The Acorn
Oakview's Online News Flash
Principal's Report - Dr. Phillip Reavis
Extended Day Program - Open for Registration!
We will be accepting registration forms for the 2016-2017 Extended Day Program on Monday, May 9 at 4:00 pm. You may pick up the registration forms at the Kindergarten orientation. Registration will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Students must already be registered to attend Oakview Elementary for 2016-2017 in order to register for the Extended Day Program. Registration forms, weekly fees, and program information may be obtained by visiting our Extended Day Webpage.
District Science Fair Winners
Oakview was well represented at this year’s district science fair! Congratulations go out to our young scientists!
1st Place 4th grade team - Caroline Scott and Lucy Gordon Vaughn
1st Place 5th grade team - Ethan Hong, Jordan Adams, and Pierce Melancon
3rd Place 5th grade individual winner - Harry Davis
Great job! Everyone at Oakview is proud of you.
Talented Singers!
Three Oakview chorus students were selected to take part in the 36th annual Spring Sing concert held at the Peace Center on April 12, 2016. Lucy Charles, Gabe Crumley, and Noah Smith were part of an auditioned group of 300 5th graders in the district. They worked very hard, including Saturday practices, in order to prepare for the concert. We are very proud of our Oakview singers for representing us at the district level!
PTA President's Report - Celeste Blinston
As I mentioned in the last ACORN, members of your PTA traveled to Charleston for the State PTA Convention in April. In addition to the Outstanding Principal of the Year Finalist and Outstanding Elementary Teacher of the year awards I previously shared, Oakview Elementary PTA also received the following state awards:
• Gold Award for Oak Leaf Awards - Goals Recognition Program
• Top 10 of Highest Percentage of Members per Enrollment
• Top 10 in the State for Total Members
• Local Unit Membership Recognitions with 100% Faculty Membership and 1000 Member Club
• Platinum Award for Palmetto Awards - Membership Recognition Program
• Award of Excellence for Local Units in both Enrichment Programs & Membership Promotions
It was definitely fun to see our Board's hard work this year pay off! We are looking forward to presenting more PTA awards during the Volunteer Appreciation and Spring Concert Event on Monday, May 2. We will also be voting on next school year's board and the proposed working budget for 2016-2017 so please join us if you are able.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at cblinston@charter.net.
Box Tops - Spring Contest Winners
to the following classes who collected the most Box Tops:
1. Mrs. Laye – 4th grade – 1,055
2. Mrs. Bradt – 3rd grade - 1048
3. Mrs. Russell – 5th grade - 1039
Each class celebrated with a special treat; 1st place cupcake party; 2nd place extra recess time and popsicle party; and 3rd place won a bag of sports balls, Frisbees and jump ropes for use during recess!
The Spring Collection period brought in over 14,000 Box Tops. As a result, Oakview will receive a check for approximately $1,450.
Also, we would like to say a huge thank you to those who gave their time helping clip, count, and bag all those Box Tops.
We couldn’t do it without each of you - thank you for supporting this vital program!
Amee Patel & Angela Halpin, Box Tops Coordinators
5th Grade Day - Friday, May 27
Stay tuned for more details from the co-chairs, Aimee Lonergan & Michelle Stoudemire.