The RMS Orchestra High Notes
Weekly highlights & announcements from the Orchestra!
Weekly Updates
Week 22, First performances around the corner!
It's been an incredible week of learning and improvement! With performances around the corner for some, and events upcoming for all, we accomplished a ton this week. Everyone has shown growth, and we have our sights set on getting better every day.
Beginners: Solos are on the brain, and while we spend each day hoening our fundamentals, they come closer and closer each day. Rhythm rockers are coming to a conclusion, and we're breezing through our book; for some, progress is beginning to outpace our beginner book!
Prelude/Philharmonic/Symphony: With a concert on Monday, performances are at the front of our minds. We're diving deep into the music and unlocking new opportunities to improve; this will undoubtedly be our best concert to date!
When: Monday, February 5th, 2024, 6:30pm
Where: Walnut Grove High School Auditorium
The RMSO is proud to present our Pre-UIL Concert. Join us as our three 7th/8th grade orchestras perform our programs for our upcoming UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contests. This annual contest is held statewide, in which all school orchestras attend and are adjudicated for ratings based on both their stage performance as well as their ability to read and learn new music quickly. We've worked hard on our music, and are excited to share our progress with you as we prepare for this annual contest!
Call Times:
Prelude - 5:30
Philharmonic - 5:50
Symphony - 6:10
Parent Volunteers Needed!
We as a program are officially large enough that we NEED your help! Please see the sign up below for a list of ways that you can assist with the show. Preferential seating will be given to all concert day volunteers! Please lend a hand if you are able!
Presenting: Rogers Recital Night
Please join us on the evening of March 27th for our annual Rogers Recital Night! An integral part of playing an instrument is the ability to play and perform on your own. We use this evening to celebrate our individual musicianship, and show off all the growth we've made on our instruments. While the recital night is a full evening, each student only need to be their for their individual performance room (TBA), where they along with 3-4 other students perform for friends and family in a smaller, more personal setting. We're thrilled to share our music with you!
Please help contribute to the evening by providing audience snacks! Nothing beats an evening of good music with a good treat, and we're planning to offer snacks in each room, for your enjoyment! A sign-up genius link will come out next few weeks in a separate email, but we'll need sweets, snack foods, drinks, and treats in each of our 6 performance rooms! Stay tuned!
Weekend Will-Do's
For the Weekend:
Practice Logs: 3.4-3.6
Keep track of your practice time! (Week 2 of 3)
Beginners: 20min/day, 100min/wk
Prelude Orchestra: 25min/day, 125min/wk
Philharmonic Orchestra: 30min/day, 150min/wk
Symphony Orchestra: 30min/day, 150min/wk (No PL Required)
Concert Black:
Check to make sure you have your concert black outfits ready! If you have a question, please ask Mr. Gonzalez!
Have tuners EVERY DAY for class!
Recurring Announcements
Keep up with your Orchestra Binder!
We've reached the point of the year where items begin to disappear! Unfortunately, one of the most important items that has a tendency to walk off is our orchestra binder. These binders are provided at the beginning of the year, and we usually have a couple of spares in the event that one goes missing, however, with our recent growth we are unable to replace them. It's imperative that each student has their own binder to keep their music and paperwork in, that way they're able to practice properly at home. Students cannot keep their orchestra supplies in a catch-all "everything binder," as they will waste a lot of time trying to fish it out during class, missing crucial playing time.
If your student needs a replacement binder, you will need to pick up a 1" black binder with a clear cover, sheet protectors, pencil pouch, pencils, and a set of 5 dividers. We can replace all of the music and resources in their binder, but we need your help in making sure students are equipped for success!
RMSO Instrument Sizing/Showcase - THIS WEEKEND
Every year, we put on our Instrument Showcase/Sizing event to allow incoming 5th graders to get a preview of orchestra. They're able to see and hear all the instruments, try them out, and be properly fitted for whichever instrument they want to play. This event is integral to the orchestra program, and a very important event to introduce parents and students to Rogers and the RMSO. Help us spread the word! If you know a 5th grader coming to Rogers and joining orchestra next year, or are just interested in finding out more info, please share the link below to their parent. There, they'll be able to sign up for a time to come check out the orchestra!
February 3rd @ Rogers MS (Library)
5th Grade Showcase Sign-Up:
Parents, send this link to any friends you have who has a 5th grader that may be interested in orchestra!
Student Volunteers Needed!
Students! Want to help inspire the next generation of orchestra students? Want a chance to talk about how awesome orchestra is, or how great your instrument is? Want to show off all the awesome things your instrument can do? Sign up to volunteer and help bring in the next generation of orchestra students!
Rehearsals/Upcoming Events
Section Rehearsals
Symphony Violin/Viola - Wednesday Morning, 7:30-8:10 CANCELLED
Symphony Cello/Bass - Monday Afternoon, 3:40-4:20 CANCELLED
Philharmonic Violin/Viola - Tuesday Morning, 7:30-8:10 CANCELLED
Philharmonic Cello/Bass - Wednesday Afternoon, 3:40-4:20 CANCELLED
Save the Date: Upcoming Events!
All Orchestra related events are listed, but not all students need to go to each event. Classes that are required to attend can be found in parenthesis, please consult your student or their schedule to know which ensemble they are a part of.
Beg - Beginners Pre - Prelude Phil - Philharmonic Sym - Symphony
Instrument Sizing/Showcase (STUDENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED) - February 3rd, 9a-3p @ Roger MS
Pre-UIL Concert (Pre/Phil/Sym) - February 5th, 6:30 @ Walnut Grove HS
UIL Concert and Sight Reading (Pre/Phil/Sym) - Week of 2/26-3/1, Times and Location TBA
RMSO Recital Night (All) - March 27th, 6:30p @ Rogers MS
RMSO Rach Stars!
Reach Out to the Director!
Phone: (469) 219-2150 71319