Era Independent School District
COVID-19 School Closure Plan
March 21, 2020
As you are all aware, our country and state are living through unprecedented times. The impact COVID-19 is having on our school and communities is constantly changing. As a school district, we are making plans and responding to these changes as quickly and efficiently as possible. The decision was made this week to extend the closure of all schools through Friday, April 3, 2020. Therefore all Era ISD facilities and buildings are closed. Additionally, the UIL has announced that all extracurricular events will be canceled through May 4, 2020. We will continue to monitor this ongoing situation and adjust accordingly. We will utilize this platform for weekly updates as well as our website www.eraisd.net and our Facebook page linked below.
We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we navigate these changes. We are making all decisions with the goal of best serving our students and their needs. Please click on the link below to answer a few questions about your technology and food service needs. The survey will close on Monday, March 23, 2020, at 10am.
Dr. Jeremy Thompson
Distance eLearning Plan
- eLearning - Era ISD staff will utilize Monday and Tuesday to begin collaborating and planning instruction, with Wednesday 3/25/2020 as our first eLearning Day. We will gradually ease into increased academic demands for students. Initially our number one goal will be to establish structures for online learning. Each week we will communicate with you about the establishment of procedures for these new protocols. This week you should expect to receive emails from teachers outlining plans for communication and learning, online virtual office hours, access to online learning management (Class Dojo for K-2, Google Classroom and or Canvas for 3-12).
- Website- www.eraisd.net will be your number one place to check for updates. Check the staff directory for phone numbers, emails, and virtual office hours. Teacher webpages will be updated with weekly learning targets and agendas.
- Food Distribution - Era ISD is currently surveying needs for food services and making plans for providing meals. Please make sure you complete the survey linked above to inform us about your needs. We will follow up with more information as it becomes available.
- Technical Support- Contact techsupport@eraisd.net for technical support for district equipment or assistance with any online platform.
- Chromebook Needs - Era ISD is currently surveying needs for devices and network capability to serve our students through eLearning. Please submit the survey linked above to inform us about your needs. We will follow up with more information as it becomes available.
- Time closed - At this time, the district facilities are closed through April 3, 2020. If that is extended, we will communicate as soon as a decision is made.
- Medication Pick Up -Medications left in the nurse's station needs to be picked up by parents between 9am-12pm on Monday, March 23, 2020. Contact Mrs. Dean to make arrangements at deanm@eraisd.net or 940-665-5961x220
- Special Services - ARD and 504 meetings will continue. Please be aware that these will be handled virtually, not in person. If you need to reschedule, please contact your campus Principal. If your student is receiving special services for 504 or special education, we will be working to meet those needs as we begin our transition to remote learning.
Thank you again for your continued support and grace as we navigate these new waters. Our staff is working diligently to provide the best opportunities for learning for your students through these tumultuous times. We will get through all of this together.
During this time it is more important than ever to stay connected. Please encourage your students to continually check their emails, google classroom, canvas accounts, class dojo and social media. In addition, I would encourage you as parents to regularly check your emails and school social media pages for important updates.
Principals are here to help with any needs throughout this process. Please don't hesitate to reach out for anything.
K-6- Courtney Stevens stevensc@eraisd.net 940-665-5961x215
6-12- Dr. Todd Jones jonest@eraisd.net 940-665-5961x214
Website: www.eraisd.net
Location: 108 Hargrove Lane, Era, TX, USA
Phone: (940) 665-6961
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EraISD/