Stilwell Newsletter
Updates for Stilwell Junior High School Families
August 28, 2023
Message from Principal Kuhnert
The first full week!
I wanted to send a quick thank you to our students and parents for a great first three days. I hope that your student's experience was positive. We work in the first days of school to both build relationships but to also outline our expectations for students. We will continue to build on those expectations so that students know what to do in all aspects of Stilwell. I will use this letter to give families timely updates on what is happening at the school.
As we move into this week the big item is "School Pictures". The students will get their school pictures and student ID either Monday, August 28, 2023 or Tuesday, August 29, 2023 during their PE class.
Stilwell Parent Committee
Stilwell parents we need your help. We are still in need of leadership positions in our PTA.
For items or positions we need in 23-24 that I am aware of are listed below:
- PTO President
- Hospitality Chair
- Spirit Wear
- School Supplies
I want all parents to know that you work directly with the building principal to organize our meetings and it is most the PTA's role to support the different activities and ask for volunteers to support. We asked last year and are asking again if you have any extra time or you had a leadership role at one of the elementaries are you willing to help us. We normally like to have Co-Presidents one 8th grade and one 7th grade and those positions are available.
Here is a link to fill out if you are interested and another link that explains the positions.
Want to join the PTA leadership team- Link
Information about the positions- Link
Mitch Kuhnert- Principal
David Perrigo- Associate Principal
Important Dates
Monday, August 28th and Tuesday 29th, 2023- School Pictures in PE class. Students will get their ID's printed this day.
Friday, Sept 1st Varsity Football Game - Home vs Dowling.
Stilwell Library Announcement
Monday, 8/28:
Classes will be doing library orientations through the week, so the library will be unavailable for student visits some periods. Today the library will only be open during 1st and 7th periods. You are encouraged to reserve books in the library catalog, and Mrs. Frey will get them delivered as soon as possible. Mrs. Frey can't wait to see you visit with your English class this week!
7th Grade Participation
This year all 7th graders have officially been cleared to fully participate in the sports of Cross Country and Wrestling. This includes all home and away meets!
Registration and Physicals
Registration is open for all sports. All physicals will need to be uploaded to our sports registration website-Varsity Bound. STAY WITH THE VALLEY PAGE to register. (The Stilwell page is only for entering track meets and will not show sports to register for). All athletes must have an active sports physical (within 13 months) to participate during each season. When registering for the fall, please also click on sports of interest in the winter and spring, ensuring your athletic registration is complete for the year!
Practice Start Dates/information
Football practice
The official practice start date for Football is Monday, August 21st from 3 PM - 5:00 P.M. Starting on Wednesday after school the bus to and from practice will start. Players will catch the bus to practice after school and then around 4:45 they will load the bus to come back to Stilwell. You can pick up your athlete from Indian Hills after practice if you would like.
With this week's weather, we are aware of the hot temps that are going to occur. Unfortunately, we have to have 10 practices prior to our first game as it is a state rule. We will need to practice each day this week and next to get our 10 practices in. Coaches will give players lots of water breaks and find ways to keep them cooled off. Any Football Questions? Email Coach Nichols, at nicholst@wdmcs.org.
Volleyball practice
The official 8th-grade Volleyball practice start date is Thursday, August 24th after school. Any Volleyball Questions? Email Coach Svestka, svestkar@wdmcs.org
Calendar link:
8th Grade Volleyball Information
Cross Country practice
The official 7th and 8th grade Cross Country practice start date is Thursday, August 24th, after school. any Cross Country Questions? Email Coach Muenzenmay, muenzenmaya@wdmcs.org.
Schedules are posted by and can be found at: https://cimlcentral.org/public/genie/79/school/7/
School Committees
This year our teacher committees have been tasked to have student focus groups to support and help develop their focus and to get student input. Staff will be meeting this Wednesday, August 30th and will send out information about how students can sign up with a committee they find interesting.
PBIS- Positive Behavior Intervention System is how we promote positive interactions between all members of our community. This committee looks at areas we need to improve and can create lessons and also support the fun activities when students earn them.
Tier 1- We are always looking to improve our instructional pratices and this committee looks at consistent practices in the classroom and promotes the learning that our students are looking for and expecting.
Student and Staff Wellness- We want our students and staff to feel like the belong in our space. This committee promotes the fun for all and creates activities that all can engage in to feel more connected to our school.
School Highlights
Student Anouncements:
Parents if you want to see our daily anouncements you can save this link:
Fall Sports Apparel Order
Our fall sports apparel orders close tonight before midnight Monday, August 28th. Please see the links below for each fall sport. Orders will be delivered to Stilwell 3 weeks after the close date. Please use your student's name on the order and we will deliver it to them when they are in.
Fall Apparel Sale (Non Sports)
Order Stilwell Junior High apparel as we head into the new school year!
Our online pop-up store will be available beginning today, August 7, through September 8.
• All orders ship direct to your home
• All sales directly benefit Stilwell Jr. High
• All sales are final. There are no returns or exchanges.
Please contact btpayton@gmail.com if you have questions regarding this special pop-up shop for Stilwell Junior High apparel. Go Tigers!
Access the Online Pop-Up Store
WDMCS Foundation
Tiger Gala
September 14th, 2023
Time: 6:00PM - 9:00PM
Location: MidAmerican Energy RecPlex
Join us on Thursday, September 14, 2023, as the West Des Moines Community School (WDMCS) Foundation hosts the 2nd Annual Tiger Gala presented by Shive-Hattery.
Keynote speaker for the 2023 Tiger Gala is Adam Meyer, WDMCS alumni, and provost at The Juilliard School in New York, NY. During his time in the WDMCS district, Adam participated in orchestra, band, baseball, basketball, and several school clubs. Adam is the son of Kathy and Gene Meyer, long-time residents of West Des Moines, where Gene served as Mayor from 1997-2006. We're excited to have Adam and his family help us support the WDMCS district during this event.