The Rebel Yell
Jay D. Lutt, Superintendent
Closed for Break
End of Semester Changes
The weather has been crazy around the nation and next week we will have some extreme lows in the morning. The National Weather Service has warned schools that starting Tuesday each day will have wind chills forecast of a minimum minus 20 degrees at 6 a.m. The district is scheduled to have semester tests on the 21st and 22nd which involves a 1 hour early dismissal (2:30 p.m.). To avoid a lot of confusion next week we will change our schedule in advance to give parents ample time to prepare for next week. This will give our drivers and buses daylight when traveling in extreme cold conditions. Next week, each day we will start like our traditional Monday 9:15 a.m. schedule.
Monday, Dec. 19 9:15-3:30
Tuesday, Dec. 20 9:15-3:30
Wed., Dec. 21 9:15-3:30
Thursday, Dec. 22 9:15-2:30
No morning activities Tuesday thru Thursday.
Veteran's Day Program
Our Veteran's Day Program had guest speaker, Michelle Mareau. It was a very relatable speech for our students and staff. Westwood's Student Council hosted the program with performances by the band and choir. It was another great Veteran's day program to never forget those who have served and protected our freedoms.
Elementary Box Tops
You can make a difference at our school with Box Tops for Schools. Simply download the boxtop app and scan your receipt. It is that simple. Our school then earns cash! To learn more click the link below:
School Vulnerability Assessment
The Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEMD) is working with the vendor Tetra Tech to provide School Vulnerability Assessments to Iowa Schools. Westwood will have their Assessments done during the month of December. The results of this assessment will be reviewed by the district and used for determining the $50,000 grant to improve safety at Westwood.
Riding the Bus in Winter
As winter sets in, the district could encounter bus delays due to slow traffic and weather. If you haven't already, download the BusWhere? app to see where your child's bus is. Sign up to receive alerts when the bus is getting close to your location. Also, the student trackers will tell you when and where your child(ren) get on and off the bus. This real-time location is available on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Emails and push notifications can also go out to information imperative of each bus.
If your child's bus is equipped with seat belts, please encourage your children to use them throughout the route. Seat belts are required to use the bus. Currently we have three buses with seat belts and 2 new buses are on the way. Our goal is to have every route equipped with seat belts within two years.
Questions about transportation? See the new transportation handbook!
Seasonal Illnesses
Several seasonal respiratory illnesses are causing an increase in the number of absences among students and staff. Please remember to remain home if you are ill for the safety of others, and practice good hygiene to protect yourself from becoming sick. Health information starts on page 44 of the Family Handbook. Click here for easy access to the COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CHART.
School Finance 101: Revenue Sources and Allowable Expenditures
General Fund Finances
In the diagram below the top left shows you three types of school district's funding based on their property assessments and the funding sources below directly below. The top right gives you the Key Finance Basics and the terms below it.
Westwood Administration
Jill Kerr, Elementary Principal
Matt Drees, Secondary Principal
Email: jlutt@wcsdrebels.com
Website: www.wwrebels.org
Location: 1000 Rebel Way, Sloan, IA, USA
Phone: 712-428-3355
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WWRebels
Twitter: @WCSDRebels