Parent Partnership
News + Resources from your School Counselor + Success Coach
News and Updates from Mrs. Gotfried and Mrs. Hargrave:
As we come to the end of the month of January, we reflect on our time learning with your students and are so thankful for each of them! Students are doing a wonderful job of attending SEL Lessons and completing their SEL work on Seesaw. Thank you so much for your support of Social Emotional Learning. We value your partnership so very much.
We are excited for our next Parent Partnership Event on Tuesday 1/26 from 7:00-8:00 pm and we hope you will join us! Keep reading below to learn how to RSVP and what this awesome parent opportunity entails.
Thank you for being such an important piece to CDL. We appreciate all of your hard work and dedication to your child's learning and well being. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns and we will work together with you to problem solve.
Take good care Findley Community!
Emily and Su
Meet Mrs. Reverman!
As many of you may already know, I will be going on Maternity Leave starting 1/22 and returning in the spring. I want to take this opportunity to introduce my substitute who is very excited to meet students and get to know this amazing community! Meet Carolyn Reverman who will be Findley's school counselor until I return. If you need to connect with Carolyn, please email her at:
I will miss everyone so much but know you and your students are in good hands with Mrs. Reverman!
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and I wish you all a very safe and healthy next couple of months.
Emily Gotfried
Parent Partnership
Findley’s Parent Partnership Presents:
Peace and Productivity
A parent night focused on strategies to tap into your child’s motivation and increase joy!
Please join us on Tuesday, January 26th from 7:00-8:00 PM as we welcome presenter Kris Damiano, Beaverton School District’s Social Emotional Learning TOSA.
Parents and caregivers will have the opportunity to ask specific questions, problem solve, and hear valuable information on how to foster peace and productivity in this current learning environment.
Please RSVP to receive the zoom link to this event. We look forward to seeing you there!
Emily Gotfried, School Counselor emily_gotfried@beaverton.k12.or.us
Susan Hargrave, Student Success Coach susan_hargrave@beaverton.k12.or.us
Wednesday SEL Lessons
January 27th:
K- Live Zoom and Seesaw Lesson, Introduction to Kelso's Choices!
1&2- Live Zoom and Seesaw Lesson, Conversation Makers and Breakers
3-5- Seesaw Lesson Only, Stop, Think, and Cool Off!
February 3rd
K- Seesaw Lesson Only
1&2- Seesaw Lesson Only
3-5- Live Zoom and Seesaw Lesson
February 10th
K- Live Zoom and Seesaw Lesson
1&2- Live Zoom and Seesaw Lesson
3-5- Seesaw Lesson Only
February 15th- No SEL (4 day week)
February 22nd- No SEL (4 day week)
Fostering Flexible Thinking
Parent Wellness: Online Wellness Groups
This amazing resource is open to all Oregonians and is geared towards self care as we balance work and family life during the pandemic. See below for more details and if this opportunity might be of interest to you.
"As our communities face COVID-19, we are experiencing drastic changes to everyday life, both personally and professionally – and these changes are especially difficult for helpers and other frontline and essential workers. Oregon Helpers Wellness Initiative is dedicated to providing critical support to Oregon communities and those workers we depend on most.
Our virtual peer support meetings are free, confidential and open to all frontline workers including medical and behavioral health providers, social workers, home caregivers, and more.
We offer these spaces to focus on self-care, because finding a healthy work-life balance is a daily challenge. We hope to de-stigmatize help-seeking for stress, anxiety, and depression, encourage resource sharing and resilience, and quell compassion fatigue and burnout."