WHS Principal Post November 2017
Monthly Principal Newsletter
Dear WHS Families,
November Dates to Note:
- 11/14, Tuesday- WHS PTA Meeting, LRC, 7pm.
- 11/17, Friday, WHS PTA Book Fair Begins, Student Council "Stuffed Animal Day", and Report Card Distribution
- 11/20, Monday, No School, Parent- Teacher Conferences, 1-4 pm, and 5:30- 8pm
- 11/21, Tuesday, No School, Parent- Teacher Conferences, 1-4 pm, and 5:30- 8pm
- 11/22- 11/24, No School, Thanksgiving Break
- 12/6, Wednesday, Early Release, Student Dismissal at 1:15 pm
- 12/6, Wednesday, WHS Winter Musical for Grades 3-5, 7pm at GWMS
- 12/8, Friday, WHS PTA Movie Night, 6:15- 8:15 pm, GYM
- 12/11, Monday, WHS Winter Musical for Grades K-2, 7pm at GWMS
- 12/20, D44 Elementary Band/ Orchestra Winter Concert, 7pm at GEHS
- 12/21, WHS PTA Classroom Winter Parties, 1:15- 2:45 pm.
- 12/22, Friday, No School, Winter Break Begins
WHS "Starcast" Premiere
Trimester 1 Report Cards and Parent Teacher Conferences
WHS PTA Reflections
Special Thanks goes out to Emily Suarino for hosting the WHS PTA Reflections projects at her studio in Lombard. The reception was on Thursday, 11/2 from 6:30- 8:00 pm. It was great to see our students' artwork displayed in this gallery setting! Click on the link below to access more information about her studio.
Thank You Village of Lombard
Below you will find a quick video of some of our WHS Pack 42 members thanking the Village of Lombard at their recent meeting on Thursday, Nov. 2nd.
Winter Weather Procedures
- Students will be outside for arrival and recess UNLESS the temperature (including the windchill) is below 10 degrees.
- Once the snow falls, students must have both snowpants and boots to play in the snow
- In the event of school closing, you will be notified via an automated phone call, email, and it will be posted on the D44 and WHS websites.
Recent Tweets from #whs44
The next D44 Early Release Day is on Wednesday, December 6th.
WHS Winter Musicals -- SAVE THE DATE
- Wednesday, December 6th, Grades 3-5, 7pm at GWMS
- Monday, December 11th, Grades K-2, 7pm at GWMS
More detailed information regarding these performances will be coming home soon!
Culminating Activities for Bullying Awareness Month
Bear Down On Bullying Assembly:
"Stick it 2 Bullies" Schoolwide Display
During our October Star Constellations Lesson, each of our 31 school groups made bumper stickers with anti-bullying messages. We now have a display in the WHS All Purpose Room (APR) that will feature rotating bumper stickers. We have over 200 student-made messages to feature on the the car that is parked in the APR. Bumper stickers will be swapped out each month!
Lost and Found at WHS? Does Anything Look Familiar?
A Look Way Ahead! "Stars and Spike" 5K Fun Run! Saturday, May 5th, 2018.
- This Event will be called "The Stars and Spike 5K Fun Run". As you know our WHS school mascot is the "The Stars" and the MD school mascot is "Spike" the bulldog.
- The date for this event will be on the morning of Saturday May 5th. This will be a busy time for us. Our WHS talent show is scheduled for Friday, May 4th. Due to Village of Lombard Scheduling, permits, and spacing with the "Mutt Strutt", May 5th is the confirmed date for our event. Save the date!
- Keep your eyes out for ways you can help support this event after the new year!
Wm. Hammerschmidt School Contact Information
Email: ddanielski@sd44.org
Location: Wm Hammerschmidt Elementary School, Hammerschmidt Avenue, Lombard, IL, United States
Phone: 630-827-4200
Twitter: @ddanielski