CPHS Weekly Update
Parent Update: November 27th, 2023
Greetings from Crown Point High School!
Here is some information for our parents and families as we begin a new week at CPHS.
Holiday Concert Series
Thursday, November 30th:
Choir Concert at 6pm
Tuesday, December 5th:
Orchestra Concert at 6 pm
Thursday, December 7th:
Band Concert at 6 pm
Saturday, December 9th:
Holiday Spectacular Featuring Band, Orchestra, and Choir at 2 pm and 5 pm
Choir - Mr. Bill Woods - wwoods@cps.k12.in.us
Orchestra - Mr. Aaron Zemelko - azemelko@cps.k12.in.us
Band - Mr. Johann Sletto - jsletto@cps.k12.in.us
Academic Assistance
Semester exams will be on Friday, December 15th, Monday, December 18th, and Tuesday, December 19th.
SAT Information
On Wednesday, March 6th, all 11th grade students will be taking the SAT during the school day. The state of Indiana now requires that all students take the SAT at school in the spring of their junior year. To provide the most optimum testing environment, students in grades 9, 10, and 12 will have an eLearning day.
Getting Started
11th grade parents: Please see the following link that provides you with information about the SAT: SAT Parent Information
Here are some additional links for you to view:
5 Ways the SAT Can Help Your Student
Why Test Prep Matters For All Students
We will continue to provide these and other links with SAT information to our 11th grade parents as we move towards the March 6th test day.
College Rep Visits
November 28
Lewis University - 7:45 - 8:45
University of Maine - 9:00 - 10:00
To sign up, students should go into their Naviance account. On the bottom right, there is a section called "What's New". Here, students can see all of the reps that are coming to visit CPHS. Click on "more info" next to the college they would like to visit to sign up for the visit. You will receive a pass on the day/time of the visit. If students have questions, they can ask their counselor for assistance.
Cafeteria Information
Please see below a message from our cafeteria manager, Mrs. Cindy Beck.
Our charging policy in the cafeteria is changing. We will now require all students who want an extra entrée to see a cashier first and get a meal card. Cards will assure our servers that your student has enough money in their account to purchase extra food. No extra entrées will be given without a card. We are hoping this policy change will help students better manage their lunch accounts. As always, your student is welcome to eat the first meal with no restrictions. This policy is only for second or third meals.
If you have questions for Mrs. Beck, please email her at cbeck@cps.k12.in.us.
Yearbooks and Senior Ads:
Yearbooks and Senior Ads are on sale for $70 until Dec. 31, 2023.
Order Code is: 3840
Website: yearbookordercenter.com
PowerSchool Assistance
If you are a parent or guardian with questions about PowerSchool, please reach out to the follow CPHS Staff:
- Kris Banser (219) 663-4885 Extension 11011
- Diana Bowman (219) 663-4885 Extension 11061
- Mary Beth Nelson (219) 663-4885 Extension 11053
- Stacey Schoettle (219) 663-4885 Extension 11219
Parking Passes
Student drivers may pick up parking passes in the CPHS Attendance Office before or after school. To receive a parking pass, students must bring their driver’s license, car registration, and proof of insurance. There is no charge for the pass. All students who drive to school should have the pass displayed while in the school lot.
CPHS Counselor and Assistant Principal Contact Information
If you need assistance from a counselor or assistant principal, please see their contact information in the link below. Each CPHS student is assigned an assistant principal and counselor by alpha.
2023-2024 CPHS Administrative and Guidance Counselor Contacts
Free/Reduced Lunch
School Safety
School safety is always on our minds and is our top priority. Thank you for partnering with CPHS to keep our students safe. If you have information or concerns about student safety, please contact us via phone/email or make a report using the link below.
Safe schools anonymous tip line - If you see or hear something, say something.
Safety Reminders for Students
Students should report to a teacher, counselor, administrator, police officer, or any adult in the building if there is a safety concern. It is always better to overreport and be on the safe side.
During school hours (7:00 a.m. to 2:37 p.m.) hats and hoods are not allowed to be worn in our building. This is so that all students can be identified. This is also a part of the CPHS dress code.
Student drivers must remain cautious in the parking lot and near the school. Please remind students to drive slowly and follow the directions of our police officers. All student drivers must have a parking pass displayed in their vehicle while in the CPHS lot.
Student dismissal is at 2:37 pm. Students who do not have supervised after-school activities should leave the building by 3 pm. Students who are waiting for rides should wait in the lobby of the school near the front entrance.
Please do not use the ARC building across the street (Burrell) to pick up your students. The ARC staff has asked us to relay this message.
Upcoming Dates
- December 19th - End of Semester One
- December 20th to January 3rd - Winter Break
- January 4th - Semester Two Begins
- January 15th - MLK Day - No School
- January 20th - Winter Formal Dance
- February 19th - President's Day - No School
- March 6th - SAT day for grade 11; eLearning day for grades 9, 10, and 12
- March 25th - 29th - Spring Break
- April 20th - Prom
- June 4th - Graduation Ceremony
- June 5th - Graduation Rain Date
Reminders from our District Office
Construction - We are in exciting times! Buildings throughout the district will have construction projects over the next year. Keep up-to-date by visiting www.cps.k12.in.us/capital.
Construction Update
Our new LGI (Large Group Instruction) room had lights put in last week.
The new hallway on the 2nd floor that will connect the C and D wing now has lights.
CP - Connected Pursuits
New Room
Our new exceptional learners room on the first floor of the building is making progress.
CP - Connected Pursuits
Connected Pursuits
Thank you to our parents and families for your help and support. Please let us know if we can assist you or your student.
Have a great week, and Go Bulldogs!
Speech and Debate
CPHS hosted a Speech and Debate tournament on November 11th that featured 12 teams from northern Indiana. Our team had 14 students compete in various events including public forum, radio broadcasting, and improv duo.
Speech and Debate
Our Speech and Debate program is coached by Mrs. Marek and Mrs. Manhatton. They will be participating in several invitationals throughout the winter months.
Speech and Debate
The Speech and Debate team placed 4th at the Dr. Larry Stuber Debate Tournament in Valparaiso.
The CPHS Robotics program competed at a Signature Event at the Dallara Indy Car Factory. Signature Events bring together some of the best teams from around the country to compete. This event included teams from 15 different states and Canada.
The CPHS 1233A team won the Speedway Sportsmanship Award and made it all the way to the elimination rounds.
After the Signature Event ended, the team was in action the next day in Chesterton at the Duneland Fall Regional. 10 teams from CPHS competed. Our teams put up a dominant performance in Chesterton. Out of the 32 of 63 teams at the tournament that made it to elimination, 9 of those were from CPHS. Our Robotics teams are coached by Mr. Matt LeBlanc.
State Finals
Many students, parents, and families were at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis on Saturday to watch the CPHS football team compete in the state finals.
State Finals
The band and dance team performed at halftime.
State Finals
We are proud of the team, our student volunteers, the coaches, the band, the cheerleaders, the dance team, and the community for all their support.
Frequent Links
Please see the links below for more information about Crown Point High School.
Contact Us - Crown Point High School
Website: www.cps.k12.in.us/cphs
Location: 1500 South Main Street, Crown Point, IN, USA
Phone: 219-663-4885
Facebook: facebook.com/crownpointhighschool
Twitter: @school_crown