Shoreham Family Newsletter
October13, 2023
Principal's Note
Hello Shoreham Community!
The change in weather has been abrupt, beautiful, and a little unsettling! It reminds us that the school year is well underway and that as temperatures cool, and fog begins to settle in the valleys each morning, the intensity and focus at school shifts as well. To be ready to access the challenging academics each day, students need to feel safe, be well rested, and come to school feeling loved and calm. These basic needs are universal for all of us, and our focus at school is to give each child what they need because we love them, and because we know that they will need the things we will teach them this year as they move through their lives.
Our school community is strong and getting stronger. We must hold each other accountable for our actions and words, give lots of recognition when people do wonderful things, and always approach each conversation (even challenging ones) with empathy and compassion. When our students experience adults working through disagreements calmly and kindly, they will learn those skills as well.
Conflict is an inevitable part of life...and it is often good and productive. Learning to work through conflict productively is the work we all share. Jenny and I continue to be honored to have the opportunity to work with all our students and caregivers.
Thank you for your continued support of our amazing school!
Jenny & Matthew
Upcoming Events @ SES
Picture Day Monday, October 16th. Pictures will begin at 8am. If your child is out the re-take day will be on Monday, November 27th.
K, 1, 2 will be traveling to Dead Creek next Wednesday
5th graders will be traveling to Bridport School next Wednesday to continue work with Town Hall Theatre for their Shakespeare program
Next Friday, Oct. 20th, Page One (a Group from Middlebury College) will be joining our students during Friday Community Time! They will be planning, prepping and leading literacy activities.
Awesome Things that Happened at Shoreham this Week
5th graders started Shakespeare! with folks from the Town Hall Theater. This week they learned how to be a cooperative group member. They practiced those skills again when they went to Starbase! on Friday.
3rd Grade went to the Town Offices to learn more about Civic Virtues and what it means to run a town.
1st Grade spent time with Mrs. Urban reading about how write stories- then wrote their own stories!
4th Grade worked on making a 3D model of a brain, with all the different lobes. As Ms. Martha would say- they are doing meticulous work. We are so proud.
Finally, 2nd graders are becoming fluent readers as they learn new sounds in word work. Ask them what a glued sound is!
Free HOPE Food Distribution – Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Middlebury
When: Thursday, October 26 th 2023
Where: Shoreham Congregational Church Parking Lot
Time: 3 to 4pm.
Please park and walk up to shop. Don’t forget your reusable shopping bags.
The following income guidelines apply.
Household size Monthly household income eligibility limit
1 $2,795
2 $3780
3 $4,765
4 $5,750
5 $6,735
6 $7,720
7 $8,705
8 $9,690
For more information call: 802-388-3608
Did you know that Shoreham has an Outdoor Classroom!?
Last year, the 5th grade student council and Mrs. Hayyat created the space after surveying students, community members, and teachers. They also presented to the board to collect money for benches, a shed, tarp, a mini library, and supplies for the space.
We had a Fall Outdoor Classroom Cleanup day this past Sunday, 10/1, to continue this work. We had one family and 2 staff work on the space this weekend and then several groups of students who helped during the day today and even during recess!
Thank you Mrs. Hayyat!
Photos of the Week
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FAX: 802-897-2463