Cougar Connect
Week of August 14, 2023
A Message from Mrs. Leonardo
I am looking forward to welcoming our Kennedy Cougars back to school this week! Our first day of school will be Wednesday, August 16, 2023. School begins at 8:30 a.m.
Listed below are important reminders and updates to ensure our week runs as smoothly as possible.
After School Enrichment: Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula
6th-Graders: Please meet in the B-Quad.
7th and 8th-Graders: Please meet under the lunch shelter near the gym.
In order to support students with finding their meeting spots on the first day of school, BGCP staff will go to students' seventh period classrooms before the bell rings in order to escort them to BGCP.
If you are interested in enrolling your student in Boys and Girls Club, please sign up here.
Call or text: (650) 804-9045
After School Enrichment: Siena Youth Center
Arrival and Dismissal
Campus supervisors begin supervising students at 8:00 am. Students will not be allowed to enter campus before 8:00 am without supervision. Students should refrain from loitering in groups in front of the school and near our neighbors' yards.
As you drop off your students, please be aware of students crossing the street. Please remind your students to walk their bikes and scooters on sidewalks. Please refrain from pulling in and out of neighbors' driveways.
White-painted curbs along Goodwin, Connecticut, Maddux, and Washington Avenues are also drop-off zones. Please be aware of the bus loading zones. Avoid parking in the bus zone on Goodwin Avenue near the school office. Avoid parking in the SamTrans loading zone on Washington Avenue. Kennedy staff will ask drivers to move if they are parked in loading zones before buses arrive.
For safety reasons, students have one entry point in the morning between 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. After 8:30 am., students must enter through the front office for a late pass.
At dismissal, students can exit from any unlocked gate. If you are picking up your student, be sure to tell them where you plan to pick them up.
Bicycles, Skateboards, & Scooters
Students should practice bicycle, skateboard, and scooter safety while traveling to and from school. Bicycles, skateboards, and scooters should not be ridden on campus. Kennedy staff will ask students to walk all bikes, skateboards, and scooters until they exit the campus.
Please wear a helmet!
Bell Schedule
Our 6th-graders will have separate brunch and lunch breaks from their 7th and 8th-grade peers.
School dismissal is 3:15 pm.
Minimum Day dismissal is 1:50 pm. on Thursday.
The bell schedules for each grade level can be found on pages five and six of our Maze Day packet. Click here to view.
The SamTrans bus stop is located on Washington Avenue near the Boys and Girls Club entrance. Kennedy staff will guide students to the bus stop and monitor them after school until SamTrans arrives.
The SamTrans bus schedule can be accessed on page 10 of the Maze Day packet. Click here to view.
If you need assistance with bus passes, please contact Maria in our Kennedy Family Center. You can also contact Maria if you need assistance with Redwood City School District bus transportation. Maria can be reached here: 650-482-2409 ext. 2110 or
Cell Phone Policy
Kennedy Dress Code
First Day of School Packet
- The Redwood City School District has been sending out reminders to complete the First Day of School registration packet. These forms are digital.
- We need 100% of all Kennedy families to complete these forms by August 16th.
- The First Day of School packet includes emergency contact information, parent permission forms, state funding for district services, and district policies.
- This school year, the Student Benefit Form is embedded in the First Day of School Packet. Completing this form is very important for our school as it will determine funding for our after-school program. The Student Benefit Form determines resources and services for our students in a variety of areas in addition to children having access to healthy and nutritious meals at school. Depending on the number of families who complete the survey, it will determine several other services and resources such as school library services, school funding, internet access, and teacher grants.
- If you need assistance, please contact the Kennedy office 650-482-2409.
Maze Day Packet
You can find the Maze Day packet by clicking here. Hard copies are available in the office upon request.
Picking Up Schedules/Changing Classes
On Wednesday morning, students can begin to pick up their schedules at 8:00 am at the Kennedy Library.
The only immediate changes we will make to students' schedules are if they are missing a class or if they have the same class twice. Please give us up to 10 days to assess class numbers before allowing changes to electives or other schedule requests. We will email students and give them directions about this process in our morning announcements.
Student Materials
Students should have the materials listed above each school day. If families need support getting these materials, please contact our Family Center. School Chromebooks will be distributed the week of August 28, so Chromebooks will not be needed for the first two weeks.
Student & Family Handbook
In order to make our handbook for students and families more accessible, we have digitized it. Please know that the information in the handbook will be continually updated to ensure families are informed. Students will receive planners during the second week of school, and included in the planner is the student handbook.
Click to view and save the Kennedy Student & Family Handbook.
Vaccination Reminder for 7th-Graders
Our Kennedy Mascot
8th-Grade Panel
Group Fun
PTO Corner
Direct Drive 2023-24 Click here
The Organization of Parents and Teachers (PTO) of the Kennedy Intermediate School (KMS) is dedicated to supporting and improving the educational experiences of Kennedy students through donations and volunteering.
What do we support?
Some programs we support include school dances, lunchtime activities, physical education, music, STEAM, art, drama, maker space, & 8th-grade celebration activities. We work closely with the KMS administration to help determine what programs and activities to support.
How can I volunteer?
Everyone (parents or guardians, teachers, and staff of Kennedy Middle School) is automatically a member and is encouraged to attend our monthly meetings. Please join us on the last Tuesday of the month, via Zoom from 7-8:30 pm, starting on August 29, 2023. Find more details and opportunities at:
How can I donate?
PayPal (click here)
CreditCard via Online Store (click here)
Donation Form (click here)
Mark your calendars! Our first PTO-sponsored Dine-Out event will be Wednesday, August 23 from 5:00 to 9:00 pm at Chipotle in Downtown Redwood City.
Lucia Gives Advice
Letters to 6th-Graders
Sign Up for Sports
Fall Sports: Sign Up Here
Below is the list of sports available for students in the fall:
- School Volleyball League
- School Flag Football League
- Tennis
- Run Club
- Watersports
- Skate Clinic
- Basketball Clinic
Contact Michael Smith (After School Sports Coordinator) at 650-780-7254 or for additional information.
All forms should be submitted at Red Morton offices.
Kennedy Family Center Updates
Kathryn Lige is our new mental health clinician. Kathryn will work full-time at Kennedy. She will be responsible for assisting teachers with social-emotional learning and lessons for students, individual and group counseling, and working with our mental health partners to ensure students receive counseling. Ms. Lige previously supported students at Garfield school. Ms. Lige does speak Spanish, so she will be able to assist students and families whose primary language is Spanish. Welcome to Kennedy, Ms. Lige!
Cynthia Cardona, Community School Coordinator
Maria Segundo, Admin Assistant
Kathryn Lige, Lead Mental Health Counselor
Contact the Kennedy Family Center by phone: (650) 482-2110
Kennedy's Amazon Wishlist
Thank you to the following families who purchased items off of our Kennedy Wishlist.
Gloria Comfort, Lisa Eli, and Jessica Osaki purchased pencil sharpeners, x-y axis whiteboards, whiteboard erasers, folders, timers, pencils, erasers, and multiple other things for teachers. An anonymous supporter also purchased Kleenex and construction paper for our teachers.
These items were given to teachers and we are all incredibly thankful for your support! I will continuously update our Kennedy Amazon wishlist based on classroom needs.
SF Giants Fundraising Opportunity
$5 of every ticket purchased will go directly back to Kennedy.
Please use this link:
Please use this code: Kennedy
**Please note: SF Giants has a very strict no-resale policy for these tickets. Any resold tickets using school promo codes may be subject to termination of the school promo program.**
Maze Day
The Kennedy Crew
English Learner Advisory Committee & School Site Council
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) and School Site Council (SSC).
Our first meeting will be Wednesday, August 30 at 5:00 pm in the Kennedy Library. Please email Mrs. Leonardo for more details. More information will be communicated in the next week.
Upcoming Events
- First Day of School Aug 16
- 6th-8th Grade Social Aug. 24, 6:00-8:00 pm Kennedy Blacktop
- 7th-Grade Grand Canyon Info Meeting Aug. 24, Kennedy Gym 7:00-8:00 pm
- 7th Grade Yosemite Trip Info Meeting Aug. 24, Kennedy Gym 7:00-8:00 pm
- 8th-Grade Activities Info Meeting Aug. 24, Kennedy Library 7:00-8:00 pm
- PTO Meeting Aug. 29 Zoom, 7:00 pm (link will be available soon)
- Site Council & ELAC Aug. 30 Kennedy Library 5:00-6:00 pm
- Principal's Coffee Sept. 7, Kennedy Library 8:45-10 am
- Kennedy Food Distribution Sept. 19, Kennedy Gym 9:00-10:30 am
Click here to view the most up-to-date version of the Kennedy Calendar of Events.
There have been a few edits since Maze Day. These edits were made to fix typographical errors and the location of the 7th-grade Yosemite Info meeting. This meeting will be held at the same time as the Grand Canyon Info meeting in the gym. Seventh-graders will actually go to Yosemite next year, so this meeting is just to prepare families for fundraising and to answer any questions about the trip.
Final Notes
Thank you to all of our 8th-grade mentors. They did a great job supporting our 6th graders last week, and I am very proud of them. I didn't get a picture of everyone last week, so hopefully we will get to get a group picture this week!
See you soon!
Mrs. Leonardo
Kennedy Middle School
Location: 2521 Goodwin Avenue, Redwood City, CA, USA
Phone: 650.482.2409