Panther Press
April 2022
Upcoming Events
4-8 ALL Staff Appreciation Week
11-15 No School
18 Classes Resume
26 PL Community Club Meeting 6:00 pm
28 PLCC Art Fair/Ice Cream Social 6:00 - 7:00
You can link to the on-line calendar at:
Last Chance!
CLICK on "Buy Student's Yearbook"
ENTER the School Name, Cityand State
PLACE Your Order!
Staff Appreciation Week
Hi Prairie Lane students!
Next week we celebrate our school staff. We would love to shower our teachers and staff with your kind words! Attached are hearts to print, cut out, and write a note to your teacher and/or another staff member to tell them something great about them! You can bring your heart to school next week and attach it to the bulletin board in the entryway of the building that says, "We love our teachers and staff at Prairie Lane". If you need to have a heart already printed, there will be hearts and markers on a table near the bulletin board so you can write a note of appreciation while you're at school. Thank you for helping us make our teachers and staff feel truly loved and appreciated!
State Testing
We begin our state assessments next week! Encourage your child to do his/her best work. Effort! Stamina! Grit! We believe our Prairie Lane students will do awesome and will show what they have learned this year. Please contact your child’s teacher if your child will be absent on these dates so we can make arrangements to assess before the absence.
Grades 3-6 State Testing (NSCAS):
Please mark your calendars for the following dates.
April 5th and 6th - English Language Arts (ELA)
April 19th and 20th - Math
April 21st - 5th Grade Science
Meal Account Reminders
Please check your SPAM folders for lost emails from us.
Daily emails are sent to families with a negative meal account balance. Many students have a negative balance.
Please keep in mind that any extra meal items students choose to take, which are not included in a regular full meal, are deducted from their accounts. The following items are common charges that may be accruing:
Extra Milk or Milk Only - $.50
Water - $.50
Extra Fruit - $.50
Extra Main - $1.20
Regular full school lunches are still free to all students throughout the 2021-22 school year.
Community Helper
Teacher Tailored Supply Kits
Watch for ordering information coming home soon!
Lost and Found
All items are displayed on our tables in the main hallway. Please stop by and look for your belongings... Coats, clothing, hats, mittens, lunch boxes, water bottles and more! All unclaimed items will be donated at year's end, but we'd rather it all go back to it's owners!
Playground Attire
Spring weather is tricky! Please make sure your child brings appropriate clothing every day. Students must wear coats, sweatshirts or long sleeves outdoors if the temperature is below 5o degrees.
Doctor’s notes are required for students to stay inside due to illness.
Enrollment Information For 2022 - 2023 School Year
Student In-District Transfer Requests for the 2022-23 School Year
If you are a District resident who would like your K-6 child(ren) to attend an elementary school other than the school that serves your attendance area for next school year, you must submit a completed In-District Transfer (IDT) Request form to the Office of Student Services for review.
The District gives priority to families living within the District prior to placing Option Enrollment applicants who reside outside the District. We must receive a Student In-District Transfer Request form no later than 4:00 p.m. on March 15 for your request to be considered prior to our placement of Option Enrollment students.
IDT forms are available at the ABC Building and our District website. Click here to complete the form electronically. An IDT request form must be completed for any child starting kindergarten next year who has one or more siblings currently attending a school outside their home attendance area. Transfers are approved or denied based on available space and other resources. If you have questions about the in- district transfer process, please call 402-390-2107.
Kindergarten Enrollment for District Residents
Do you live in the District and have a child who will be ready for Kindergarten this fall? Do you know of other Westside residents with children who will be ready to start school in August?
Kindergarten enrollment for 2022-23 school year begins January 24. Parents of eligible students should go to to begin the enrollment process as early as possible on or after January 24.
Students entering kindergarten for 2022-23 must be five years old by July 31, 2022. Parents may opt to hold their children out of kindergarten for an additional year. However, Nebraska state law mandates that a child who reaches six years of age prior to January 1 of the then-current school year must be enrolled in school.
If you have questions, you may call the Westside Welcome Center at 402-390-2100.
Requirements for Early Admission to Kindergarten
In accordance with Nebraska Statute 79-214, the Westside Community Schools allows for admission of children residing in the District as early entrance kindergarteners through a locally designed testing program. Children of District residents who wish to be tested for early entrance must turn five between August 1 and October 15, 2022. For further information regarding early entrance to kindergarten, please call 402-390-3303.
Kindergarten Enrollment for Non-District Residents
If you live outside the District and have a child eligible for kindergarten who has a sibling currently attending a Westside elementary school through the Option Enrollment program, you must submit an Option Enrollment Application. Westside’s Office of Student Services must receive Option Enrollment Applications no later than 4:00 p.m. on March 15. The application form is available at the ABC Building (909 S. 76th Street) and our district website or Click here to complete the form electronically.
Under Option Enrollment statutes, first priority for admission is given to siblings who seek to attend in the District where an older sibling is already enrolled, provided an Option Enrollment form is submitted by March 15 and provided that there is space available in a requested building and grade level. In you have questions, please call 402-390-2107.
PARENTS! Connect to Prairie Lane Elementary School using Artsonia to receive important updates on your child's art classroom activity.
You can browse to and enter this Parent Code: RNS942T9
Mrs. Melisa Brezina
Art Teacher
Prairie Lane and Rockbrook Elementary
Prairie Lane: 402.390.6470
PAWSitive Rules:
Be Responsible, Respectful and Safe