Rāmere Friday 30th of Hongongoi July (Term 3: Week 1 of 10)
Our Tumuaki Principal
Kia ora koutou.
From the Principal's desk:
- Ski Trip: I would like to extend, once again, my thanks to all those involved with the senior school ski trip to the Remarkables Ski Field on the last Friday of last term. Thank you to Miss Laura McVicar (in school leader of this event), Mrs Hayley Clarke (day leader of this event), Andrea Russell (finance and administration for this event), and all our parents (Peter Power, Peter Howe, Bathan Muir, Hamish Blackmore, Jasna Hunter, Matthew Hodges, Jonathan Hall, Shaun McKelvie) who came along to make the day a success. A lot of learning and fun was had by all.
- School Grounds: After touring around four urban schools during the holidays I realised how privileged we are with our grounds. With our recent changes, we now have two high-quality hard surface areas and four large grass playing areas. This is so good for the children and enables them to have purposeful, fun and active play during the break times. Coupled with this are our two verandas that give winter and summer protection. The Board of Trustees, spanning many years, have worked hard, on behalf of the children, to make a school fit for purpose. A big thank you to them.
- Home and School Thankyou: The Team Kereru technology storage unit arrived during the holidays and it is already making a difference to the classroom enabling tidy and efficient storage of the devices within the room. A big thank you to the Home and School for their support of this.
- Molly Wright: During the week we posted a great video from Molly Wright, a seven-year-old, about brain development in under-fives. I've put the link below. It is well worth watching, with a very pertinent message about device usage around young children.
- School Photos: On Wednesday we had our school photos taken by Geoff Horrell. He has a long association with the school, having taken our photos since 2000. A big thank you to Andrea Russell for ensuring that this ran smoothly. Thank you to parents for ensuring that the children looked smart and well presented.
- Inquiry Topics: We are surveying whanau around what topics they know would engage and interest the children. This will help us build up our inquiry plans for 2022 and beyond. The link to this is below. It should take only 2 - 3 minutes. We'd love responses by 20th August.
- Principal's Challenge: Term Three's Principal's Challenge is below. It is for our creative and artistic children and gives them a chance to have their artwork on public display for years to come. I look forward to seeing the entries.
Thank Yous - Team Edendale
- Tracey and Jack: During the holidays Tracey Lockhart and Jack Ramage worked on cleaning inside and sprucing up outside, our school. Thank you very much. The school is looking really tidy which is a real compliment to you both.
Ka kite
David McKenzie
Term Three's Principal's Challenge - Community Mural Designs
The Project
We have been approached by the Southland District Council (SDC) to help design a 'wrap' for a new toilet that will be going in at the Recreation Grounds in early 2022. See an example of the toilets with their wrap in the photos below.The Design Brief
The design brief that we have been given is 'Something that will represent Edendale'.
The Challenge
Design a picture that can be incorporated into an Edendale mural 'wrap' that can go around the toilets.
It must in some way represent the area that we live in.
Questions that may help with your creativity...
- When you think of Edendale you think of...?
- What makes us in Edendale special and unique?
- What would you tell a person about Edendale, if they asked you?
It is open to any Edendale Primary School student.
The artwork needs to be able to be scanned in high resolution so do it on white paper (not pre-lined paper).
Do not include any words on it. It is straight artwork.
Submissions are due on Friday 10th of September. (So there is plenty of time. Start in the holidays).
Submissions need to include your name and age on the back of them. (Not the front, that's for your artwork).
The Process From There
I will gather the submissions up and work with the SDC to select the best and most appropriate to become part of the Edendale mural artwork for the toilet.
Then in 2022, the winners will see their artwork on public display for all at the Recreation Grounds to admire. Very cool.
Our Events Coming Up
Week Two (of 10)
- Tuesday 3rd August - Kamahi Reserve Visit by classrooms.
- Tuesday 3rd August - Board of Trustees Training, 6.00 pm (Menzies College Library)
- Tuesday 10th August - Sports Activator
- Tuesday 10th August - Board of Trustees General Meeting, 6.00 pm (Staffroom)
Our Kaitiaki Board of Trustees
General BOT Meeting - Tuesday 10th August
The fifth general meeting for the BOT is to be held on Tuesday 10th August, starting at 6.00 pm.
All items for the agenda are due in the week beforehand being Tuesday 3rd of August.
Board of Trustee elections are coming up in the first half of next year, so if you are interested in being part of the BOT you are most welcome to come along and observe. BOT meetings are meetings held in public (as opposed to public meetings). Contact the BOT Chairperson Jacob Smyth if you are interested.
Out of Zone Enrolments - Term Four
Enrolment at Edendale Primary School is governed by an enrolment scheme.
The Board has 20 places available for out of zone students for the 2021 school year. The exact number of places is subject to the number of eligible in-zone enrolments received.
Term Four enrolment period - Monday 18th October to Monday 13th December
Out of zone students seeking enrolment within this enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications is Monday 18th October.
Information and application forms can be picked up at the school office and are also available on our website
If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on the following Monday from the deadline dates.
Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot as early as possible (and within three school days of the ballot being held).
Our Home and School
Home and School Fundraiser - Winter Wood
The Home and School has cut 50 cubic metres of old man pine. This is $70 per cubic metre.
If you want to put an order in please contact Hamish Blackmore 027 636 0421.
Our Kura News and Information
Kamahi Reserve Visit - Tuesday
Edendale Primary School has entered into an agreement with the Southland District Council, through our local Community Board, to be able to use the Kamahi Reserve as a 'Bush School' for our students.
On Tuesday, we take our first steps forward with this as we go up as a school to explore what it has to offer for us.
Come join with us. Make sure you are police vetted. A notice came out on Thursday.
Rodney Trainor from the Ngai Tahu Hokonui Runanga is joining us to share his knowledge about our native fauna and flora.
This is part of our Term Three DRIVE inquiry.
Uniform - Pre-Loved Items
We have a lot of preloved items here at school that you are able to purchase should you need them.
They are very reasonably priced and ensure that your child is able to be in full correct uniform.
After School Care - Price Increase
Earlier this year we informed you that there would be a price increase for After School Care. This is now effective from the start of Term Two.
- 3.00pm - 5.30pm: $17.50
- 3.00pm - 6.00pm: $22.50
There are enrolment forms at the office. All payments are in advance. We need to know when children are booked in as it impacts on staffing ratios.
If there are changes to a booking we need to know well in advance as these impact on our costs related to staffing levels.
Menzies Lunches - Finished
Menzies Lunches has finished.
Poetry Book - For Sale
The office has a supply of our very own book made up of poems and illustrations from Edendale pupils, staff, parents and community members.
We have 6 copies left.
They are $40 each.
After School Bus Arrangements - Update
Please update any after school bus arrangements especially around sporting codes. This really helps us to get the right children to the right place in good time. Thanks very much.
Scholastic Book Club - Issue Five
Issue Five has been sent home.
Should you wish to order from this please have your order form, along with payment, into the school office no later than Friday 13 August 2021.
You can also order online by following the instructions on the order form.
Character Values (Positive Behaviour for Learning - PB4L): Term Three Excellence Tohungatanga
When we come from so many different families our values draw us together as one big school whanau.
Excellence means we aim for a high standard and continuous improvement and is shown through reliability, consistency, flexibility, reflection, change, innovation, accuracy, completion, dedication, practise, effort and attitude.
We show excellence tohungatanga when we...
- Work hard, have a go and do our best.
- Leave everything how we would want to find it.
- Wear our uniform with pride.
Every time our values are shown they make our school a great place to be for children and adults.
Term One - Manaakitanga Respect
Term Two - Haepapa Responsibility
Term Four - Ponotanga Integrity
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Diesel Ross for being a contributor of values to our school.
Community Notices
Wyndham Pioneer Lions Club - Recycling
The Wyndham Pioneer Lions collect many things that raise money for the underprivileged and disadvantaged but we can do more with your help.
- Bread tags raise funds for wheelchairs
- Tear tabs from aluminium cans and wine bottle tops raise funds for "Kidney Kids"
If you would like to start collecting the above items they can be dropped into the school office.
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally - Friday
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally this Friday 20th July.
Meet at Edendale Christian Activity Centre on George Street, Edendale.
Children 9 years old and up are most welcome.
- Boys: Games Night
- Girls: Spotlight (Bring a warm jacket and gumboots.)
Any questions contact:
- Johno Ferguson 206 6878
- Liz Pask 206 6135
Youth Group - Saturday
Youth Group it is this Saturday 31st July. It is open to anyone in Year 9 and up.
- Games Night
- 7-30pm - 10.30pm at Edendale Christian Activity Centre
Any questions contact:
- Becs Ferguson 027 412 4941
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool