This Week at Windsor 1.22.2021
Teachers make a difference at any distance...
Windsor Families,
It was so wonderful to welcome back many students to in-person learning on Thursday this week! You could feel the energy and excitement in the building from both staff and students! Mrs. Soprano and Mrs. Anastacio visited all of the classrooms and reviewed lunch and recess procedures with the students.
Be sure to send your child with boots and snow pants each day. Also, please notify the office if your child will be absent or if your child is scheduled to be in school 4 days a week but you decide to keep them home to remote learn for the day, online absence submission or absent hotline would be preferred. If your child forgets an item please label the item with your child's name and teacher's name and bring it into the office and place it in your child's grade level bin located to your right once you enter the office.
Drop and Go
We saw an incredible increase in cars in our drop and go line on Windsor Drive on Thursday and Friday. The safety of our students is our number one priority. PLEASE continue to follow the directions of the staff in yellow vests outside directing traffic. We are asking that you please do not double park on the street, you will need to circle back around and get in line along the Windsor Drive curb to pick up your children, this is for the children's safety. Also, if your child cannot independently find your car or enter the car independently on the passenger side, please park your car on one of the surrounding streets and walk up to gather your child. The car line needs to keep moving, you cannot park your car on Windsor Drive, we are causing a back-up in the Windsor/Miner intersection and blocking crosswalks. The Arlington Heights Police Department will continue to spot check at arrival and dismissal to help keep everyone safe.
Lunch service
Lunch service began this week, all students are eligible to receive a free lunch daily. All lunches are cold, there is no hot lunch option currently. Please see the menu below for the daily lunch option. Your child's teacher will ask their class each morning who would like lunch for the day, lunches will be delivered to your child's lunch location.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up on February 11th and 12th, be on the lookout for an email from Windsor to sign-up for conferences on February 1st. Parent-Teachers Conferences will be held via Zoom.
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day parties will be held virtually on Monday, February 15th. Teachers will be working with their room reps to plan activities, more information will come from your child's teacher.
Picture Day
Picture Day will be held on two days this year to allow enough time for cleaning and social distancing; February 17th and 18th. If you are a remote-only student, you have the option to take the picture yourself (please see PTA section below) or you can sign-up for a time slot to bring your child to Windsor to have their picture taken. More information and remote student sign-ups coming soon.
Important information:
- Today is the last day for Yearbook orders:
Step 4 information, please check out our At-a-Glance Document. Please do email Mrs. Anastacio or Mrs. Soprano with any additional questions that you may have.
Stay well,
Mrs. Anastacio and Mrs. Soprano
Upcoming Events:
- Monday, February 1st--Sign-ups for Parent-Teacher Conferences will be emailed out to families
- Monday, February 8th- Sign-ups for Parent-Teacher Conferences will close at noon
- Thursday, February 11th- Parent-Teacher Conferences-- 8:20 am - 7:20 pm
- Friday, February 12th- Parent-Teacher Conferences-- 8:20 am - 11:20 am
- Monday, February 15th- Valentine's Day Parties
- Wednesday, February 17th- Picture Day (more info to come)
- Thursday, February 18th- Picture Day (more info to come)
Notes from the Health Office...
Hi Parents!
Again, please be sure you let us know if anyone in your home develops any symptoms of COVID and keep all of your children home. Of course, also let us know if your children were a close contact of anyone with COVID and keep them in quarantine for 14 days.
Now that we have larger groups of children within a classroom, we are not able to keep 6 ft distance between children. It is important for you to understand close contact.
A close contact is an individual who is within 6 feet for greater than 15 minutes to a confirmed positive covid-19 case or probable covid-19 case.
A probable covid-19 case is when an individual is symptomatic AND was recently exposed to a positive covid-19 individual.
***Please note, when we send home a student with symptoms, and they have had NO known exposure, we do not send home close contacts until they are confirmed a positive covid-19 case. However, we will send home any siblings or other individuals who reside in the same home.
I’ve received several questions regarding travel. The CDC/IDPH recommends quarantine for 14 days after traveling out of state and country. This applies even for people who have had COVID or COVID vaccination because they don’t have enough data to know if people with immunity to COVID may still be carriers if exposed (asymptomatic carriers). As a school district, we are asking that you please follow the guidelines and keep your children home for the 14 day quarantine period. Especially considering we can no longer maintain 6 feet or greater physical distance. CDC travel information
As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and thank you for partnering with us!
Darlene Carpenter, RN
Windsor School Nurse
Windsor PTA
- Yearbook sales going on now through January 22:
- Picture Day is coming February 17 and 18. If you are unable to make these days and would like your child included in the yearbook please see the link here for information about taking photos yourself.
- Book Fair - This year the book fair will be a virtual event from February 4-17. Kids will be able to navigate online like they would in the gym. More details to come.
- Science Fair - We are postponing the science fair this year to spring and will share more information as we get closer.
Mrs. Stella's Station
Both Brookfield and Lincoln Park Zoo have closed their doors for the winter, but their education about their animals is continuing online! I've found the zoo chats to be a fun way to keep bringing the zoo to my family when we can't visit the zoo ourselves!
- Brookfield Zoo is doing an online program called Bringing the Zoo to you! Every weekday at 11:00 there is a live chat featuring favorite zoo animals. The live chat is on their Facebook page, but all the chats are then posted on the zoo's YouTube page.
- Lincoln Park Zoo is also doing their own version of the live chats, called Stay Tuned at the Zoo. New chats come out every Tuesday and Thursday and can be accessed through their YouTube page.
Have a great weekend!
Important Tech Tip:
Please remind your students that they should power down their Chromebooks at least once a day and maybe at lunchtime as well. That will help the "glitchiness" many are experiencing.
iPads should also be rebooted occasionally to prevent connectivity issues. Instructions are below.
To turn off your Chromebook completely, try one of these options:
- At the bottom right, select the time. Select Power .
- At the bottom right, select the time. Select Sign out Shut down.
- Press and hold the Power key for 3 seconds.
- Press and hold the Power button until you see a menu to Power off or Sign out
To Power Down Your iPad:
- Press and hold the On/Off/Sleep button at the upper-right corner of the iPad. Slide the bar to Power off.
Windsor Elementary School
Location: 1315 East Miner Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847-398-4297
Twitter: @WindsorWildcats