Psychic Medium Ed
Welcome March
The call of a bluebird is a song that “melts the ear, as the snow.”
It was one of those
days when the sun shines hot
and the wind blows cold:
when it is summer in the light,
and winter in the shade.
~Charles Dickens
Welcome Spring
Spring Equinox
In the Northern Hemisphere, the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere (also called the March equinox or vernal equinox across the globe) occurs when the Sun crosses the celestial equator going south to north. It’s called the “celestial” equator because it’s an imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator. Imagine standing on the equator; the Sun would pass directly overhead on its way north.
After the spring equinox, the Northern Hemisphere begins to be tilted more toward the Sun, resulting increasing number of daylight hours, with earlier dawns and later sunsets! (In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the opposite: The March equinox marks the start of autumn, as the Southern Hemisphere begins to be tilted away from the Sun.)
St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day is the feast day of St. Patrick, a patron saint of Ireland. Originally celebrated with religious feasts and services, St. Patrick's Day became a secular celebration of Irish culture when it reached the United States alongside Irish immigrants. Celebrations generally involve public parades and festivals, céilithe, and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks.
Daylight Savings Time
Daylight saving time, also referred to as daylight savings time or simply daylight time, and summer time, is the practice of advancing clocks during warmer months so that darkness falls at a later clock time. The typical implementation of DST is to set clocks forward by one hour in the spring, and to set clocks back by one hour in the fall to return to standard time. As a result, there is one 23-hour day in early spring and one 25-hour day in the middle of autumn. Daylight savings time will take place March 12, at 2:00 am.
In the springtime, the Earth is waking up from her dream and everything bursts forth to grow. The flowers and trees have awakened and are coming back to life. The rains will help fertilize Mother Earth and help the process of spring evolve. Water also fertilizes the hearts of humans causing the flower of the heart, the “tutu” to open, so we can become wiser and more beautiful. Our heart is dormant during the winter like everything in nature – resting. This is a good thing. It is being charged up to awaken and arise in the spring; as the earth is waking up, we too, wake up. Spring brings back the power of light, the relationship of the sun to the earth, which is what helps define the seasons. Light has the effect of awakening both the Earth and people. The sun gives light to the earth, activates chemicals that promote love. Love is the power of springtime, and as Mother Earth wakes up, she exudes that love. The energy of love is thus reborn in the spring.
It is the same way with us as humans. The seasons affect us and we go through a major shift with the change of seasons. We are introspective in winter; energy goes inside. In the spring, we experience a rebirth – physically, spiritually, and emotionally – we gain new life.
Approach spring as though it is the first time you have ever experienced it – the first time you ever saw a flower, a tree growing, a bird flying. Open your heart to love, to beauty, to clarity. Leave the old behind and be reborn during the season of spring. East is representative of the spring season, the image of the sun peeking through the clouds. You are reborn as the sun is reborn each day. Each spring your spirit will burst out of the darkness of winter. Make your spirit bright like the colors of Nature. Feel the world through your heart. This is a time to leave behind old patterns, old ways of doing things, and embrace the power and beauty of new life.
February didn’t disappoint us with its wild weather in our region. We received our fair share of cold temperatures and rainy days. And yes, I have enjoyed every minute. Nothing like getting home from work or being lazy on a Saturday or Sunday and sitting reading a book or binge-watching Hulu while covered with an electric blanket. February brought us a full schedule of things to do personally and at our places of business and school. My sister-in-law and husband paid us a weekend visit and we were off to the mountains for a day. I love driving through the mountains and listening to Patrick tell stories of growing up around his Grandparents who farmed the mountain. There is always something new to learn and a story we have never heard before. Our son went to his first Valentine’s Day dance. Nervousness and anxiousness were all rolled into one. Patrick took him shopping as nothing would do that he have a new shirt, pants, shoes, and vest. He wanted a pink shirt for the occasion. They had a lot of fun shopping as they told later that evening. We are still not sure how the dance went but he did tell us he and his friend are not an item. We are okay with
Mom is more or less confined to the house now unless she goes somewhere with Dad. Such is the progress of dementia, as you know. She is a champion not always being where she thinks she is. But all is okay, when family and friends are around we sit and hold her hand, reminisce about the past or the beauty of the day. She loves flowers and enjoys talking about them. For mom she is busy living, not busy dying. We find the measure has changed - from time, to happiness. That is the scale we now use. The joy-o-meter. There have been a few tears, of course. But she deserves tears. But far more smiles and laughter and, yes, happiness. A life well and fully lived. And it is not over yet. Just another phase.
I want to leave you, dear friend, with one of my favorite videos from a few years past. You may have already seen it, but like most things of beauty, it's worth experiencing again.
And, I think that's it. Sending warm thoughts your way. None of this would be any fun without your companionship. It's so wonderful to be walking through this journey together.
Did You Know
Did you know that March is National Umbrella Month?
March 8 is International Women’s Day, which is a day that not only celebrates the achievements of women and the progress made toward women’s rights, but also brings attention to ongoing struggles for equality around the world.
March 12 is the start of Daylight Saving Time, which begins at 2:00 A.M. that day. If your area observes it, don’t forget to “spring forward” and set the clocks one hour ahead, or you may find yourself an hour late to everything!
March 15 is the Ides of March! Legend surrounds this ill-fated day. Beware the Ides of March!
March 17 is St. Patrick's Day. According to folklore, folks wear a shamrock on St. Patrick’s Day because the saint used its three leaves to explain the Trinity.
March 20 brings about the March equinox-also called the vernal or spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere—marking the beginning of spring. In the Southern Hemisphere, this date marks the autumnal equinox and the beginning of fall. On this day, the Sun stands directly over Earth’s equator.
March 22 marks the start of Ramadan, which begins at sundown on that day. In Islam, Ramadan is considered a holy month when a month-long, sunrise-to-sunset fast is observed.
March 29-31 are known as the Borrowing Days. According to lore, the last three days of March have a reputation for being stormy.
Here are a few more fun dates most may not have heard of: Mar 3, What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day; Mar 11, International Fanny Pack Day; Mar 13, National Ear Muff Day; Mar 16, National Panda Day; Mar 16, Absolutely Incredible Kid Day; Mar 23, World Meteorological Day; Mar 31, World Backup Day.
March’s full Moon, the Worm Moon, reaches peak illumination on the morning of Tuesday, March 7, 2023. Look for it in the evening of Monday, March 6, as the Moon rises above the horizon! In the 1760s, Captain Jonathan Carver visited the Naudowessie (Dakota) and other Native American tribes and wrote that the name Worm Moon refers to a different sort of “worm”—beetle larvae—which begin to emerge from the thawing bark of trees and other winter hideouts at this time.
March’s birth flower is the daffodil or jonquil. The daffodil signifies regard or unrequited love. The jonquil means “I desire a return of affection.”
March’s birthstone is the aquamarine. This gem is a type of beryl; its color can be pale to dark blue, greenish-blue, or blue-green; deep, intense blue versions are more valuable.
March’s Zodiac signs are Pisces (February 20 to March 20) and Aries (March 21 to April 20).
According to folklore, wear a sprig of rosemary in your hair to improve your memory!
March brings rain and mud! Sprinkle salt on carpets to dry out muddy footprints before vacuuming.
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You can now order our books on Amazon.
Katelyn has published a journal to help you with your growth
Questions and Counsel
Dear Katelyn,
I want to be someone who meditates so bad. I can’t quiet my head or even focus enough to sit there. What do you recommend.
Hi Unfocused,
I’ve learned in my own work people want to begin meditating but aren’t ready to begin sitting in meditation. I have started to call this meditation prep. Begin prepping yourself for mediation by inviting breath into your life first. At every red light and stop sign take 5-10 deep breaths in. Get in the practice of asking yourself “where is my mind” throughout the day, and in the moment when you notice your mind wandering.
Once you begin to invite mindfulness and breathing into your daily life your energy will begin to crave more. That is when you know you are ready to start sitting in mediation.
What’s important when it comes to sitting in meditation is knowing that meditation is a practice. Every time you sit in meditation you are in practice and each practice is going to look different than the other. Meditation comes in many forms; mindfulness, spiritual, mantra, movement, loving-kindness, transcendental, progressive relaxation, visualization. Approach your practice by trying different forms of meditation and see which one works best for you.
Meditation is hard work. It is the practice of the dedicated and patient.
Unfocused but determined,
Tarot of the Month
Happy Valentine's Day! February is a wonderful month to reflect on love and how love shows up in your life. Focusing on Self-Love opens many more love in many aspects.
The three cards pulled are for the 31 days. The first card being the first ten days, the second card being the next ten days, and the last card being the remaining eleven days. (FaerieTarot Published by U.S. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC. By Nathalie Hertz)
1st Card: King of Pentacles:
This patient king with his honest face symbolizes power and wealth. His richly ornamented clothing reveals his refinement. His pentacle shows the results of his efforts, but also his generosity. Having successfully built his life, he is now free to enjoy and share the abundance. Divinatory Meanings: Favorable finances, profits, good bargains, flourishing ventures. Determination, an enviable position, a reliable friend, an intelligent and considerate person. Corruption, greed, unreliability. A rich but vicious person, false, a speculator and a gambler.
2nd Card: Nine of Wands:
This serious fairy is waiting as she gathers her thoughts, which are, at the moment, lost in the void. Dark clouds are banking up and soon darkness will cover the light. The nine planted wands symbolize the determination of this fairy woman. ready With greater clarity and confidence, she will be ready for a new project and will move towards success Divinatory meaning: Discipline, order, waiting, wisdom, and anticipation. Patience is necessary for a desired outcome. Deadlines, obstacles, disadvantages, and some problems. A break is necessary. Hidden enemies, subterfuge. A lack of motivation, health problems.
3rd Card: Five of Cups:
This sentimental young fairy stands at the crossroads of her life. The fire has died out; it is necessary to light a new spark. The curved tree and the flowers swept up by the wind indicate that a storm is coming. On the ground, two cups are knocked over, symbolizing her lost hope. The three other cups still stand, so all is not lost. Divination Meanings: A marriage without real love and joy. Regrets, frustration and sacrifices. A painful but essential test. A desire to leave troubles far behind. Financially, the card indicates an inheritance. New alliances, affinities, harmony in relationships. Return of a former friend, the family. Good contacts and meetings.
Symbolism of Leaves – And What They Mean
"How beautifully leaves grow old.
How full of light and color are their last days."
Leaves are one of the most mundane yet significant things of nature and of humankind. We use leaves for food, paper, clothing, medicine, and many other things but apart from practical uses, leaves also have acquired symbolic interpretations over time.
Leaf Symbolism in Religion
The symbolism of leaves varies in polytheistic and monotheistic traditions. But at the end of the day, all religions regard leaves as special items because of how it plays a small yet important role in the growth of a plant.
In Greek Mythology
The most important leaf for the Greeks was the laurel leaf which represented Daphne, the beautiful daughter of a river god and the love interest of Apollo, the Greek god of the Sun, healing, and music. However, Daphne rejected each and every one who pursued her, including Apollo himself. To protect her from further advances, she prayed for her father’s help. The river god obliged and transformed her into a laurel. This did not stop Apollo from admiring his lady love and he used laurel leaves to represent poets and triumphs of the Greeks.
In Baha’i faith
For the believers of the Baha’i faith who value the unity of people, each leaf represents a person’s relationship to the community and to nature. The highest understanding is that you’re all interdependent with nature and the environment. It represents a person’s place in a group.
In Judaism
In Jewish circles leaves are compared to individual people. They put emphasis on a person’s relationship to the community, which is symbolized by the tree where the leaves are connected.
Leaves are also considered to represent the fragility and durability of human life in the sacred texts of Judaism. Judaism associates leaves to how weak humans are because of their susceptibility to the powers of nature and to the possibility of a Supreme Being controlling each facet of human life.
In Christianity
For Christians, leaves symbolize hope amid hardships and difficulties in life. Christians are hopeful because they believe that everything happens according to the will of God. This is seen in the form of the olive leaf that gave Noah hope of life after the Great Flood sent by God to cleanse the Earth of all sinners.
Nature – In the most literal sense, leaves symbolize nature because it is essential for all forms of life on Earth with its ability to harness the power of the sun all on their own.
Growth or Rebirth – Turning over a new leaf is one popular idiom in the English language, and it means positive change or growth.
Life and Energy – In the same way that it represents nature, a leaf also symbolizes life and energy because it provides for the life on the planet.
Hidden Danger – A leaf can also symbolize hidden dangers because usually there will be predators that hide beneath the bushes or leaves to overwhelm their prey.
Fertility – People associate leaves with fertility because oftentimes, a plant bears fruit where there is an abundance of leaves that catches all necessary nutrition from the Sun.
Death and Somberness – Leaves represent the inevitability of human death just like how they wither and day with the passing of each season.
Colors of Leaves and What they Mean.
As leaves follow a regular life cycle, they come in different colors that reflect how far along they are in terms of the inevitable aging of all living things. For instance, it is believed that dreaming about leaves may either be a good or a bad omen, depending on what color they were when they appeared in your dream.
Green Leaves
Green leaves represent abundance and the flourishing of life. Bright green leaves remind us of spring and the peak of life, so dreaming of leaves in this color or wearing a green-leaf charm channels hope, growth, abundance, and health.
Brown Leaves
When leaves turn brown, it serves as a clue to plant owners that they are about to wilt and will soon fall to the ground. Therefore, brown leaves symbolize death, decay, and the coming of cold months, which in turn represent mourning, detachment, and endings.
Thus, symbolically, brown leaves symbolize death or closure. While dreaming of brown leaves does not necessarily mean death is coming, it might be a reminder to cherish what you currently have, may it be in terms of people or opportunities, because nothing lasts forever, and the end will come for us all.
Gold Leaves
When leaves fall to the ground they die and turn gold, but the nutrients that are still inside them do not simply vanish or evaporate. Instead, they are absorbed by the soil and redistributed to the roots of nearby trees, thus helping them grow healthier leaves for the next season.
This is symbolic of how death is not entirely the end. As the great Albus Dumbledore pointed out, death is but the next great adventure. Golden leaves thus remind us to always look at the bigger picture to realize that endings are not necessarily bad and may lead to better things in the future.
Different Leaves and Their Representations
Aside from the color of leaves, it is also important to take note of the kind and species of leaves because different kinds of leaves carry different meanings and symbols with them. Some of the definitions are derived from lore, popular media representation, or even the specific behavior and care of the plants they belong to.
Here are some of them:
Canadian Maple Leaves: also known as sugar maple; typically denotes wisdom and connection.
Japanese Oak Leaves: symbolic of change and patience for change, as these leaves are known to take on many different colors within a single year.
Birch Leaves: symbolic of renewal, youth, and new beginnings, as the birch tree typically produces the first leaves of spring.
Mint Leaves: symbolizes wisdom and hospitality since ancient Greeks and Romans used to rub their tables with mint before guests arrive.
Rosemary: represents remembrance of one’s greatest friendships, love affairs, and experiences, as the herb is thought to enhance memory
Aloe Leaf: symbolizes healing and protection because of the plant’s anti-inflammatory properties.
Sage Leaves: represents long life and knowledge, because of the plant’s medicinal uses.
Thyme: depicts chivalry, as it derives its name from the Greek word thymus, which directly translates to courage.
Spring is the season of hope – that things will get better after they were worse. The river will “flow again after it was frozen”
-Ernest Hemingway
But spring is Edward’s favorite season, and since – as he is the first to say – he’s always right, I had to rethink it. After doing some serious reflection and not-very-serious research, I’ve concluded that spring may be the most profound of the seasons. Its meaning and promise, and how to experience it, are worth dwelling upon.
Spring is the season of hope – that things will get better after they were worse. The river will “flow again after it was frozen,” Ernest Hemingway wrote of spring in “A Moveable Feast.” Change is a-comin’, and everything is going to be better for it.
“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant,” wrote English poet Anne Bradstreet. “If we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.”
Spring signifies coming out of the darkness. We’ve tipped the balance from longer nights to longer days. Equinox means “equal night” of light and dark (roughly), and metaphorically, we should also spend more time in the light.
In her diary, written under an even more extreme and frightening lockdown, Anne Frank advised those who could, to “go outside, to the country, enjoy the sun and all nature has to offer. Go outside and try to recapture the happiness within yourself; think of all the beauty in yourself and in everything around you and be happy.”
Spring signifies coming out of the darkness. We’ve tipped the balance from longer nights to longer days. We call the first day of spring the vernal equinox, the latter word meaning “equal night.” We may be halfway between eggnog and ice cream, but after the equinox, we are living more in the light.
There’s even some science to the joy of spring. Research suggests that for many people, the extended daylight boosts mood, well-being and energy. Dopamine – a neurotransmitter associated with attention, motivation, pleasure and mood – seems to increase with more exposure to sunlight.
It’s also the time for spring cleaning and ridding your life of detritus, those things you don’t need any more and maybe some bad spirits. Decluttering has its own mental and metaphoric benefit.
Forget January resolutions. In some cultures, and traditions, the start of spring is the start of the new year. It’s a great time to draw a line in the sand, renew those long-term goals you may have already let slip. It’s time to declare a fresh start!
Because spring is as old as the planet, ancient religious traditions have evolved around its meaning. Spring is rebirth after the long death of winter, and traditional cultures didn’t take the return of food and better weather for granted. They prayed for it.
The luck-infused Chinese New Year is celebrated after the second full moon after the winter solstice and ends in a parade of dragons and fireworks that scare away the bad spirits.
In Thailand, Songkran is celebrated, the water-throwing New Year festival held every April, when Thais also clean their houses for good luck. The 13-day Iranian festival of Nowruz (“new day” or “New Year”) is also celebrated by cleaning one’s house, filling it with flowers and giving gifts, and on the last day by staying outdoors..
In Russia, the spring holiday of Maslenitsa (aka Pancake Week!) is a sun festival with singing, dancing, warm beverages, jingle bells, bonfires and lots of pancakes. Passover is a spring holiday that celebrates the brightness that follows the dark days of slavery. And the Indian holiday of Holi brings winter to a Technicolor close. Christians celebrate a literal return from death (according to their faith) by Jesus at Easter. That holiday’s roots date to the ancient goddess Eostre (from the region that is now Germany), who was accompanied by a magical egg-laying hare. Rabbits and colorful eggs are metaphors for procreation, new beginnings and a promise for what’s to come.
Taking a lesson from our ancestors, we shouldn’t take the power of spring for granted, either. Instead, embrace the genesis it imparts over the Earth. While we enjoy more daylight, blooming grass and flowers, and the breeze on our skin after being covered for so long, we should also consider how vital those things are to our basic needs as humans.
Taking a lesson from our ancestors, we shouldn’t take the power of spring for granted, either. Instead, embrace the genesis it imparts over the Earth. While we enjoy more daylight, blooming flowers and the breeze on our skin after being covered for so long, we should also consider how vital those things are to our basic needs as humans.
You know what spring is? It’s getting up in the morning to get on the road. It’s going to the airport to take a flight. It’s the promise of adventure before reality sets in.
The reward for expanding awareness to our greater environment, as it unfolds, is that it helps you anchor yourself in time and place.
Noticing and celebrating what’s happening with the weather, temperature, animals, trees and general vibe can help us be more centered and connected. That’s what those holidays do or were designed to do. They bring us together around things we all value religiously and secularly: life, new starts, love, generosity, peace.
And of course, there are many personally enjoyable ways to celebrate and connect to seasons as well: walking in nature, learning to sing or play a seasonal or holiday song, watching a seasonal or holiday movie, enjoying foods traditionally associated with the season and other such activities designed to deliver happiness.
“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt,” advised Margaret Atwood in her book, “Bluebeard’s Egg.”
As you get in touch with spring’s gifts, its meaning and metaphoric reminders, make it a year-round meditation.
And in spring, let yourself break out of the cocoon. Open those windows. get outside, plant something, fly a kite, ride a bike, have a picnic. We’ve endured the darkness and need to play.
Each season has its touchstones for the mind and body, many of which you already enjoy, perhaps without realizing it.
But in spring, let yourself break out of the cocoon. Open those windows. get outside, plant something, fly a kite, ride a bike, have a picnic. We’ve endured the darkness and need to play in the light.
Upcoming Events 2023
Ed and Katelyn will be in the office at Wise Wolf Wellness all month long.