Long Hill School Newsletter
February 2024
Message from the Principal, Mrs. D'Aiuto
Important Dates
- Monday, February 5-Friday, February 9: "Souper" Bowl
- Friday, February 9: Sports Day - wear your favorite sports shirts
- Monday, February 12-Thursday, February 15: Random Acts of Kindness Week
- Monday, February 12: No school for PRE-K students ONLY; regular school day for K-4 students
- Monday, February 12: K-4 Kids Heart Challenge
- Wednesday, February 14: Pre-K through 4 - Valentines Day drop off snacks
- Thursday, February 15: Early dismissal K-4:1:50pm; Pre-k am session hours: 8:45am-11:05am; Pre-k pm session hours: 11:45am-1:50pm
- Friday, February 16-Monday, February 19: No School
- Tuesday, February 20: School Resumes
- Thursday, February 22: Spirit Day
"Souper" Bowl
Pre-K - No School on Monday, February 12, 2024
As previously communicated:
The Pre-K program will be closed on Monday, February 12, 2024 for a Teacher Professional Development Day. The Shelton Pre K staff will be joining other early childhood professionals in the area to participate in training on Diversity and Outdoor curriculum. We are looking forward to expanding their knowledge in the field. Please mark your calendar that there will be no Pre-K sessions held on this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration will be open-enrollment from February 1 - March 1. Families wishing to register their child should contact the school at (203)-929-4077. Children must be aged five on or before September 1, 2024 to enter kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. Find exemption information here:
Unsure which school you are assigned to? The School-by-Street listing can be found here:
Kindergarten Age for 2024-2025 School Year
According to Public Act 23-208, Section 1(a), students must turn 5 on or before September 1, 2024 to enter Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year.
However, children who turn 5 between September 2 and December 31, 2024 may be admitted:
(1) upon a written request by the parent or guardian of such child and
(2) following an assessment of such child, conducted by the building principal and an appropriate certified staff member of the school, to ensure that admitting such child is developmentally appropriate.
Please send your written request to Kristen Santilli at the Office of Teaching & Learning at ksantilli@sheltonpublicschools.org and complete the assessment below:
Kindergarten Assessment
Once the Office of Teaching & Learning has received your written request and you have completed the assessment, someone from the school where your child will be attending will contact you with further information on how to proceed.
If you have further questions, please call the Office of Teaching and Learning at 203-924-1023 x317.
Candy Grams
Candy Grams will be delivered to the student with a candy treat by our mascot, Leo on Tuesday, February 14, 2024!
Please note: Candy Grams are not sent to student from another student. Candy distributed will be nut free.
Complete the grams (This gram will be delivered to your child) for each gram being purchased. Return it with payment of $2.00 per gram, in an envelope labeled “Candy Grams” by Wednesday, February 7, 2024. Please contact the main office if you would like to purchase additional grams.
Flyer was previously sent home. An additional copy is provided below.
Random Acts of Kindness - February 12 - February 15
This year we will once again be recognizing Random Acts of Kindness Week from Monday, February 12-Thursday, February 15. Each day of Kindness week, your child will be presented with a challenge to be completed by the end of the day.
Random Acts of Kindness Week allows us to think about others and how we can take initiative to pay it forward with a simple act of kindness. You will be surprised at how contagious it is!
Kids Heart Challenge
Once again LHS will be participating in the American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge. We are planning to hold this event on Monday, February 12 for Kindergarten-Fourth Grade. and Wednesday, February 14 for Pre-K.
Your child has received a donation envelope from Mr. Beloin. Donations can be made online or using the envelope. Fundraising and donations are encouraged but optional.
Last Day of School
The tentative last day of school is now Monday, June 10, 2024 due to the one snow day.
Late Students
Please remember that the school day begins at 9:00am. Students can be dropped off at school beginning at 8:45am. Any student dropped off after 9:00am is considered tardy. STUDENTS SHOULD NEVER BE DROPPED OFF IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL. If you are dropping your student off after 9:00am, you MUST park in the parking lot, walk them to the front door, and buzz into the main office and wait for a staff member to come to the door. Please remember, our school day begins promptly at 9:00am and instruction begins shortly thereafter.
Any student who is dropped off and arrives after the 9:00am bell has rung is considered tardy.
Students with excessive tardies and absences will be referred to our youth outreach officer.
Information Regarding Weather Related Schedule Changes
Information regarding early dismissals, delays, or cancellations as they relate to winter weather
- Kindergarten-Fourth Grade: 2 hour delayed opening - doors open at 10:45am; school begins at 11:00am; morning bus stop time is 2 hours past normal bus stop time.
- Kindergarten-Fourth Grade: Early dismissal (unless otherwise noted) - 1:50pm
- Make sure the main office has current emergency contact information. Advise your emergency contacts that they must show photo ID. Your child will not be released to anyone who is not listed as an emergency contact on Infinite Campus.
- Delays, early dismissals, and cancellations will be posted on the district's website at www.sheltonpublicschools.org. There is no district phone call that goes out.
- Local radio and TV stations will also broadcast the message.
- You can also sign up for text message alerts from various news news stations.
- Please do NOT call the school as it is important to keep the phone lines open for emergencies.
Reminder about Vacations/Trips and School Work
As stated in the school's Policies & Procedures:
For planned absences, such as vacation during the school year, teachers are NOT required to provide students or parents/guardians with advance work or assignments. It is the student’s and/or parent’s responsibility to get the work upon their return. Taking time from school to go on a vacation poses a risk to your child’s educational progress. Both students and parents must understand that when school is missed due to vacations, it is not the responsibility of the teachers to provide remedial instruction for the assignments/content that has been missed.
We are seeing an increase of students being absent for an extended period of time. When a child misses school for an extended period of time, he/she is missing important and imperative instruction and content and can pose a risk to his/her progress.
Infinite Campus Updates
With the winter weather approaching, please make sure your information in Infinite Campus is updated so we have the proper contact information. It is imperative that you keep us updated if any of this information changes. You can do this by calling the main office.
In addition, if you move you MUST notify the main office immediately.
As the weather is getting cooler, please make sure your child comes to school properly dressed and has a coat as students will continue to go outdoors for recess throughout the winter months.
Food Services Meal Balances
As previously communicated by the district:
As you know, the Shelton Public School System offers breakfast and lunch meals to be purchased daily through our cafeteria food service program.
Families who apply and are found eligible may receive free or reduced-priced meals. There are no free meals for those students whose families have not applied through the process nor have been approved for free or reduced-priced meals.
Beginning Monday, November 6th , any student who has an outstanding balance in their lunch account will not be permitted to receive breakfast.
Money can be added to your child's lunch account through the Infinite Campus portal. If you have any questions about your child's account or applying for the free or reduced program, you may contact your child's school office.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
T.E.S.O.L. Newsletter
From the PTO's Desk
- School Supply Drive - Extended till Feb 5th. Amazon Link https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3TLXLODUPHV2A?ref_=wl_share
- LHS 2023-24 Yearbook sales have begun. The Yearbooks are $20 and tax free! Distribution will be in June. LINK TO ORDER: - https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A09858094 Last date to order Feb 29th.
- Yearbook picture upload - https://images.jostens.com/0YAjifY9JZl8ZxAcq9uHdCw
- Bridgeport Islanders Hockey game night on Feb 17th, 2024. Get your discounted tickets at https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/longhill Puck drop at 7pm. "In-game Jersey Raffle" table will be set up by PTO. Some proceeds from tickets sale and 100% proceeds from Jersey raffle with benefit LHS. Volunteers needed to sell raffle tickets at the event, see sign up https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4BA5AD2AABF5CE9-47425849-icehockey
- Spiritwear sale ongoing, shopping link- https://longhillschool2024.itemorder.com/ Last date to order Feb 18th
- Additionally, we have few car magnets & 4th grade graduation signs on sale. Please follow instructions on the cheddar up link to order - https://long-hill-school-spiritwear-store.cheddarup.com
- Heads up for Egg Hunt - Mar 23rd.
School Information
Address: 565 Long Hill Avenue, Shelton
Phone number: (203)-929-4077
Fax number: (203)-929-8250
Website: http://longhill.sheltonpublicschools.org/home_page
Twitter: @DAiutoAndrea
LHS Policies & Procedures: https://www.smore.com/674wn
Principal of Long Hill Elementary School