East Central
eNewsletter May 2022
Notes from the Principal
We are fast approaching the end of another successful school year. From the start of a year where we were happy to be unmasked, to a January where COVID seemed to be closing in again, to a spring that has felt as close to normal as we've experienced for a long time, we are so very thankful.
With the closing of any school year, we are in the midst of AP testing and finals are right around the corner. Finals will begin Tuesday, May 24th (3rd and 5th periods); Wednesday, May 25th (2nd and 6th periods); and Thursday, May 26th (1st, 4th, and 7th periods). Locker clean out for freshmen and sophomores will be Tuesday and juniors and seniors will clean out their lockers on Thursday. As May 26th will be our last school day for students, we would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer break!
Graduation will be here soon as well, Sunday, June 5th at 2PM. Parent/Guardian letters went home last week outlining tickets, seating, cap and gown delivery, etc. We're looking forward to celebrating another outstanding class this year. They've represented EC in amazing fashion through some very challenging years. We are very proud of them and their achievements.
In Athletics, spring sports are wrapping up. Track sectionals will be hosted at EC this week (girls Tuesday and boys Thursday). We expect multiple athletes will advance to next week's regionals and then on to State June 3rd and 4th in Bloomington. Baseball, softball, tennis, and golf are all having outstanding seasons battling for the top spot in the EIAC, and we are looking forward to their IHSAA post-season runs as well. Please visit out athletics' website to game dates and information. https://ectrojansathletics.com/
In the arts, The annual Art Show was Sunday, May 15th in our PAC foyer, and this event coupled with our Spring Choral Concert was a great way to spend a Sunday. Our Spring Band Concert will be Wednesday, May 25th. Lastly, Winter Percussion ended their season in splendid fashion bringing home their 5th IPA State Championship and their first ever WGI National Championship.
Prom and After Prom were great successes, two more events that felt very normal again. And, a big thank you to Mr. Swinney for coordinating the Mock Crash on the Friday before prom. Local emergency services, Sheriff McHenry and Prosecutor Lynn Deddens were on hand as well.
EC and our surrounding communities remain steadfast in our support of Cpl Kelsee Lainhart, a 2019 graduate and one of the service members severely injured in the blast at Kabul airport this past fall. She continues her journey toward recovery. Please continue your support with positive thoughts and prayers. Again, thank you to Kelsee for her service and sacrifice.
“No leader is worth his salt who won’t set up the chairs.” Peter Drucker
Tom Black
Students of the Month
Addison Orndorff
Ian Bittner
School Breakfast and Lunch Update from Sunman Dearborn School Corporation
socioeconomic status, to receive FREE meals at school. According to the USDA, this program will continue through the 2021-22 school year. Unfortunately, this Federal program will be ENDING prior to the 2022-23 school year.
Notes from Mrs. Rosfeld; Curriculum
Grading Period 4
March 28 - May 26
Final Exams
May 24: Periods 3 & 5
May 25: Periods 2 & 6
May 26: Periods 1, 4, & 7
Chromebook Return
Students will return their Chromebooks and Chromebook chargers after their 7th period final exam on May 26. Families risk being charged up to $55.99 for non-returned chargers. Don't forget!
Students participating in summer school or Ivy Tech dual enrollment courses may keep their Chromebook until their courses are completed (pre-approval required).
S-DOA Chromebook Return
Please plan to drop off S-DOA student Chromebooks, Chromebook chargers, and Mifis (wireless hotspots) at any of our five school campuses to the school front office. Device collection will take place Monday, May 23, 2022 through Friday, May 27, 2022
7:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
2022-2023 Student Scheduling
Students have received their 2022-23 schedules. These schedules are tentative as class periods may adjust due to balancing and programming. Students will receive a new schedule upon their return to school on August 3. Students are to contact their guidance counselors for any schedule change request prior to May 26, 2022. No changes will be made after that date.
Selective Service
U.S. federal law requires all men to register with the Selective Service System within 30 days of turning 18. To learn more about this requirement, click here.
FREE College Courses!
Ivy Tech Community College is proud to partner with the State of Indiana to announce Crossing the Finish Line 2.0! Students who are within 15 credit hours of earning an credential are eligible to take free courses this summer. Last year over 100 East Central High School students took advantage of this program to take free classes with Ivy Tech to earn a post-secondary credential or College Core completion. Our College Connection Coach, Mrs. Karle will be be meeting with qualified students during the month of April to get them signed up for summer courses.
Indiana College Core
Check out this NEW short informational video that explains the Indiana College Core and the benefits of it! We are proud to announce that we offer the complete College Core curriculum at East Central! Also, be sure not to miss testimonials from an ECHS parent and student in the Learn More Guide!
I hope all students have the opportunity to enjoy mother nature's beauty this summer! Thank you for a GREAT year and I look forward to welcoming everyone back on August 3.
Mrs. Rosfeld
Notes from Guidance
Scheduling process for the 2022-2023 school year:
Last day to change schedules for 2022-23 will be May 26th.
Summer School Information has been emailed to students from Mr. Lamb with a google sheet to sign up if interested in credit recovery. Counselors have also reached out by email to students that would benefit from summer school to encourage them to participate. The program will run from May 31st-July 1st. Teachers will be available for assistance and transportation is also provided at local pick up points. Here are copies of the links for more information.
Key items per grade:
Final Transcripts: Information on how to send final ECHS, Ivy Tech, and IU transcripts have been given to seniors. A copy of directions will be placed in Senior English google classrooms, along with a hard copy that will be placed in the envelope with their diploma. Seniors can not request a final transcript until after graduation to ensure that the transcripts are finalized. Seniors that are playing a sport must also send the final transcripts to NCAA and NAIA to complete eligibility.
Juniors are advised to take the summer to visit colleges that they may be interested in attending. Applications for college will begin upon return to school in August.
Sophomores and Freshman:
Summer is a great time to explore college and career options. Job shadowing will assist with career choices. Making time to explore college campuses will also benefit in narrowing down possible choices for your senior year.
As always we are available to meet with students individually to support academic and emotional needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Enjoy your summer and we look forward to seeing you at the start of the 2022-2023 school year!
Rhonda Murdock
Director of Guidance
Ivy Tech College Connection Coach
For students working on achieving the Indiana College Core and needing to pick up courses, Ivy Tech has three eight-week sessions left throughout the year. These are online, virtual, in-person, or blended classes; students choose whatever works best. As an East Central High School student, there is a full scholarship for these courses, and books are free through the spring sessions.
Here are the upcoming sessions:
March 23-May 17
June 6-July 30 (Yes, you can still earn your ICC with summer courses)!
Contact Wendi Karle for more information. wkarle@sunmandearborn.k12.in.is.
Save Time, Save Money, Get a Degree
The Associate Accelerated Program (ASAP) is an 11-month program, which is student focused and designed to support, encourage, and mentor students throughout their first year of college. This program is great for students who prefer smaller class sizes and who prefer to be on a first name basis with their professors. ASAP works with students to build confidence before transferring to a 4-year university to get their bachelor’s degree or going into the workforce. Applications are now being accepted for the next cohort. If you are interested in applying to ASAP, joining one of our information sessions, or would like a tour of Ivy Tech’s campus, email Heather Gard at hgard3@ivytech.edu.
**National Honor Society Tutoring in Room#114
Every Tuesday and Thursday 3pm-4pm.
**Do you have a study hall? Talk to your counselor about peer-to-peer tutoring during study hall.
**Talk to your teachers. Teachers arrive daily at 7:30am and could possibly help you before or after school.
**KhanAcademy.org Completely free online educational videos in all core classes.
**AskRose.org / (877) ASK-ROSE 24/7 homework help (Ran by the students of Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN).
Horticultural Science Students Prepare for 16th Annual Plant Sale
Students in the Horticultural Science class at East Central spent nearly a month and a half starting seeds, transplanting young plants into cell packs and preparing the greenhouse for the 16th annual plant sale. This is a great learning experience in starting and growing a crop from seed to sale, and then those plants going into someone’s garden or landscape. The annual sale, which is greatly supported by the community was held May 5, 6, 7 and 13.
Landscape Management Students Continue Spring Landscape Work
The 39 students enrolled in 2 sections of Landscape Management at East Central have spending a great portion of April and May performing annual spring landscape maintenance activities. Students have been weeding, edging, mulching and installing new plantings on campus. This provides students a practical, hands-on experience, and skills they can use at home or with a job/career in the green industry. All of the work is provided at no cost to the school corporation.
FFA Nursery/Landscape CDE Team Wins State Competition
Twenty East Central FFA members competed in the Indiana FFA Nursery/Landscape Career Development Event on Saturday April 23 at the Central Nine Career Center in Greenwood, Indiana. All FFA members competing in this event are Landscape Management students at EC and the content for the contest was taught throughout the year in the course. Members participated in a number of events consisting of; General knowledge exam, Identification of ornamental plants, pests, diseases, disorders, landscape tools, equipment and supplies, a general knowledge test, plant potting practicum, verbal customer assistance and a team activity.
The team of Hadrian Emley, Caleb Harper, Sophie Merk, and Ayden Stutz placed 1st to win the state title, East Central FFA’s 7th title in this event in the last 15 years.
The team of Lewis Darringer, Braden McDaniel, Adam Miller and Drake Mitchell placed third.
The team of James Bulach, Jasmyn Callaway, Bryson Dossenback and Evan Kuhn placed fourth.
The team of Josilyn Tidwell, Adrien King, Kylee Starost and Emma Reatherford placed fifth.
The team of Lydia Kidd, Julie Rider, John Kathman and Autumn Seibert-Martin placed 6th.
James Bulach and Hadrian Emley tied as the top individuals for the event, Adam Miller was 3rd overall, and Lewis Darringer was 4th overall.
The state winning team will compete in the National FFA Nursery/Landscape Career Development Event in Indianapolis in October.
Welcome to the “Shark Tank”
Students in the Introduction to Accounting course faced the Sharks last month for their Shark Tank Final Project. Over the course of the past few months, students have researched to create their own product idea to present to the Sharks. The goal was to receive a golden ticket from one of the Sharks that would be willing to invest in the mock product. The offers were compared on the cost structure the student's developed for their products and how sellable the product would actually be on the market.
It was exciting for students as they were able to experience the new Ben-Q board to present their presentation to classmates and the Sharks. To earn bonus points, some students created a prototype of their product! Below is a photo of the Chore Bot, a mini replica of the robot the students were trying to sell. To follow more future experiences in Introduction to Accounting, follow Ms. Posey on Twitter at @MsPoseys_Class.
PLTW students in the DIgital Electronics class were challenged for their final projects to create a fully autonomous robot to make its way through a maze. Here they are constructing their robots. Their coding skills will be put to the test to see if they are victorious.
Brenda Osman bosman@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Introduction to Fashion & Textiles:
The Introduction to Fashion and Textiles class has finished their sewing project. Students made a project of their choice including sweatshirts, sundresses, dresses or skirts. The students did an amazing job. They are currently working on cosmetic/pencil bags and learning how to put in a zipper. They will finish their class learning about the history of Fashion.
Advanced Child Development:
The Advanced Child Development Class finished their playschool at the end of April with a graduation with 18 preschoolers. The high school students learned so much from this experience including observation of physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of preschoolers. We also had a practical application of operating a basic preschool program during the month of April. It was an awesome experience for us to meet our preschool children and make an impact on them during our program. Thank you to our community for allowing your children to participate.
The East Central FCCLA held their annual FCCLA Parent/Member Banquet on April 20, 2022. We honored 18 outstanding FCCLA seniors and the 10 FCCLA Senior Officers. It was an amazing evening with the Culinary Class preparing our fabulous dinner including Roast Pork, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans, Rolls and Brownies and Ice Cream!
Our award winners included: You Make a Difference Award: Cora Altoff, Avery Daniels, Ashley Nobbe, Leah Wheat, Hannah McCord, Alyssa Good, Aubrey Mullins, Lexi Robertson
Letter Winners: Ben Ahaus, Katie Baier, Kellyn Burke, Maleighna Mondal, Lilly Green, Alexa Stowasser, Audrey Brewington, Kayla Craig, Layla Craig,Naomi Dickerson,Delaney Donawerth, Ava Fox, Alivia Frankenstein, Jenna Kathman, Arika Kashner, Molly Griffin, Tate Hutzel, Alaina Mcdaniel, Hannah Laymon, Soraya Leurck, Macy Miller, Sophie Merk, Alixandra Meister, Madison Newkirk, Alyssa Riehle, Joclyn Vierling, Chloe Weber, Elly Weiler, Grace Weiler, Emma Wolber, Tia McGowan
Outstanding Member Patches: Sophie Allen, Maria Deddens,, Maycey Lewis, Paige Lyness, Emma Wilhelm, Karly Scholl, Josie Volpenhein, Olivia Stenger, Lara Moster, Emma Green, Becca Tupper, Jocelyn Inderhees, Kristopher Grimm, Emma Barkley, Lucy Chenault, Jayme Pennington. Michelle Batta, Kate Dudley, Mak Kelly, Alexandra Seubert, Haylee Frazier, Madison Barkley, Cassie Callahan
Congratulations to all of the FCCLA Outstanding Students!
Fine Arts
Melissa Gulasy - mgulasy@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Shunichiro Kurumado
Preparation for EC Spring Art Show 2022
Last several days, students in all art classes had prepared for the art show, which was on May 14. There were over 200 pieces of artwork created by EC students during this school year. Photographs, drawings, paintings, ceramics, computer art, and more mediums were in the show. Students picked their best pieces to show their skills and knowledge they gained in the classes. For the show, they fundraised around $600, and this was used as the awards.
Southeastern Indiana Art Guild (SIAG) Student Art Show
On May 7th, there was an art show (SIAG Spring Art Show) in Aurora. Many pieces of artwork from over ten different high schools were exhibited. From EC, ten pieces of artwork were recognized: Alexis Brennen (3-D art 1st place), Abbie Bowling (2-D art 1st place), Jayden King (3-D art 2nd place), Madge Flowers (2-D art 2nd place), Leah Kubitz (2-D art 3rd place), Jayme Pennington (2-D art 3rd place), Heidi Kane (3-D art honorable mention), Emma Williams (3-D art People’s Choice Award), Xander Gilbertson (2-D art honorable mention), and Cate Cole (3-D art honorable mention). Great job!
Have you ever visited Washington DC in spring to see the cherry blossoms, or sakura? You may only have seen them in pictures before, and you would think it would be too far to visit from Indiana… However, you can actually see beautiful cherry blossoms in only 40 minutes driving from here, at Ault Park in Greater Cincinnati.
Foreign Language
The Japanese Club had a field trip to the park to see the sakura in March. We had a guest speaker, Mrs. Tokiko, from Japan-America Society of Greater Cincinnati, and she talked about the history of the sakura planted in the park as well as the history of sakura in DC. She started planting the sakura a few decades ago at Ault Park, and surprisingly, her grandfather, who was a professor in Tokyo University, actually selected and sent the sakura trees to DC in 1912, which you can still see in DC now! Although the sakura in Ault Park are not as big as the ones in DC, you can still find the same beauty from them at the park.
Around the time when the Japanese Club members visited there, the weather was not perfect for the sakura, and only 30% of the flowers were blooming. However, they enjoyed the visit a lot. Thank you Mrs. Pennington, Officer Palmer, Mrs. Tokiko and the Japanese club members who arranged and attended the trip.
For the month of May, the math department would like to highlight our Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 classes. Our Algebra 1 teachers are Jody Bentley, Tom Harris, Brandon Loveless and Jill Jansing. Our students just finished factoring and are now graphing quadratics and solving for root values using the Quadratic Formula. They are now able to graph parabolas by using a table to plot values and by finding the roots of a quadratic. Students will be able to discuss and find information related to the path of arrows shot in the air or parabolic roller coaster rides at Kings Island.
Tom Harris, Jody Bentley, Andrea Brown and Ann Bovard teach Algebra 2. Currently the Algebra 2 classes are finishing up making sure all the standards for the year are covered while preparing them for Geometry. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Bovard are completing probability and statistics topics before introducing circles while Mr. Bentley and Mr. Harris are getting work done on triangles. Below are pictures of Mrs. Bovard’s class taking advantage of the nice weather, going outside to complete a relative frequency problem with dice.
The Little Mermaid
High School Students May 17 3:00-4:30
Middle School Students May 18 3:00-4:30
All Other Ages 6-10 May 19 3:00-5:00
Prepare 1 minute song and we will give you something to read
Rehearsals start June 13-24 Monday-Friday 9:00-12:00
Performances are Saturday June 25, 12:00 & 7:00
Sunday June 26, 3:00
Any questions contact Kari or Donna kzengerling@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us dtanner@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Choir news
The Choir Department and Trojan Media Productions hosted a talent show on Thursday, May 5th. The evening was full of wonderful performances.
The department will presented their final concert on Sunday, May 15th at 3:00p.
The girls and boys Physical Education classes have finally made it outside after mother nature has finally cooperated. Both classes have been conducting their track units. The Advanced Physical Fitness classes are preparing for their end of the year testing in all of their lifts and their pro agility and 40 yard dash runs.
Tim Maluvac - tmaluvac@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
In Mr. Medlocks Courses:
Picture #1 Students in biology were able to identify external anatomy of the frog and classify it using bio nominal nomenclature.
Picture #2 Students in PBS were able to see how the lenses in the cow eye works by projecting images onto the retina.
Picture #3 students in HBS were able to combine the major human body systems together to see how they work with one another.
Picture #4 Students in chemistry were able to do a interactive google slideshow the identified acids, based and salts and allowed them to predicted the products of neutralization reactions.
In Mrs. Gilmour’s Honors Biology Classes they investigated the anatomy of Leopard Frogs.
In Mrs. Hoffman’s Chemistry I courses
They recently finished the solution chemistry unit by making solutions of specific molarity and also practiced diluting a solution to a specific concentration. We are finishing up the year studying acid base chemistry. We are looking at properties, reviewing naming and formula writing, and identifying conjugates of acids and bases. In the lab, we have measured pH using pH paper, litmus paper, and red cabbage juice. This week, we are calculating pH, pOH, hydrogen ion concentration, and hydroxide concentration. We will finish the year determining the unknown concentration of an acid using a technique called titrations.
In Mr. Maluvac’s Anatomy and Physiology courses they completed the dissection of the Sheep’s Pluck, which consists of the Lungs, Heart, Diaphragm and Liver.
Students in Mr. Lamb’s AP Chemistry were turning water into hydrogen and oxygen gas using electrolysis. Notice the color change due to the changes in pH!
Social Studies
Steve Lewis - slewis@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Mr. Owen's American History classes have submitted their semester projects (A Ranking of American Presidents) and are wrapping up their study of the Cold War. The last graded assignments will be submitted soon. The European History class is submitting their Semester Project next week (Europe and the world in the year 2044) while discussing the development of post-war European civilization.
In Mr. Lewis' ACP Intro into American Politics classes, students are creating their own political parties. They create party slogans, symbols, a platform, and even make a campaign commercial. At the end of the semester, each class runs in an election and a group wins. The students seem to enjoy the project and have a lot of fun.
Coffee Cart
For all sports related news, schedules, updates, etc. click on the following link or contact EC Athletics at 812-576-4811 ext 11932
For student athletes interested in eligibility-forms, physicals, transfers, etc. click on the following link or contact EC Athletics at 812-576-4811 ext 11932
Tom Black
Email: tblack@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Website: https://echs.sunmandearborn.k12.in.us/
Location: 1 Trojan Place, Suite A St. Leon, IN 47012
Phone: 8125764811
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sunmandearborn.k12.in.us/
Twitter: @EastCentralHS