SPHS Update
September 10th, 2023
SPHS Community,
In truth, I'm struggling to find the words to say. The allegations reported on Friday are tough to hear, and I've rewritten this note several times trying to get it right. What I do keep coming back to are the words of Martin Luther King Jr...
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
So as I reflect on the first four days of school in their totality, I'm focusing on light and love; I'm focusing on these things:
- I have the privilege of serving in one of, if not the most supportive and welcoming communities in the state of Maine.
- Our students are served by an OUTSTANDING team of educators and staff who care deeply about the safety, security, emotional wellbeing, and academic success of every single SPHS student.
- Our students are resilient, community minded, optimistic, and ready to make a positive impact in the world.
Aside from the obvious challenges we faced, we had a fantastic first week of school. I choose to focus on that.
You may recall that this year at SPHS we're going to be focusing on four community ideals called The SoPo Way...
Let's keep these front of mind.
Remember that we have Open House on Thursday from 5:30-7:00. Details below.
Picture day has been delayed. We apologize for any confusion. The new date will be published soon.
Remember also that we have a new website and WE HAVE AN APP!!! This is where we'll communicate to you about everything SPHS. The SPHS update will be posted there as well. Links to the Android and iPhone apps are below.
Finally, the collage of pictures below was from the last slide shown in our staff Opening Days before students arrived. The words that were spoken when this slide was shown was, "THIS is our school". Let's keep our focus on this, because THIS is what makes SPHS great.
Onward RIOTS!
Take care and be well,
Scott Tombleson (He/Him/His - What is this?)
Principal - South Portland High School
Open House
The South Portland High School Open House will be on Thursday, September 14th from my 5:30-7:00pm. This will be an opportunity to get to know your student's teachers, and learn a little about the classes that they have.
***One thing to note, this is not a parent teacher conference night. The opportunity for one on one conversations with your student's teachers will come a bit later on Thursday, October 12th from 2:30-6:45. That said, if at any time you would like to have a meeting with a particular teacher, feel free to reach out directly to them.
Important Information
Our school day begins at 8:10am, with a warning bell at 8:05. Please be sure your student arrives on time.
Meals: All students will once again receive free breakfast and lunch. Breakfast will be available until 8:35 am.
Student Forms: Each year, we ask that families complete and submit the following student forms:
- Census Verification Report – This includes all contact information for a student household. We ask that you review the information, make any corrections or changes on the form, and have your student return it to their Homebase teacher or the Main Office.
- Agreement to Publish Student Information – Please indicate whether or not you give us permission to include your student’s name and work on the school website or other school-sponsored media.
- Income Eligibility Guidelines
- Confidential Student Health Information
These forms will be distributed to students this week to take home. Please complete and return the forms to the high school as soon as possible.
We have APPS!
Greater Portland Health Clinic at SPHS
South Portland High School is partnered with Greater Portland Health to provide a School Based Health Center (SBHC) and a School Based Dental Clinic
The School Based Health Center offers a variety of healthcare services to students directly in schools. This allows for easy access and scheduling for healthcare & saves time for student and parents/guardians.
Services offered include:
Primary medical Health Services, Sports Physicals, Treatment of Minor illnesses, Management of Chronic conditions, Vaccines, and Family Planning services. Behavioral Healthcare.
Dental cleanings, fluoride and sealants.
School staff will coordinate with the School Based Health Center team to connect students to care.
All students must have an enrollment signed by a parent/guardian (if less than 18 years old) in order to be seen in the clinic by a medical provider or behavioral health provider. Return your enrollment form to the School Nurse.
We welcome ALL students to enroll in the SBHC, even if they have a primary care provider elsewhere. We coordinate care with Primary Care Providers while providing easy to access services within school.
Please see the school nurse for an enrollment form to the School Based Health Clinic and Dental Clinic.
Dates to Note
- September 14th - Open House, 5:30-7:00pm
- September 18th-22nd - Spirit Week!
- September 20th - Early Release, 11:55am
- September 22nd - Pep Rally!
- September 23rd - Homecoming Dance at SPHS
- October 6th - Staff In-Service, No school
- October 9th - Indigenous Peoples Day, No school
- October 13th - PSAT Day
- October 18th - Early Release, 11:55am