 27th, 2023 and Wednesday, October 25th, 2023. I would like to schedule your child to be seen by Dr. Ravin to comply with state mandated guidelines.
Please contact the school nurse ONLY if you DO NOT want your child to be seen by the school dentist. If you already submitted your child’s completed dental form please disregard this notice.
Pennsylvania's Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- CHIP information in English
- CHIP information in Spanish
I have some free smart thermometers that were donated to our school from Kinsa’s FLUency™ program, if your family is in need of a thermometer, please reach out to me at or 267-599-2262 to request one!
BTSD Health and Safety Plan
Back to School Armstrong Yearbook Special!
Back to School Special!
2023-2024 Armstrong Yearbooks are on sale for $25 until January 1, 2024. Starting January 3rd the cost will be $30. You can pay cash, check made out to BTSD, or online (please see the link below). If interested, send your payment with your child in an envelope with their Name and first period teacher name on the envelope. They can turn the envelope in to their 1st period teacher, Mrs. Schultz or Mrs. McHugh in D-2, or the guidance office.
Link to purchase 2023-2024 Armstrong Yearbook online-
Armstrong's Facebook Page
If you have a student attending Armstrong Middle School, consider joining our new "official" Facebook group. This group was designed to share information and promote positivity within our school community. You can scan the QR code to go directly to the group to join. Please make sure to answer the questions so your request will be accepted.
State Screenings and BTSD Wellness Policy Information
SEPAC - Special Education Parent Advisory Committee
If you are interested please fill out this brief survey or send an email to
Bullying and Teens
Bristol Township Bullying Policies and Procedures
Bullying Prevention
Bristol Township School District is committed to providing a physically safe and emotionally secure environment for all students and staff. Local school policies assist school personnel in identifying bullying, intimidation, and harassment, and provide a framework for an appropriate response that reinforces positive conduct. The district defines positive behaviors as those which evoke non-violence, cooperation, teamwork, understanding, and acceptance toward all students and staff in the learning and teaching environment. It takes a community to prevent bullying of children--stopping bullying behavior needs a team of school people, students, and families. Together we can intervene to stop bullying behaviors.
Reporting Procedures
Victims: - All students who believe they have been the victim of bullying shall promptly report the bullying incident to a teacher, counselor or building administrator.
Parents/Guardians: - All parents/guardians who become aware of any bullying are encouraged to report the bullying incident to a building administrator.
Witness(es): - All students who witness bullying shall immediately report the bullying incident to a teacher, counselor or administrator. Any teacher, counselor or administrator who witnesses bullying shall immediately intervene and take appropriate action to stop the bullying.
Teachers/Counselors: - Any teacher/counselor who witness bullying or receives a report of bullying shall document such incident and promptly investigate the matter. Administrators shall seek to discuss the bullying incident with the victim in a place where the victim feels secure. The initial discussion with the victim shall not take place in the presence of the offending student. If more than one (1) student is involved in perpetrating the bullying, the administrator shall talk to each of the offending students separately. After the investigation has been completed, the building principal shall take appropriate actions consistent with this policy.
Anyone who is the victim of or has witnessed bullying please submit the incident form to building administration.
Incident Reporting Form
BTSD Bullying Policy
Disciplinary and other action
Disciplinary action shall be in accordance with Board approved district procedures and guidelines. Depending on the severity of the offense, the disciplinary action for bullying may include loss of privileges, removal from class, suspensions, and a Board expulsion hearing. If the investigation has determined that the conduct rises to the level of a crime, disciplinary action may also include referral to law enforcement officials. In addition to imposing and disciplinary action, the building administrator will discuss the bullying behavior with the offending student and the parent/guardian and review why the behavior was inappropriate.
In some circumstances, mediation may be used as a viable alternative or in addition to disciplinary action when addressing a first offense of bullying. The building administrator shall consider the nature and sensitivity of the offense in determining whether mediation is appropriate. Mediation shall not be used without the consent of the victim and their parent/guardian or where the building administrator has a concern about retaliation being perpetrated against the victim. Victims shall not be pressured into participating in mediation.
All incidents of confirmed bullying, including those that are mediated, shall be recorded in writing and placed in the offending student's discipline file.
The penalties and prohibitions in this policy are in addition to, and do not replace or supersede, any related provisions in district policy prohibiting conduct such as harassment, violence, assault, and hazing.
What is bullying?
Bullying implies an imbalance in strength or power. The student who is bullied may have difficulty defending him/herself.
Bullying shall mean an intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act or series of acts directed at another student or students which occurs in a school setting that is severe, persistent or pervasive, and that has the effect of doing any of the following:
Substantially interfering with a student's education;
Creating a threatening environment; or
Substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
[School setting shall mean in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop or at any activity sponsored, supervised or sanctioned by the school.]
Safe2Say Something is a school safety tool that will save lives.
What is Safe2SaySomething?
How does Safe2Say Something Work?
- Submit an anonymous tip report through the Safe2SaySomething system
- Crisis center reviews, assesses and processes all submissions
- Crisis center sends all submissions to school administration and/or law enforcement for intervention
- If needed, crisis center may contact tipster anonymously through the app
Working Papers
Looking for Working Papers?
Students 14 years and older, please see Ms. Capriotti in the front office for working papers!
21st Century YMCA After School Programs
Armstrong Discount Cards
Stay tuned for this school year's discount card!
Armstrong Important Contact Information
Armstrong Middle School
Phone - 267-599-2270
Principal - Mr. Dayton
Principal Secretary - Mrs. Page
Phone - 267-599-2269
Assistant Principal - Mrs. Sabatini
Attendance/Assistant Principal Secretary - Ms. Capriotti
Phone - 267-599-2268
School Counselors
Mr. Benson - All grades last names A-L
Phone - 267-599-2272
Ms. Guinta - All grades last names M-Z
Phone - 267-599-2274
School Counseling Secretary - Ms. Fleming
Phone - 267-599-2265
Social Worker - Ms. Donnelly
Phone - 267-599-2264
School Nurse - Ms. Rose
Phone - 267-599-2262
Fax - 215-949-1721
Special Education Department Chair - Mrs. Schultz
Armstrong Middle School
Location: Neil A. Armstong Middle School, Wistar Road, Fairless Hills, PA, USA
Phone: (267) 599-2270