Cardinal Connections
October 12, 2020
Monday Morning Announcements
Abigail Junga - 1st Grade - Kroll
Jalyna Ambers - 4th Grade - Phillips
Ben Skurda - 4th Grade - Phillips
Kennedy Barrett - 4th Grade - Phillips
Allen Harris - 5th Grade - Laichalk
Breakfast at CVE Begins 10/19 at 8:53
- Breakfast will begin on 10/19 at 8:53 a.m.
- We are asking that you bring the students to the building by 8:53 for breakfast.
- Students will be eating breakfast in their classrooms.
- Please do not bring students to school before this time.
Halloween - On October 23rd (half-day) and October 30th (half-day)
Halloween is such a huge event for Elementary that I don't want us to miss out on it. To make sure that both groups of students can participate we will have it on two days.
Halloween will be scheduled on October 23rd, a Scheduled B-day, and then again on October 30th, a Schedule A day. This will make it equal/fair to both groups.
Costumes can be worn. However, they still must wear masks. This gives all students the opportunity to participate in wearing their costumes.
Parent Teacher Conferences - 10/21 & 10/22
Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up. We will be holding them virtually. They will be held on October 21st and 22nd. I will update this list as I get more of the Teacher's links.
Small Groups Held on Students Off-Days - During our Hybrid Model
Positivity Project Quotes for the week
Transportation Information for Students
Parking Log Procedures
- We ask that parents keep kids in their cars until our building opens.
- Please do not drop students off prior to 8:53
- Busses will release students at 8:53
- Teaching staff will be available during this time period to assist in arrival.
- Please wait to release your child from your vehicles until busses leave.
SACC will begin on 10/26
- SACC for us will begin on 10/26
- Only students who are here for their day of instruction are allowed to participate in SACC if registered
- SACC will follow the LARA guidelines (same guidelines as Little Turtle)
- Temperature checks will be taken
Technology information
- Families who may need laptops but never requested one can still add their name at
CVS Computer Checkout Waitlist Survey
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Our plan is based on these parameters.