Sophomore Grade Level Information
Class of 2026
At ERHS your school counselor provides services by addressing your academic, college and career and social emotional development needs. Your school counselor is assigned to your by your last name.
What is a High School Transcript?
- A transcript is a record of every class you've completed at ERHS. It's important that you are familiar with this document and to ask questions when there is something listed that you don't understand.
- Below are directions on how to access your transcript through student connect.
- You should have 60 credits at this time. If you have less than 60, you should speak with your counselor to make a plan.
- You need 220 credits to graduate.
- Find your GPA (grade point average).
- Students can take Summer School to make up credits in core classes but there are NO Guarantees the class you need will be offered or have availability!
- Click this link for directions on how to access your transcript.
10th Grade Tips
- Keep your grades up
- Challenge Yourself
- Look for Leadership Opportunities
- Start visiting colleges and create your college list
- Think about your future
- Each student has their own California College account.
- Getting to know your personality, preferences, talents and learning how to use those qualities to help you pick a career that would be a good fit for you is very important.
- We use to help you get to know yourself and help guide you to college and career choices.
- We would like you to complete the Multiple Intelligences survey. Please click on the link and follow the directions.
College Majors
A major is a specific subject area college students specialize in. Typically, between one third and one half of the courses you take in college will be for your major. The first thing you do when picking a major is what you like to do. By the time you graduate high school you will have enough information and experience from your classes to figure out what you might or might not be interested in pursuing. California Colleges provides major searches. Please click on the Major Search Link and use this tool search for majors that interest you.
Have you been thinking about joining a branch of the Military? Click the picture above to explore your options.
Riverside City College Certificate Programs
All community colleges have a variety of certificate programs. It is a good idea to research different programs. Riverside City College includes: Applied Media Design, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Entrepreneurship, Film and Video and much more. Click on the picture above for more details.
Dual Enrollment
Norco Dual Enrollment are college credit courses offered at ERHS. The classes are offered at no-charge to high school students. Click on the picture above for more details.
A-G List
If you plan on going straight to a California State University or a University of California, then you will need to be A-G eligible. You must earn a C or higher in A-G classes.
Student Counselor Referral Form
It's important that we all recognize that we need to take care of ourselves especially in times of stress or change. Your counselor is there for you if you need to talk or if you need referrals. Click on the picture to fill out a referral form.
School Counselor Support
We are here to help you with all your Academic, College and Career, and Social/Emotional needs. Click on our pictures to find out how to contact us today.
This Virtual Calming Room is a place for students and families to find tools and strategies for managing emotions and feelings.
Explore this website for lots of info on Mental Health as well as links to resources.
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which all of us (humans) understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. SEL is broken into 5 core competencies or skills: they are self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making and self-management. Today we are going to focus on Self Awareness.