Drinking water supplies
Drinking water supplies in South America
Global drinking water supplies
South America has up to 65% of global drinking water supplies, but ironically most of the people living there lack it every day. One of the biggest water supplies in the world like the Amazon River, the Andes and groundwater are located there.
Access to drinking water
However, 1.2 billion people living in South America have limited access to drinking water. The water is very expensive there, and even if houses there are connected to the waterworks people do not want to use that water as it is usually too foul to be used for drinking purposes.
Water is more expensive than gasoline
A poor consolation is also the fact that water in South America is sometimes more expensive than gasoline (in fact, water in Venezuela is twice more expensive that petrol!). Unfortunately, people tend to care about their own interests, not for the sake of others.